Wednesday, July 31, 2019
BB&T Vision, Mission and Purpose statement
1. BB&T Vision, Mission and Purpose statement is considered an exemplary Mission Statement. Please read it and comment on the positives of this statement and defend your answer. I agree that BB&T Vision, Mission and Purpose statement can be used as an exemplary Mission Statement as it is well-organized and very informative. Firstly, this statement provides both theoretical and practical application – the example of Nicor Inc. mission statement is provided to illustrate how mission statements looks like and a theoretical explanation ensures deeper understanding of the subject.One more positive is that the paper outlines the importance of mission statement. It is argued that mission statement is business philosophy emphasizing the market, product and customer area and, thus, companies won’t ignore this moment. Further, mission statement outlines the most important questions about the goals and objectives directing and guiding in such a way company’s performance. Fi nally, mission statement provides detailed overview of the process of defining company’s mission statements.It would be of great help for companies which only started to run their own business. 2. BB&T Vision, Mission and Purpose statement is considered an exemplary Mission Statement. Please read it and comment on the negatives of this statement and defend your answer. It is rather hard to speak of negatives of the BB&T Vision, Mission and Purpose statement, but I think that it concentrates more on the process of developing mission statement and pays little attention to discussing its core elements as, for example, goals and objectives.In such a way, company gets acquainted with the process, but may fail to understand what is needed to initiate the process. Also I can’t agree that mission statement is necessary only if the company is forced to alter its products, technologies and market. According management and marketing fundamentals, no company can operate successful ly without mission statement as it hasn’t worked out direction and objectives.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
The company can then use the information to learn about the behavior of its customers and improve the way it does a business. It can look at recurring complaints from multiple customers to solve a problem which would otherwise go unchecked with a normal formats and management system of the company. The main objective of my project is to find effective solution for the Customer Relationship Management and accordingly increase the credibility and profitability of the company. This study is more related to consumer behavior and perception about the facilities and convenience provided by the company, Customer Satisfaction is emphasized in this management. o Helping an enterprise to enable its marketing departments to identify and target their best customers, manage marketing campaigns with clear goals and objectives, and generate quality leads for the sales team. Assisting the organization to improve telesales, account, and sales management by optimizing information shared by multiple employees, and streamlining existing processes (for example, taking orders using mobile devices) o Allowing the formation of individualized relationships with customers, with the aim of improving customer satisfaction and maximizing profits; identifying the most profitable customers and providing them the highest level of service. o Providing employees with the information and processes necessary to know their customers, understand their needs, and effectively build relationships between the company, its customer base, and distribution partners. CHAPTER 2. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT A. Title of the project: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) with Religare Securities B. Objective of the Study: The objective of the project was to analyze „Effective Customer Relationship Management‟ for Religare Securities Ltd., Pune for that we have to understand current CRM System and Services provided from the company and its effect on Customer Needs, Satisfaction Level, their response and emotions. The objective of this study to analyze existing customer satisfaction as those customers are the key sources to new customers with respect to the performance, sales efforts and sales service. As the company stands second in India in aspect of turnover after Kotak Mahindra Securities, it‟s clear that it has very strong Customer Relationship Management System and perfect people to handle it properly for the benefit of customers and company as well. Actual and personal meeting with existing customers and employees has brought me to the reality of the effectiveness of the system and their success. For analyzing the same factor I staked my whole duration of the project and simultaneously for internal study and market watch and other group assignments. Questionnaire is based on the existing services and the satisfaction level of the existing customers which includes questions like Name, Age, Gender, Income, Investment Frequency, feedback about services which they are provided like conformation, calls, suggestions, solutions on stuck money like dead investment and all. On an average all the customers are happy with the company and look forward to the growth of it. C. Scope of the study: Scope the this study is it will assist Religare to get its own Customer Relationship Management system mirror well and it will get all the important things before eyes to apply all the possible ways to provide a superb service to the customers and accordingly make them loyal and retain them long lasting and also to get new customers to be served. Scopes can be stated in few points as follows. o Maintain current / existing customers. o Achieve new potential customers. o Retain all the customers. o Profitability Increment o Reputation and credibility Increment, etc. The heart of CRM is not being customer centric but rather to use customer profitability as a driver for decision making and action. Before exploring this assertion, it is useful to review the process of resource allocation as it is practiced in most organizations. The budget process largely consists of an extrapolation of the past. Resource constraints pit function against function with back room deals that are based on internal politics versus the marketplace. This decision process has little insight as to what is working and what is not working (as it applies to the marketplace) or for that matter why? Without insight relative to cause and effect, the organization has no choice but to follow intuition and anecdote. It is analogous to the story about the marketing VP who admitted that half the advertising budget was wasted; the problem was he did not know which half. CHAPTER 3. PROFILE OF THE COMPANY Profile of company Religare Enterprises Limited (REL): Religare, a Ranbaxy promoter group company, is one of the leading integrated financial services institutions of India. The company offers a large and diverse bouquet of services ranging from equities, commodities, insurance broking, to wealth advisory, portfolio management services, personal finance services, Investment banking and institutional broking services. The services are broadly clubbed across three key business verticals- Retail, Wealth management and the Institutional spectrum. Religare Enterprises Limited is the holding company for all its businesses, structured and being operated through various subsidiaries. Religare‟s retail network spreads across the length and breadth of the country with its presence through more than 1,217 locations across more than 392 cities and towns. Having spread itself fairly well across the country and with the promise of not resting on its laurels, it has also aggressively started eyeing global geographies Religare Enterprises Limited (REL) is one of the leading integrated financial services groups of India. REL‟s businesses are broadly clubbed across three key verticals, the Retail Institutional and Wealth spectrums, catering to a diverse and wide base of clients. The vision is to build Religare as a globally trusted brand in the financial services domain and present it as the „Inv estment Gateway of India‟. All employees of the group guided by an experienced and professional management team are committed to providing financial care, backed by the core values of diligence and transparency. REL offers a multitude of investment options and a diverse bouquet of financial services with its pan India reach in more than 1800 locations across more than 490 cities and towns. REL operates globally following its acquisition of London‟s oldest brokerage and investment firm, Hichens, Harrison and Co. plc. With a view to expand, diversify and introduce offerings benchmarked against global best practices, Religare operates its Life Insurance business in partnership with the global major- AEGON. For its wealth management business Religare has partnered with Australia based financial services major- Macquarie. Religare has also partnered with Vistaar Entertainment to launch India‟s first SEBI approved Film Fund offering a unique alternative asset class of investments. Religare Securities Limited (RSL), a 100% subsidiary of Religare Enterprises Limited is a leading equity and securities firm in India. The company currently handles sizeable volumes traded on NSE and in the realm of online trading and investments; it currently holds a reasonable share of the market. The major activities and offerings of the company today are Equity Broking, Depository Participant Services, Portfolio Management Services, International Advisory Fund Management Services, Institutional Broking and Research Services. To broaden the gamut of services offered to its investors, the company offers an online investment portal armed with a host of revolutionary features. o RSL is a member of the National Stock Exchange of India, Bombay Stock Exchange of India, Depository Participant with National Securities Depository Limited and Central Depository Services (I) Limited, and is a SEBI approved Portfolio Manager. o Religare has been constantly innovating in terms of product and services and to offer such incisive services to specific user segments it has also started the NRI, FII, HNI and Corporate Servicing groups. These groups take all the portfolio investment decisions depending upon a client‟s risk / return parameter. o Religare has a very credible Research and Analysis division, which not only caters to the need of our Institutional clientele, but also gives their valuable inputs to investment dealers. Trading in Equities with Religare truly empowers you for your investment needs. We ensure you have superlative trading experience through – ï‚ · A highly process driven, delight approach ï‚ · Powerful Research & Analytics and ï‚ · One of the „best-class‟ dealing rooms Further, Religare also has one the largest retail networks, with its presence in more than 1800* locations across more than 490* cities and towns. This means, you can walk into any of these branches and connect to our highly skilled and dedicated relationship managers to get the best services. The Religare Edge o Pan India footprint o Powerful research and analytics supported by a pool of highly skilled research analysts o Ethical business practices o Single window for all investment needs through your unique CRN Religare Enterprise Limited, through its subsidiaries, offers a range of integrated financial products and services to retail inventors, high net worth individuals, and corporate and institutional clients in India. It operates in three divisions: Retail Spectrum, Wealth Spectrum, and Institutional Spectrum. The Retail Spectrum division offers equity brokerage, commodities brokerage, personal financial services, including insurance brokerage and mutual fund distribution; internet trading; loans against shares; and personal loans. The Wealth Spectrum division provides portfolio management services, wealth advisory services, and private client equity services, such as international equity services. The company was formerly known as Religare Enterprises Private Limited and changed its name to Religare Enterprises Limited in July 2006. The company was incorporated in 1984 and is based in New Delhi, India. Industry Profile 19 Industry Profile While regulation and reforms have made major improvements in the quality of the equity markets in India, its rapid growth and development are largely due to strong and efficient market intermediation. The robustness of the Indian markets today is attributable to a healthy blend of the quality of market Structure and efficient intermediation. Even as several countries are instituting procedures to commence. Equity derivative markets, India ranks amongst the top five countries globally in this segment, in less than five years of its introduction. This is an example of the proactive and progressive nature of the Indian brokerage industry. In the last decade, the Indian brokerage industry has undergone a dramatic transformation. From being made of close groups, the broking industry today is one of the most transparent and compliance oriented businesses. Long settlement cycles and large scale bad deliveries are a thing of the past with the advent of T+2 (Trading day + 2 days) settlement cycle and dematerialization. Large and fixed commissions have been replaced by wafer thin margins, with competition driving down the brokerage fee, in some cases, to a few basis points. 20 There have also been major changes in the way business is conducted. Technology has emerged as the key driver of business and investment advice has become research based. At the same time, adherence to regulation and compliance has vastly increased. The scope of services have enhanced from being equity products to a wide range of financial services. Investor protection has assumed significance, and so has providing them with education and awareness. Greater need for capitalization has induced several firms to access the capital market; foreign firms are showing increasing interest in taking equity stakes in domestic broking firms. Major developments in equity brokerage industry in India: 1. Corporate memberships There is a growing surge of corporate memberships (92% in NSE and 75% in BSE), and the scope of functioning of the brokerage firms has transformed from that of being a family run business to that of professional organized function that lays greater emphasis on observance of market principles and best practices. With proliferation of new markets and products, corporate nature of the memberships is enabling broking firms to expand the realm of their operations into other exchanges as also other product offerings. Memberships range from cash market to derivatives to commodities and a few broking firms are making forays into obtaining memberships in exchanges outside the country subject to their availability and eligibility. 21 2. Wider product offerings The product offerings of brokerage firms today go much beyond the traditional trading of equities. A typical brokerage firm today offers trading in equities and derivatives, most probably commodities futures, exchange traded funds, distributes mutual funds and insurance and also offers personal loans for housing, consumptions and other related loans, offers portfolio management services, and some even go to the extent of creating niche services such as a brokerage firm offering art advisory services. In the background of growing opportunities for investors to invest in India as also abroad, the range of products and services will widen further. In the offing will be interesting opportunities that might arise in the exchange enabled corporate bond trading, soon after its commencement and futures trading that might be introduced in the near future in the areas of interest rates and Indian currency. 22 3. Greater reliance on research Client advising in India has graduated from personal insights, market tips to becoming extensively research oriented and governed by fundamentals and technical factors. Vast progress has been made in developing company research and refining methods in technical and fundamental analysis. The research and advice are made online giving ready and real time access to market research for investors and clients, thus making research important brand equity for the brokerage firms. 4. Accessing equity capital markets Access to reliable financial resources has been one of the major constraints faced by the equity brokerage industry in India since long. Since the banking system is not fully integrated with the securities markets, brokerage firms face limitations in raising financial resources for business and expansion. With buoyancy of the stock markets and the rising prospects of several well organized broking firms, important opportunity to access capital markets for resource mobilization has become available. The recent past witnessed several leading brokerage firms accessing capital markets for financial resources with success. 23 5. Foreign collaborations and joint ventures The way the brokerage industry is run and the manner in which several of them pursued growth and development attracted foreign financial institutions and investment banks to buy stakes in domestic brokerage firms, paving the way for stronger brokerage entities and possible scope for consolidation in the future. Foreign firms picked up stake in some of the leading brokerage firms, which might lead to creating of greater interest in investing in brokerage firms by entities in India and abroad. 6. Specialized services/niche broking While supermarkets approach are adopted in general by broking firms, there are some which are creating niche services that attract a particular client group such as day traders, arbitrage trading, investing in small cap stocks etc, and providing complete range of research and other support to back up this function. 7. Online broking Several brokers are extending benefits of online trading through creation of separate windows. Some others have dedicated online broking portals. Emergence of online broking enabled reduction in transaction costs and costs of trading. Keen competition has emerged in online broking services, with some of these offering trading services at the cost of a few basis points or costs which are fixed in nature irrespective of the volume of 24 trading conducted. A wide range of incentives are being created and offered by online brokerage firms to attract larger number of clients. 8. Compliance oriented With stringent regulatory norms in operation, broking industry is giving greater emphasis on regulatory compliance and observance of market principles and codes of conduct. Many brokerage firms are investing time, money and resources to create efficient and effective compliance and reporting systems that will help them in avoiding costly mistakes and possible market abuses. Brokerage firms now have a compliance officer who is responsible for all compliance related aspects and for interacting with clients and other stake holders on aspects of regulation and compliance. 9. Focus on training and skill sets Brokerage firms are giving importance and significance to aspects such as training on skill sets that could prove to be beneficial in the long run. With the nature of markets and products becoming more complex, it becomes imperative for the broking firms to keep their staff continuously updated with latest development in practices and procedures. Moreover, it is mandated for certain types of dealers/brokers to seek specific certification and examinations that will make them eligible to carry business or trade. Greater emphasis on aspects such as research and analysis is giving scope 25 for in-depth training and skills sets on topics such as trading programs, valuations, economic and financial forecasting and company research. 10. From owners to traders A fundamental change that has taken place in the equity brokerage industry, which is a global trend as well, is the transformation of broking from owners of the stock exchange to traders of the stock market. Demutualization and corporatization of stock exchanges bifurcated the ownership and trading rights with brokers vested only with the later and ownership being widely distributed. Demutualization is providing balanced welfare gains to both the stock exchanges and the members with the former being able to run as corporations and the latter being able to avoid conflict of interests that sometimes came as a major deterrent for the long term growth of the industry. Emerging challenges and outlook for the brokerage industry .Brokerage firms in India made much progress in pursuing growth and building professionalism in operations. Given the nature of the brokerage industry being very dynamic, changes could be rapid and so as the challenges that emerge from time to time. A brief description on some of the prospects and challenges of the brokerage firms are discussed below. 26 11. Fragmentation Indian brokerage industry is highly fragmented. Numerous small firms operate in this space. Given the growing importance of technology in operations and increasing emphasis on regulatory compliance, smaller firms might find it constrained to make right type of investments that will help in business growth and promotion of investor interests. 12. Capital Adequacy Capital adequacy has emerged as an important determinant that governs the scope of business in the financial sector. Current requirements stipulation capital adequacy in regard to trading exposure, but in future more tighter norms of capital adequacy might come into force as a part of the prudential norms in the financial sector. In this background, it becomes imperative for the brokerage firms to focus on raising capital resources that will enable to give continuous thrust and focus on business growth. 13. Global Opportunities Broking in the future will increasingly become international in character with the stock markets being open for domestic and international investors including institutions and individuals, as also opportunities for investing abroad. Keeping abreast with developments in international markets as also familiarization with global standards in broking operations and assimilating major practices and procedures will become relevant for the domestic brokerage firms. 27 14. Opportunities from regional finance Regional economic integration such as that under the European Union and the ASEAN have greatly benefited businesses in the individual countries with cross border opportunities that helped to expand the scope and significance of the business. Initial measures to promote South Asian economic integration is being made by governments in the region first at the political level to be followed up in regard to financial markets. South Asian economic integration will provide greater opportunities for broking firms in India to pursue cross border business. In view of several of common features prevailing in the markets, it would be easier to make progress in this regard. 15. Product Dynamics As domestic finance matures and greater flow of cross border flows continue, new market segments will come into force, which could benefit the domestic brokerage firms, if they are well prepared. For instance, in the last three to four years, brokerage firms had newer opportunities in the form of commodities futures, distribution of insurance products, wealth management, mutual funds etc, and as the market momentum continues, broking firms will have an opportunity to introduce a wider number of products. 28 16. Competition from foreign firms Surging markets and growing opportunities will attract a number of international firms that will increase the pace of competition. Global firms with higher levels of capital, expertise and market experience will bring dramatic changes in the brokerage industry space which the local firms should be able to absorb and compete. Domestic broking firms should always give due focus to emerging trends in competition and prepare accordingly. 17. Investor Protection Issues of investor interest and protection will assume centre stage. Firms found not having suitable infrastructure and processes to ensure investor safety and protection will encounter constraints from regulation as also class action suits that investors might bring against erring firms. The nature of penalties and punitive damages would become more severe. It is important for brokerage firms to establish strong and streamlined systems and procedures for ensuring investor safety and protection. 29 Chapter 4. Literature Review Literature Review Historical Background: Customer relationship management (CRM), a concept that has been around since the mid 90s, has its roots in the technology of sales automation and call center operations. At that time, it was thought that merging the customer data from the field (sales) with the call center interactions would result in more informed interactions with the customer. The concept resonated with user organizations and soon mergers and acquisitions created a host of software vendors all claiming to have an integrated set of capabilities that became known as CRM. On a parallel track, Internet-based tools such as e-commerce, Internet marketing, personalization, and self-help were evolving. These products competed outside of the CRM sphere due to the newness of the technology, and they were referred to as e-business. When the concepts of CRM and e-business melded together there was a short period of e-madness where vendors talked about eCRM and e-everything. There are still vestiges of this transition in the industry such as essentially using e-business to add value to vendors and referring to it as partner relationship management (PRM) or providing tools for employees and referring to it as employee relationship management (ERM). 31 Similarly, enterprise resource planning (ERP) vendors realized that the 360-degree view of the customer has to include transaction data, so they have likewise developed an integrated package with CRM capabilities. Thus from a technology perspective CRM consists of a set of applications that address the needs of customer-facing functions that in turn feed a common database that is supported by business analytics. Each vendor has variations on this theme. On the other hands, CRM can be defined as a process or methodology used to learn more about customers‟ needs and behaviors in order to manage and develop stronger relationships in an organized way with them. 32 Components of CRM: 1. Contact an Account Management: Relevant data for customer profile is captured with the help of the software. Necessary information is captured from prospective customers. CRM system stores data in common customer database. The database integrates customer account information and presents it in desirable format to the company. The data is used for sales, marketing, services and other applications. 33 2. Sales: Sales process management follows a customized sales methodology with specific sales policies and procedures. Sales activities include – Product information, Product configuration, sales prospectus and sales quote generation. CRM also provide the history of customer account so that the sales call can be scheduled accordingly. 3. Marketing and fulfillment: CRM helps the professionals in product marketing, target marketing, relationship marketing and campaign management. By analyzing customer and business value of direct marketing can be estimated. CRM also helps in customer retention, behavior prediction, channel optimization, personalization. Customer response and requests can be quickly scheduled and hence sales contacts. 34 4. Customer Service and support: CRM system provides service representatives with adequate access to customer database. It also helps to create, assign and manage the service requests by customers. Calling format is designed to route customer calls to respective attendants as per the skills and authority to handle special cases. Help desk system is developed to help customer service representative to help customers who face problems with product or service to resolve it. Web-based Self Service means help customer to access personalized information at company website. 5. Retention and loyalty programs: The primary objective of CRM is to enhance and optimize customer retention and loyalty. CRM systems are also useful in determining most loyal and profitable customers and reward. 35 The essential link between Marketing, Sales and Customer Service: Too often, the three key functions that directly affect customers -Marketing, Sales and Customer Service – operate independently of one another. This can create confusion and inconsistency in how you communicate and service your customers. For examples, marketing staff may come up with a price promotion. However, if that is not communicated to the sales team, the result could be incorrect billing, which may take time or resources from the customer to rectify and could create ill will and mistrust, making it seem like your company does not adhere to its word. 36 Similarly, if a salesperson makes a sale and gives certain guarantees to a customer but those are not communicated to the customer service team or even to the other sales team members, then the customer may fees as if the company is not standing behind its assurance. This can be particularly problematic if there is employee turnover and poor communication between or even departments. This „silo effect‟ – where information is between vertically in departments that may or may not communicate with each other- could actually damage your business. With comprehensive CRM system, however, customer communication is captured and housed in an accessible database, making the most current information available to anyone who needs it and has access to the system. By breaking through barriers between various business functions and making communication transparent, your company can act in a more consistent and unified fashion with its customers, instilling a greater level of trust and strengthening customer relationships. Religare Securities Limited (RSL) provides a host of financial services under one roof following a ONE STOP SHOP philosophy. It has a dedicated team of professionals to cater to the variety of services to Individuals, Corporate and Institutions. The team updates its clients with opportunities – with a sense of competitive urgency and risk management. What‟s more, their special analysts design customized services for HNI and Institutions. 37 Over the years Religare Securities Ltd. has played a successful role in client’s wealth creation. In the process Religare Securities Ltd. also refined itself, as an investment advisor and is poised to provide complete Investment Management Solutions to its valued clientele. The following is the product profile of the company. ï‚ · Equity Broking – BSE and NSE ï‚ · Derivatives Futures and Options ï‚ · Internet Broking- Online Trading ï‚ · Commodities Trading – NCDEX & MCX ï‚ · Institutional Broking ï‚ · Depository Services – NSDL & CDSL ï‚ · Portfolio Management Services ï‚ · NRI Investments ï‚ · Initial Public Offerings (IPO) ï‚ · Mutual Fund Investment NEWS: Religare Securities bags LIPPER-STARMINE Award for Excellence in Research Mumbai, February 18, 2009: Religare Securities Limited a wholly owned subsidiary of Religare Enterprises Limited has been recently awarded the LIPPER-STARMINE broker award for â€Å"Earnings Estimates in Midcap Research for 2008†. The Lipper| StarMine Awards organized by Thomson Reuters, for Asset Management and sell-side broking Companies in India, were announced last week in Mumbai. The awards recognize analysts who are more accurate than their peers in forecasting earnings, awarding credit to those who demonstrate an ability to make accurate estimates earlier than their peers. On receiving the award, Mr. Amitabh Chakraborty, President (Equity), said, â€Å"We are extremely proud to receive this award as a validation of our efforts in what was the most difficult and volatile year in stock market and corporate history. It is in these difficult times that the ability of a team to accurately estimate corporate earnings stands its truest test and we have succeeded in enabling our customers to make informed buy or sell recommendations in order to give above average returns to investors.†40 Equities What is equity? Funds brought into a business by its shareholders is called equity. It is a measure of a stake of a person or group of persons starting a business. What does investing in equity mean? When you buy a company’s equity, you are in effect financing it, and being compensated with a stake in the business. You become part-owner of the company, entitled to dividends and other benefits that the company may announce, but without any guarantee of a return on your investments. Dematerialization What is Demat? Demat is a commonly used abbreviation of Dematerialisation, which is a process whereby securities like shares, debentures are converted from the â€Å"material†(paper documents) into electronic data and stored in the computers of an electronic Depository (SEE next page). You surrender material securities registered in your name to a Depository Participant (DP). These are then sent to the respective companies 41 who cancel them after dematerialization and credit your Depository Account with the DP. The securities on dematerialization appear as balances in the Depository Account. These balances are transferable like physical shares. If at a later date you wish to have these â€Å"Demat†securities converted back into paper certificates, the Depository can help to revive the paper shares. What is the procedure for the dematerialisation of securities? Check with a DP as to whether the securities you hold can be dematerialised. Then open an account with a DP and surrender the share certificates. What is a Depository? A Depository is a securities â€Å"bank,†where dematerialised physical securities are held in custody, and from where they can be traded. This facilitates faster, risk-free and low cost settlement. A Depository is akin to a bank and performs activities similar in nature. At present, there are two Depositories in India, National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and Central Depository Services (CDS). NSDL was the first Indian Depository. It was inaugurated in November 1996. NSDL was set up with an initial capital of Rs 124 crores, promoted by Industrial Development Bank of 42 India (IDBI), Unit Trust of India (UTI), National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. (NSEIL) and the State Bank of India (SBI). Who is a Depository Participant (DP)? NSDL carries out its activities through business partners – Depository Participants (DPs), Issuing Corporates and their Registrars and Transfer Agents, Clearing Corporations/Clearing Houses. NSDL is electronically linked to each of these business partners via a satellite link through Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSATS). The entire integrated system (including the VSAT linkups and the software at NSDL and at each business partner’s end) has been named the â€Å"NEST†(National Electronic Settlement & Transfer) system. The investor interacts with the Depository through a Depository Participant of NSDL. A DP can be a bank, financial institution, a custodian or a broker. 43 Chapter 5. Research Methodology 44 Research Methodology Research Design: Research design means adopting that type technique of research which is most suited for the research and study of the problem. For the study and the research of the problem proper material has to be selected and collected for the investigation. â€Å"A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.†– Jahoda, deutish. Cook. In order to know about effectiveness of Customer Relationship Management in Religare Securities Ltd., it was necessary to interact with the customer. The sample taken comprised of respondents from Pune city. A questionnaire had to be designed to collect valuable information from the different customer groups. The questionnaire which was designed suitably to meet the objective of research work. 45 Nature of Research: In this project report I have undertaken quantitative type of study. Type of the questions: The questions in the questionnaire asked to the visiting customers of Religare Securities Ltd, Regional office in Pune, are Straight Forward and Limited Probing. Type of the Questionnaire: The questionnaire in this project report is straight forward and formalized. Type of Analysis: The analysis done in this particular project report is statistical. 46 Sources of Data: a. Primary Data: The Primary data are those data which are collected fresh and for the first time and thus happen to be original in character. The primary data that was collected through interview conducted in Regional Branch with daily visiting customers. The primary data sources include copies of questionnaire and data of their respective responses. b. Secondary Data: The secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone else and which have been passed through the statistical process. Secondary data was collected through company websites. Some of the web sites and some others like. 47 Chapter 6. Primary Data Collection 48 Primary Data Collection Research Technique: As the researcher, I adopted survey method as a research technique for this particular project report. Contact Method: I as a researcher interviewed the respondents by personal interview. Sampling Plan: a) Population: The population covered in this project report refers to the existing (Office Coming) customers of Regional Office, who have their trading and D‟mat A/c with Religare Securities Ltd. b) Sample Size The sample size undertaken by me for this particular project report is 100 respondents. 49 c) Sample Element The respondents contacted and interviewed in this project report are all from different domain some of them were Businessmen, High Net-worth Investors, Proprietors, even Students also invest in Share Market. d) Sample Extent As a researcher, I conducted this survey only for the customers in Regional Office of Religare Securities, Pune. e) Sample Duration The survey was undertaken from the 01st June, 2009 to 30th July, 2009 i.e. for two months. f) Research Instrument: Questionnaires containing both open ended and close ended questions were used as a research instrument in this particular project report. 50 Chapter 7. Data Analysis & Interpretation 51 Data Analysis & Interpretation 1. Respondents: Respondents Businessmen HNIs Proprietors Individuals Number of respondents Interpretation: Above pie chart represents that research contains 100 respondents which are Businessmen, HNIs, Proprietors and Individuals and they are 30, 8, 24, 38 respectively in numbers and percentages. 30% 8% 24% 38% Businessmen HNIs Proprietors Individuals 52 2. Income Group(Annual): Income Group (INR) 10000 – 1 Lakh 1 Lakh – 5 Lakh 5 Lakh-10 Lakh 10 Lakh – Above Number of respondents Interpretation: Above pie chart represents that the research contained 100 investors and customers of Religare Securities Ltd. All the people were from different different Income group which are in numbers shown above. W e can clearly see sample includes more customers from first income group i.e. INR 10,000 – 1 Lakh 43% 37% 13% 7% 10000 -1 Lakh 1 Lakh -5 Lakh 5 Lakh -10 Lakh 10 Lakh -Above 53 2. Company Interaction via Email and Telephone Calls: Interaction Via Email and Telephone Calls Interpretation: From the above result of Company Interaction via Email and Telephone calls, we can imagine the satisfaction level of customers and accordingly Customer Relationship is managed through electronic media to maximize the wealth of customers. In Religare mostly dealers are in touch of regular traders / customers and customers also get loyal to the company through this practice. Every call is taped by default for the evidence of orders to buy or sell the stocks and Emails too. Excellent Interpretation: When it was asked sudden and on the time answer was the same of maximum people, it means the credibility and trustworthiness of the company is on the height. It‟s nothing but the result of Relationship Management. It is said that Share Market means „Well of Loss‟, nevertheless Religare‟s Customer don‟t have any tension in investing because they believe in Company‟s Researchers and Analysts and their investment tips too. 96% Number of respondents Interpretation: From the above answers Customer Relationship can be very well highlighted because out of 100, 43 people have rated Religare on the scale of 1 to 10 and again in remaining maximum customers say that they rate Religare at on the scale of 1 to 10.Every customer has his own value and consideration about Religare because they invest their Hard Earned money and take risk to earn more cause of Religare‟s Services and Attachment and it is all the output of Customer Relationship Management. 4% 5. Where do you invest/ trade mostly? Where Customers Invest mostly Equity Commodity Currency Number of respondents 66 19 15 Interpretation: One general question was asked in questionnaire to know the investment flow of customers towards Religare Services. When it was asked why they invest in specific area mostly then it was answered by many people that liquidity market is easy to make money out of investment and take money out whenever we feel not to put. And other reason many customers don‟t want to invest for long time.And about currency some people were not interested. 66% 19% 15% Equity Commodity Currency 57 6. Where do you trade mostly? Where Customers Trade mostly Intraday Delivery Both Number of respondents 48 37 15 48% 37% 15% Intraday Delivery Both 58 Interpretation: From the above view of graph we come to know that maximum people, 61% customers trade in Intraday Trading. On this customers say they like to trade in Intraday because of Short term investment and high level of excitement and sometimes they feel their money seems to sink. It‟s like One Day Cricket play for many customers. In Delivery, people say here is „No / Low Risk, More Money‟ , in this people say if scrip goes down like „Satyam‟, then also we get chance to book profit buying current stocks in low price and putting old stock aside temporarily. Here we find people hesitate to invest in Intraday and confident to trade in Delivery trading. Very less traders population do trade in both area, for few people it‟s nothing but fund managing, if one finds difficulty in making money in Intraday, they simultaneously manage their fund for Delivery, but very few people feel do this type of management. Eventually Religare is the Broking firm and it doesnâ₠¬Å¸t lose its attention from making money for its customers and lose its attention from Customer Relationship Management. 59 7. Do you trade in any other broking firm? Trade in other Broking Firm Yes No Number of respondents Interpretation: Above pie chart represents the maximum people have their D‟mat A /c and Trading A/c somewhere else also nevertheless they say they trade from Religare only and few of their other A/cs are put Non-Operating by them. Here we get a fact that Religare‟s Customer Relationship Management really has something very attractive and attachable to emotions cause of services. Few of them were hesitating while answering this question. 8. Are you satisfied with the services provided by Religare? Satisfaction Strongly Yes Slightly Yes No Strongly No Slightly No Number of respondents Interpretation: Above chart represents us the output of Customer Relationship Management with the help of the services and customers satisfaction can show a mirror of the efforts of the company towards making their customers loyal to them. Here 64% customers have selected and stated that they are fully satisfied with the services that they are getting from Religare Securities Ltd. 64% 9. Since last how many years you are in field of trading? Since when customers are trading ? Less than 1 year More than 1year More than 2 years Number of respondents Interpretation: This question was asked intentionally to know the loyalty of customers with Religare Securities Ltd., which is nothing but the back-screen coding of on screen output. These all things are the proud of Religare and its customers are also very proud to be in Religare. 17% Customer Relationship Management Business Drivers and Benefits ï‚ · It empowers management with a real-time pipelines and forecasting so they can build and focus on high profit, sustainable relationships. ï‚ · It empowers staff wit customer intelligence and best practices to increase their likelihood of successful transactions. ï‚ · It increases customer‟s acquisition, retention, loyalty, and profitability by integrating information across the enterprise. ï‚ · It enables executive and management to gain customer insight. 64 Customer Relationship Management Risks ï‚ · Effective internal controls must be in place to prevent customer information from becoming scattered across databases and servers. ï‚ · CRM can be associated with significant revenue cycle. ï‚ · CRM should be kept and handled and carefully kept inside the company only otherwise Customers Database can be misused by rivals. Customer Common Findings while contacting: ï‚ · Generally people whom I have contacted they were from different domains like Business, Proprietors, High Net worth Income Group (HNIs) and students. ï‚ · Their responses may not be proper because of their „Busyness‟ in Dealing Room. ï‚ · This data is called Primary Data, which is considered very genuine but is this case it misrepresents the Reality and Credibility. 65 ï‚ · Some people, its felt that they gave fake response, with impression that this questionnaire is from Religare Securities internal. ï‚ · Some people did not take it serious because this was not important to them as they are busy for trading at dealing Room. ï‚ · Every data interpretation and statistics cannot be think worthy from their results because this study is for only two months altogether. 66 Chapter 8. Limitations 67 Limitations Findings are according to the observations. 1. Many consultants, vendors, and analysts today define CRM in terms of being a customer-centric business strategy that is enabled by a set of applications that support customer-facing functions and management decision making. That may capture the essence of what CRM is, but while it does not concentrate on the extra expenses occurring on Company‟s A/c due to increment in expenses in serving customers all the ways and Return on investment means consideration may not be more than expected. Customer may not give that much business transactions which is estimated or expected. 2. It needs specific staffs to handle all the tasks of Customer Relationship Management because the data that is feed in system cannot be handled merely by Relationship Managers who has to make new customers and take care of their dealings and also to accomplish their additional responsibilities. 68 Suggestions 69 Suggestions 1. Short Duration: o Project research duration was only for two months, in this tenure neither study nor observation can be done properly. For example, we saw sample plan – in that only 100 customers could be contacted and now the problem is- from this samples we cannot think of Macro Level Perception of customers. Many people may be from same point of view and many may not and those 100 people may not contain these type of people. So duration of Research Project should be more than two months. 2. Customer Category: o To find effective Customer Relationship Management, Broking firm can do one more thing which will be very beneficial to them in finding Asset Customers from the bottom level management to top level management. Religare should adopt system of allotting Customer Categories according to their transactions, due payments, exposure, loyalty, frequency of trading and all. 70 o In this system at all the level where CRM is handled and watched by Top class officials of the company, they also get to know the list names and details of the loyal customers and CEO or Board of Directors also get to know total customers and at last their turnover of the total transaction. 3. Affiliated Awareness Programs: o Religare should arrange affiliated programs within its own groups to come to the sense of new people and accordingly to prospecting and acquiring new customers. o With the help of it companies CRM will help it to get height of success and dominate the world of Services. Because CRM affects Marketing, Sales and profitability and these all can be achieved by CRM. o For E.g., Religare Securities can play few awareness documentaries and Advertisement with „Religare Vistaar‟ this will result in getting more and more customers to serve and accordingly Religare can become the first ranker in turnover very soon. 71 Appendix I. Copy of questionnaire II. Bibliography , 72 Questionnaire 1. Name:________________________________________________ 2. Contact No:________________________________________________ 3. Occupation: ï‚ £Businessman ï‚ £Proprietor ï‚ £HNI ï‚ £Individual 4. Income Group(Annual): ï‚ £ 10000 – 1 Lakh ï‚ £1 Lakh – 5 Lakh ï‚ £ 5 Lakh-10 Lakh ï‚ £ 10 Lakh – Above 5. How do you find Company Interaction via Email and Telephone Calls ? ï‚ £Poor ï‚ £Fair ï‚ £Good ï‚ £ Very Good 73 6. Do you find company’s investment tips useful and beneficial? ï‚ £Yes ï‚ £No ï‚ £Can’t Say 7. Where do you rate Religare on the scale of 10 in terms of Services? ï‚ £4 ï‚ £6 ï‚ £8 ï‚ £10 8. Where do you invest/ trade mostly? ï‚ £Equity ï‚ £Commodity ï‚ £Currency 9. Where do you trade mostly? ï‚ £Intraday trading ï‚ £Delivery Trading 10. Do you trade in any other broking firm? ï‚ £Yes ï‚ £No If Yes, name of the broking firm__________________________________ 74 11. Are you satisfied with the services provided by Religare? ï‚ £Yes ï‚ £No Since last how many years you are in field of trading? ï‚ £Less than 1 Year ï‚ £More Than 1 Year ï‚ £More than 5 Year 12. What improvement do you want be done in company’s services? ï‚ £__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ 13. Which service do you like most in Religare? ï‚ £_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 75 Bibliography Websites = Newspapers = The Hindu Books =
Apple Organization Structure Essay
Each team will present a case during the course. The presentation will take between 15- 20 minutes. It should provide 1. summary of the case including information on who the main actors are, what the internal and external environment for this company is and what the key challenges are. You should also try to go beyond the case and make links to the themes in the book on corporate entrepreneurship. Again, presentations should also involve the audience with discussion points and other interactive elements. In addition to the presentation, teams hand in a written report on the case. Teams are graded on the basis of the presentation, the written document and their ability to answer questions and to raise discussion in class. Apple Organizational Structures Apple’s New Organizational Structure Could Help It Move Faster This cartoon has been floating around the Internet for a few years. It’s supposed to be a humorous take on how all the biggest tech companies are organized. It might have to be updated to account for changes at Apple. When Steve Jobs was in charge, everything flowed through him. Now that he’s dead, the company is taking on a more collaborative approach, according to various reports. The latest, from Adam Satarino at Bloomberg, says Jony Ive is encouraging Apple’s software and hardware teams to collaborate, something that never happened under Jobs. Ive was given control over Apple’s software look and feel in November. Previously, he was only in charge of the look of the hardware. This new collaborative approach is causing Apple to be more deliberate than in the past, says Satarino. This could lead to delays, he says. Because this is Ive’s first crack at Apple’s software, ità ¢â‚¬â„¢s understandable that there are going to be delays. He’s spent six months on a project that normally takes a year. In the long run it will be interesting to see how this collaborative approach works. As the org chart above demonstrates, Apple was always a company with one guy making all the calls. This made product decisions easier. But it also made them slower at times. We heard from a source that Apple often faced bottlenecks because everything had to flow through Jobs. And Jobs was the kind of person who would get intensely focused on one thing, leading to him ignoring other products at the company. Former Apple employee David Sobotta told us, â€Å"If we saw Steve Jobs come into a briefing, he couldn’t talk about anything else, other than the thing he was working on †¦ He came into an enterprise sales briefing, and at the time he was working on iMovie. So, we’d be talking about home movies in the enterprise briefing.†In theory, the new organizational structure should help certain divisions make decisions more quickly. But, collaboration has its downside. If everyone is trying to reach consensus on a decision it could lead to big delays.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Writing for Professional Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Writing for Professional Practice - Essay Example This has resulted in the development of media and scientific literacies. While in the globalized world technologies spread at rapid pace, there are still over 860 million adults that are illiterate. Additionally, nearly 100 million lack access to school. The importance of literacy within contemporary society has not gone unnoticed. The United Nations has declared 2003-2012 the decade of Literacy as Freedom. The notion of literacy is witnessed in a variety of ways. This essay considers the various freedoms literacy offers in a globalized society. Analysis Considered from an overarching perspective literacy has been recognized as contributing to freedom in a variety of ways. An examination of literature on the subject of literacy freedom demonstrates thematic nodes. Many theorists have focused on literacy in terms of empowerment, including women’s right freedoms or emerging nations (Freire 2000; Freire 2005; Dighe 1994). Still, it’s clear that literacy extends to freedoms that relate to all elements of society. One freedom literacy affords individuals and populations is security. Indeed, insecurity has been prominently linked to illiteracy. This term is extended to insecurity in a variety of avenues. Not being able to read and write is a tremendously anxiety producing experience, as individuals fear social stigmatization, ridicule, or a variety of other conditions. While there is the potential that something awful may happen to an individual that is illiterate, Knobel (1999, p. 20) indicates that the very state of being illiterate is indicative of something terrible having happened. In many ways this perspective on literacy as granting the individual the freedom of mental and emotional help is not restricted to populations in Western societies, but can be extended globally, particularly in the emerging world. Bhasin (1984, p. 37) examined literacy in India. Specifically, she examined the construction and development of an educational institute named the Pratichi Trust. The study revealed that over time the girl’s that were admitted to the institute quickly gained the literacy skills of their male counterparts; in this way literacy afforded the freedom of gender equality. Gender equality, however, wasn’t the only freedom gained through this literacy. The study notes that soon the parents became involved and it encouraged a greater degree of community involvement and harmony. In Development As Freedom, Amartya Sen advances a framework that considers the relation between literacy and freedom (Sen 2000). The consideration of this framework reveals a number of prominent ways that literacy offers freedom in a globalized society. One of the central thorough-puts of Sen’s framework is the recognition that literacy often contributes to opportunities and options. The consideration in this way is that literacy must be considered in terms of development. This development extends to personal and professional modes and comprehensively influences the individual’s existence. Rather than specifically considering the way that literacy contributes to freedoms or the avoidance of unfreedoms, there is an emphasis on the social structures that the individual must navigate. The argument then is that development in literacy allows the individual the skills necessary for this navigation. Sen (2000, p. 284) writesn, â€Å"A child who is denied the opportunity of elementary schooling is not only deprived as a youngster, but also handicapped all through life (as a person unable to do certain basic things that rely on reading, writ- ing and arithmetic).†While Sen recognizes there are considerable freedoms that are achieved through literacy, perhaps even more important is the recognitio
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Jordanian Arabic Phonology and Morphology Essay
Jordanian Arabic Phonology and Morphology - Essay Example As the report declares a major difference in the syllabic inventory of the two languages is in the presence of the super-heavy syllable of the form CVVC in Arabic and its dialects. This does not exist in the syllable-structure in English. Although there are many other points of difference between English and Jordanian Arabic from the phonological point of view, including rules of transformation and optimality theoretical constraints, the discussion has been restricted here to these basic points of difference. This paper compares the two languages- English and Jordanian Arabic- in terms of the morphology that characterizes them. One of the principal characteristics of Semitic morphology is its being non-linear or non-concatenative: instead of morphemes being placed linearly before the stem as prefixes and suffixes as in English, the morphemic structure of Semitic words is characterized by two or more morphemes interwoven within each other in a discontinuous fashion. One morpheme is inserted into another in certain slots of the word-stem structure. Neither the root-morpheme nor the morpheme to which it is attached (also called the template) free. They are both bound morphemes and only when a certain root and a template merge a definite word is completely specified phonologically, morphologically and semantically. In the case of third-person pronouns, English has he/she/it for singular while Jordanian Arabic has a dichotomy: objects ending with â€Å"taa’ murboota†take the pro noun â€Å"hiyeh†and rest take â€Å"howa†.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Companies from emerging markets are better equipped to conduct Essay
Companies from emerging markets are better equipped to conduct business in other emerging markets - Essay Example Emerging markets could be referred to the low income generation economies, or could be the developing markets or the economies currently in the growth stage. The emerging markets have shown more growth in the recent years, as compared to the more developed markets and economies. In such economies every opportunity is exploited to its fullest and such markets are important strategic factors to be considered by the companies willing to grow in emerging economies. In these economies the higher growth leads to higher returns and higher demand for investment and capital which further leads to favorable movement in the flow of capital and currency alignments. The growth in incomes and products are also seen in these economies which are important detriments of patterns of demand and pricing of products. These days the most significant strategic choice faced by the global companies is investing in the right emerging market. (JAIN. 2006) It is estimated that till 2050 the BRIC (Brazil, Russia , India, China) economies will become large forces in economy of the world. According to these projections based on growth in GDPs, income per capita and currency movements, if everything goes right these emerging economies will become greater than G6 in US dollars terms. ... tion and high level of risks faced by these countries, there are chances that these projections could go wrong due to policy change or any other factor that can affect the economy adversely. (JAIN. 2006) EMERGING ECONOMIES AND MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS: Due to such enormous effect of BRICs on world’s economy and the impact it would have in future years, it has become increasingly important for the Multinational Corporations (MNCs) all around the world to realize the importance of these emerging markets and the benefits the investment in these can provide. The major characteristics that attract the investors in these markets are increasing demand and group of wealthy people, educated work force and opportunities for low cost production. Many large MNCs such as P&G, IKEA, Coca Cola, HP etc have realized the importance of these markets and have expanded tremendously in these markets. (VAN DE KUIL. 2008) Out of BRICs, India and China are the strongest in the race of these emergin g markets. It is estimated that in next 20 years these both countries will become more than the size of mature countries like UK or Japan. Today’s advances markets and nations will lose their position and a drastic shift in spending would provide opportunities to global markets. China and India both have world’s largest population which together holds 37% population of the world. The population living in the mid-income segment of these both countries is constantly growing which means a demand of products and services is growing rapidly. (VAN DE KUIL. 2008) REASONS TO ENTER EMERGING ECONOMIES: Many MNCs have strategically planned to enter these emerging markets due to various reasons. Firstly it has become hard for the companies to grow in the mature markets; therefore the companies are now
Friday, July 26, 2019
An Alternate Feministic Ending to Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Term Paper
An Alternate Feministic Ending to Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper - Term Paper Example While I was on top of him, John wrestled against me with his hand grabbing my hair but my hands squeezing his face and mouth. We rolled and rolled and rolled until I was under him trying to lock his neck with my strong arms. As he struggled to free himself from my grasp, he bit me in the arm and I screamed as blood spurted out of the cut where his sharp teeth buried. While I screamed, he pushed me with his head towards the wall behind me and when I banged my head on the wall with a loud thud, I growled in pain and consequently I loosened my grasp, and he twisted and turned towards me while grasping and squeezing both my wrists with his tight fists and never letting me go. â€Å"You whore! How dare you do that to me! What makes you think you are stronger than me? And what makes you think you can get away, huh!†John was screaming at me in a rhythm that corresponded to the thudding that my head made on the wooden floor. All the while I was right! Although I thought once that Joh n loved me very dearly, now I realize that it is never true. That is why I knew I was a little afraid of him, and that is why whenever he came, I had to put this away for he hated to have me write a word. I was momentarily dazed at this shocking realization and then I uttered a muffled cry as John finally grabbed hold of my neck with both hands and started choking the life out of me while I felt my weak legs helplessly kicking at him. Then, as I felt tears coming out of my puffy eyes and oxygen leaving my twitching chest through my gaping mouth, my eyes moved to the back of John as I smelled a familiar odor and witnessed a most horrid sight. My initial reaction was fear as I remembered I have always feared John. But when I saw the creeping women come into the room through the window and as many more came out of the yellow wallpaper from behind me, I knew the day of reckoning came. Their dark creeping shadows loomed around me and John, and I could see the expression on his face chang e from rage to horror. The creepers had long disheveled hair that hung around to cover some part of their dark, deathly yellowish pale countenance. The deep set eyes and dark circles were perhaps proof of the sleepless nights that they spent in struggling out of the yellow wallpaper. Their arms and legs were twisted perhaps from the pressure of having to shakes the bars of the patterns of the yellow wallpaper. Yet they smelled the same peculiar yellow odor that matched their yellowish skin and teeth. One of the crawling women twisted her bones and sinews several times in order to assume a standing position in front of him while he was there standing petrified in fear and he could feel his he could not move his sinews even a bit. All he could do was utter a shriek akin to that of a child whose head was banged to the wall just like how hard John banged mine several times just a while ago. I also heard from him the same muffled cry of fear that I let out while he was choking me, and my eyes moved to the wet spot in his pants that gradually grew wide as he kept wetting them in horror. As the terrifying figure loomed in on him, John finally screamed but before his instincts could make him punch the figure’s face, two other creepers from the back grabbed his arms and held them behind him. His fear seemed to have drained all the energy out of his body as he merely grimaced and twitched his neck upwards as if avoiding the face that was getting closer and closer to him.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
2.Critically consider the use of eyewitness testimony in criminal Essay
2.Critically consider the use of eyewitness testimony in criminal investigation. In what way have forensic psychologists. contribute to the solution of some of the issues raised about its use - Essay Example There are many reasons why errors in eyewitness evidence can occur. Given a situation where a witness has seen a crime take place from a considerable distance and late at night is less likely to make an accurate identification of the accused than a witness who has had more favourable viewing conditions. A good illustration of the impact of situational variables on eyewitness memory is illustrated by an Australian appeal case, Dominican v Queen4. The accused was charged with attempted murder. The appeal case was based on appellant claims that the trial judge misdirected the jury on the issue of the identification of the gunman by failing to give specific warning concerning various features of the evidence of an eyewitness in the shooting. Nearly nine months elapsed before she formally identified him from photographs that had been altered to show the appellant wearing a wig and a false moustache. By that time, the appellant was a definite suspect. The witness had seen him on television on a number of occasions and allegedly in the vicinity of her home. According to the conditions of witnessing in Dominican case, she saw the gunman some distance away. She was hiding behind another vehicle. He was leaning across the passenger’s seat and he was disguised. Her opportunity to observe him was fleeting. Moreover, her first observation of the gunman took place after about 30 shots had been fired in her direction, after she had seen her husband shot through the hand, and after her husband physically pushed her head down. The direction the judge gave to the jury stated:†His Honour told the jury that ‘(s)udden and unexpected acts of violence such as Mrs F described in this case, can affect people caught up in the events in different ways. The terror of the occasion can serve to impress indelibly on the minds of some people the features of any one they see involved in it. With other people the effect may be
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 17
Final - Essay Example Then, in an essay that synthesizes at least four of the six provided sources for support, take a position that qualifies the claim that GMO should be discouraged because it is a probable health risk and an environmental hazard. This article presents an assessment of the effect GMO technology is having on global agriculture from both economic and environmental perspectives. The article seems to assert that there could be a possibility of having positive economic impact when all factors are put into consideration. This source is significantly resourceful in presenting counterargument when discussing the negative impacts of GMO technology. This article highlights some of the widely argued biomedical risks of GM foods such as potential allergenicity, and most importantly, horizontal gene transfer. The source also discusses the environmental side effects on biodiversity. Since the source also discusses the benefits of the first generation of GM foods, then a good comparison can be made from the same source. This source gives a clear list of reasons why GMOs should not be used. The article highlights little knowledge on GMOs as one of the issues challenging use of GMOs. Increased pesticide use is also a notable cause for alarm on use of GMO. This source gives a quick peek. However, it offers a good start into more indepth research
Current UK Government Initiatives That Focus On Personal And Emotional Essay
Current UK Government Initiatives That Focus On Personal And Emotional Development - Essay Example Donaldson argues powerfully that young children, in order to be able to build on what they already know and can do, need to be in situations which make 'human sense' to them. The current situation in England is one in which the growth of the ECEC sector, in terms of numbers of places, is positively encouraged by the government, especially by the Treasury. This appears to emphasise the care aspect. However, at the same time there are other government-initiated developments concerning the need for improvements in the quality of provision, such as a new training pack for those who work with children aged from birth to three (Abbott et al. 2002) and the Secretary of State Charles Clarke's pledge for more resources. Since 2000, UK governments have invested heavily in leadership development in the NHS to secure policy change and modernise the service. A plethora of leadership programmes and initiatives have been supported with variable success. During recent years in the UK, there have been numerous government initiatives relating to the care and education of young children. Some of these, such as Sure Start, have been very successful, whereas others have proved to be more complicated to implement and fund. The idea that children have rights is a fair... However, Saraga (1998) states that '"rights" like "needs" is a highly contested concept particularly when applied to children'. Saraga goes on to say that children depend on the adults who care for them to assert their rights for them and that rights are limited by the child's vulnerability and dependency. Children's learning and development Child development falls into the two main categories of physical and neurological. Physical skills involve both gross motor skills such as rolling over, crawling and walking, and fine motor skills such as hand-eye coordination, grasping objects, drawing and later writing. Sensory development is also physical and includes sight, sound, touch, smell and taste. Intellectual and cognitive development centre on activity in the brain including use of language, smiling and giggling, imagination and working out. Our children's emotional wellbeing also develops in the brain and comprises many areas such as self awareness, self esteem and the ability to interact with others. Playing in some form or another helps to refine these different areas of development in babies and young children. ( Children need activities which will stimulate their social, physical, intellectual, linguistic, emotional and moral development. The early years curriculum should be linked with a child's stage of development, which can be ascertained by careful observation of the child and discussions with the parents and family. The child's progress should be monitored, recorded and shared with the parents. Equality of opportunity The individuality of each child
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Marketing Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3
Marketing Research - Essay Example The data gathered and interpreted during marketing research significantly supports the organizations draw out future plans according to the changing trends and scenario of the market. It is considerably helpful in enhancing the organizations’ volume of production and sales. â€Å"Marketing research†Zaidi & Javed opine, â€Å"concentrates on data collection related to market product while interacting with the consumers, gathering information from them and interpreting results about various aspects of a market product.†(Zaidi and Javed, 2002:7). A marketing research is usually conducted either to prove the validity of the previous study, already conducted either by some other researcher or the same researcher in some other area or time period, or to gather latest information related to discover the various aspects of a market commodity. â€Å"All employees must practice the marketing concept in their everyday corporate behavior for a firm to be able to say that it is applying the marketing concept for consumer orientation, goal orientation, systems orientation and market exchange process.†(Dr. Langford, B. E.). The rapid transformations in business environment have made significant impacts on marketing research. Business environment is defined as the cultural and structural characteristics of an organization, an industry, a company or a market. In other words, the term refers to the managerial activities, departmental interactions, individual and group tasks, strategy formulation, implementation and analysis, and interaction between different branches and sections etc. The upper management and board of executives determine, review and regulate the cultural and strategic environment of an organization. The business culture is based on the management techniques devised for this purpose. â€Å"The business environment of an organization includes rituals and routines, control systems, organizational structure, power
Monday, July 22, 2019
Thermopylae Speech Essay Example for Free
Thermopylae Speech Essay The battle at Thermopylae was a long awaited battle, after both powers Athens and Persia submitted to a 10 year inter-war period from 490BC to 480BC, in order to carefully prepare a second invasion from the Persian’s, following the humiliating defeat of Darius at marathon. Xerxes actions were motivated by revenge and the urge to burn Athens to the ground, just like Sardis, however he knew it would not be easy. The Persians spent multiple years recruiting new infantry from all areas of its Empire, gathering a total of 500,000 new soldiers,archers, cavalry and inmortals for the second invasion. Not only this, but Xerxes determination to conquer the Greeks was so great he ordered his engineers to build a Poonton consisting of 314 ships crossing the Hellospont for him and his troops. The Greeks received information regarding the numbers and desires of the Persians from spies they sent to Sardis, Xerxes headquarters. Having experience gained from previous Persian campaigns, they knew that in order to battle against such super power , they had to form alliances to fight for one common goal, despite the fact they belonged to different races and were organized into city-states. In Autum of 481 B.C. , A Pan-Hellenic meeting was held in Corinth , having 31 cities attending the meeting besides a few that did not. Unanimously Sparta was given leadership of the army and the fleet under the command of King Leonidas, although the general defense plan was commanded by the Athenian Themistocles, who foresaw the battle will be determined on the seas, if only the pass between Central to Southern Greece was guarded. Fighting in the open land would be fatal as they lacked cavalry units and were highly outnumbered, 3 to 1. Thermopylae was the perfect site. The pass itself was narrow, situated between the sea and the steep cliffs. It had a length of about 9 km and narrows in three places: at the eastern and western ends there was room for only one carriage, while the middle section was 15 m wide. The Greeks would use this to their advantage, because it was so narrow, even with an army as big as the Persian’s had, only a small number could genuinely fight at any one time. This enables a minimal manpower to hold off enormous armies for long amounts of time, which is exactly how Spartan combat was fought. The Hellenic Army, reached Thermopylae at the beginning of August. In total, a force of about 7000 to 8000 men was assembled. The numbers were again given by Herodotus: 300 Spartans, 700 Tegeats, 550 Mantineians, 300 from Arcadian Orchomenos, 1,000 Arcadians in general, 600 Corinthians, 460 from Phlian, 150 Mycenaeans, 800 Thespians, 450 Thebans, the complete army from Opuntion Locrain and 1,000 Phocians. The Pass would prevent the enemy from developing his land forces while the small channel of the Evripou prevented the possibility of the Hellenic Fleet being encircled. In addition, a fortifications had been built by a 1000 Phocians to the east of the central pass of Thermopylae in Anopaia to defend the other entry. By defending the Pass the Greeks would be able to apply a withdrawal strategy and at the same time wear out the enemy and cause him serious casualties and lower his morale. They were very fit, agile, used to marching with heavy armory, they knew the land and their weapons were heavier and more effective. The hoplite phalanx that the Spartans formed was a compact, moving metallic wall of shields and lances. In comparison to Persian armory which was minimal, soldiers wore bright robes with chain armors underneath, carried a long shield called spara and spears much shorter than the Greeks or if they were archers a caved wooden bow. Inmortals were more equipped , having a bronze armor, helmet a bronze square shield for better grip and a axe. Thinking that the Greeks were impertinent and reckless, he sent Medes and Cissians with orders to take the Greeks prisoner and to bring them back alive. The resistance they encountered however was tough, and the same result was achieved by the â€Å"Immortals†who were sent into battle led by General Hydarnes. Their casualties were high and they were forced to withdraw during the night. In fact, as Herodotus characteristically reported, Xerxes jumped up three times from his throne as he watched the battle, fearing for his army. Like the first day, Persia’s second attack was again unsuccessful. Forcing the Empire to retreat with high losses. Xerxes was perplexed and while pondering what to do, a Greek named Ephialtes, son of Eyrydimos and Malida, presented himself and informed the King that the Lakedaimonian positions were accessible from the Anopaia path. That same night, Hydarnes and the â€Å"Immortals†proceeded along the path, guided by Ephialtes With the retreat of the Phoebians at the pass of Anopaia, Leonidas dismissed the remaining Greeks, to be left alone standing with his 300 spartans and a few thebians , encircled agains 10,000 inmortals. Defeat was quick thanks to Persian arrows. Herodotus was the only writer who recorded the events of the battle but this was done nearly a generation later, so reliability may be questioned. Numbers and dates are often regarded as incorrect due to the tendency of exaggeration from Herodotous. According to Herodotus, the main force was to arrive later, after the completion of the Carneia Festival in Sparta and the Olympic Games. However, the festivals did not prevent the Peloponnesian Fleet to sail, which is very contradictory . Apart from the exaggeration and reliability, both Herodotous and modern historian Tom Holland agree upon the importance of Thermopylae.The sacrifice of these men remains in history forever as the most characteristic expression of Spartan bravery, according to Tom. Leonidas managed to safeguard the honour and fame of Sparta, as well as the withdrawal of his allies, while at the same time delaying significantly the advancement of Xerxes and causing serious losses to his forces while raising the morale of the Greeks, who finally crushed the Persians during the naval battle at Salamina just a few weeks later. If it wasn’t for Leonidas army and all the other city states that fought alongside, there was a major possibility that Greece would have been lost to Persia, and most of its future influence in the world such as art, philosophy , language, architecture and maths would have been erased. Therefore Leonidas time delay against the Empire was crucial for Athens to prepare for the naval battle at Salamis.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Definitions of Styles and Learning Styles
Definitions of Styles and Learning Styles Definitions of Styles and Learning Styles Styles Before reviewing the literature of learning styles, it is necessary to know the definition of styles. The concept of styles was first put forward by cognitive psychologists. Brown (2002: 104) defines style as a term that refers to consistent and rather enduring tendencies or preferences within an individual. Therefore, styles are those general characteristics of intellectual functioning (and personality type, as well) that especially pertain to one as an individual, that differentiate one from someone else. Learning Styles Regarding studies of learning styles, the most serious problem is the confusion of its definitions. In the past two decades, the learning styles has been used in various and sometimes confusing ways in the literature. It is very common to hear different opinions on its definitions based on different findings in this comparatively new research field of learning styles, for each study defines it from particular perspectives. However, there is not an agree-upon definition of learning styles. Learning styles can be defined in the following ways. Keefe (1979, cited in Brown, 2002:10) defines learning styles as the characteristic cognitive, affective and physiological behaviors that serve as relatively stable indicators of how learners perceive, interact with and respond to the learning environment. Dunn et al. (1978:11) defines learning styles as the way in which each person absorbs and retains information and/or skills; regardless of how that process is described, it is dramatically different for each person. Sims Sims (1990, cited in Reid, 2002) put forward that learning styles are typical ways a person behaves, feels, and processes information in learning situations. Therefore, learning style is demonstrated in that pattern of behavior and performance by which an individual approaches educational experience. Oxford et al. (1991) briefly defines the learning style as the general approaches students used to learn a new subject or tackle a new problem. Tan Dingliang (1995: 12) defines learning styles as: the way that a learner often adopts in the learning process, which includes the learning strategies that have been stabilized within a learner, the preference of some teaching stimuli and learning tendency. Reid (1995) summarizes definitions of learning styles as internally based characteristics of individuals for the intake or understanding of new information. Essentially learning styles are based upon how a person perceives and processes information to facilitate learning. 2.1.2 Categories of Learning Styles Confusion also exists in the literature on categories of learning styles for many same or similar factors researched under the same name. Reid (1995) divides learning-style research into three major categories: cognitive styles, sensory learning styles, and personality learning styles. Cognitive Learning Styles Cognitive learning styles which include field-independent/field-dependent, analytic/global, reflective/impulsive learning styles, and Kolb experiential learning model, belong to the aspects of psychology. Among them researches on field -independent/field-dependent (FI/FD) attract the most attention of SLA domain (Ellis, 1994). According to Reid (1995), field-independent learners learn more effectively step by step, or sequentially, beginning with analyzing facts and proceeding to ideas. They see the trees instead of the forest; whereas field-dependent (field-sensitive) learners learn more effectively in contexts, holistically, intuitively, and are especially sensitive to human relationships and interactions. They see the forest instead of the trees. Chapelle (1995) explains that FI/FD refers to how people perceive and memorize information. Reid (1995) defines that analytic learners learn more effectively individually; prefer setting own goals, and respond to a sequential, linear, step-by-step presentation of materials; whereas global (relational) learners learn more effectively through concrete experience, and by interactions with others. According to Reid (1995), if learners can learn more effectively given time to consider options before responding, they are reflective learners; and they are often more accurate language learners; whereas if learners can learn more effectively being able to respond immediately and to take risks, they are impulsive learners; and they are often more fluent language learners. Sensory Learning Styles According to Reid (1995), sensory learning styles include two dimensions: perceptual learning styles and environmental learning styles. Perceptual learning styles contain four types of learning styles which are auditory, visual, tactile and kinesthetic styles. Auditory learners learn more effectively through the ears; visual learners learn more effectively through the eyes (seeing); tactile learners learn more effectively through touch (hands-on); kinesthetic learners learn more effective through concrete complete body experiences (whole-body movement). Physical and sociological styles belong to the environmental learning styles. Physical learners learn more effectively when such variables as temperature, sound, light, food, mobility, time, and classroom/study arrangement are considered. Sociological learners learn more effectively when such variables as group, individual, pair and team work, or levels of teacher authority are considered. Affective/Temperament Learning Styles Learning styles of this type are based on affect, personality, tolerance of ambiguity and brain hemisphere. Myer and Briggs (1987, cited in Reid, 1995) report that affective and personality factors influence learners learning styles a great deal. Mayer-Briggs team tested four dichotomous styles of functioning in their Mayer and Briggs Temperament Styles (MBTI) which include extraversion-introversion, sensing-perception, thinking-feeling, and judging-perceiving. According to Reid (1995), extroverted and introverted styles belong to extraversion-introversion. Extroverted learner learns more effectively through concrete experience, contract with the outside world, and relationships with others; whereas introverted learner learns more effectively in individual, independent situations that are more involved with ideas and concepts. Sensing-perception contains sensing and perception styles. Sensing learner learns more effectively from reports of observable facts and happenings; prefers physical, sense-based input. Conversely, perception learner learns more effectively from meaningful experiences and from relationships with others. In thinking-feeling styles, thinking learner learns more effectively from impersonal circumstances and logical consequence; whereas feeling learner learns more effectively from personalized circumstances and social values. And in judging-perceiving styles, judging learner learns more effectively by reflection, and analy sis, and processes that involve closure; conversely, perceiving learner learns more effectively through negotiation, feeling, and inductive processes that postpone closure. Reid (1995) suggests that tolerance of ambiguity styles also belong to the affective/temperament learning styles. Ambiguity-tolerant learner learns more effectively when opportunities for experiment and risk, as well as interaction, are present; whereas ambiguity-intolerant learners learns more effectively when in less flexible, less risky, more structured situations. Reid (1995) also claims that whether the learner is left-brained or right-brained will influence learners learning styles. Left-brained learners tend toward visual, analytic, reflective, self-reliant learning; conversely, right-brained learners tend toward auditory, global/relational, impulsive, interactive learning. Sensory Learning Styles Visual styles Visual students enjoy reading and they prefer material in a classroom environment to be presented in a visual format such as books, board work, and handouts. Auditory styles Auditory students enjoy lectures, conversations and oral directions. They prefer material in a classroom environment that is presented as auditory input such as radio, oral instruction, oral communication and audiotape. Hands-on styles Hands-on students like lots of movement and enjoy working with collages, flashcards, and tangible objects. They prefer to be physically involved with tasks, tending to prefer activities such as Total physical Response (TPR) and role-play. Personality Learning Styles Extroversion/Introversion The dimension of styles particularly influences classroom management, especially grouping of students. Extroverted students perform most productively in a group environment, enjoying activities that involve other students, such as role-play, conversation and other interaction favoring social goals as opposed to impersonal rewards. Conversely, introverted students are stimulated most by their own inner world of ideas and feelings. They like working alone or else in a pair with someone they know well. They dislike lots of continuous group work in the ESL/EFL classroom. This contrast is somewhat similar to the categories of group/individual style made by Reid (1987). In conclusion, according to Reid (1995), the role of learning styles in foreign language learning has some fundamentals of learning styles. She claims that learning styles in the ESL/EFL classrooms is based on six hypotheses: Every person, students and teachers alike, has a learning style and learning strengths and weaknesses; Learning styles are often described as opposite, but actually they exist on wide continuum; Learning styles are value-neutral; that is, no one style is better than others (but it is true that there are students with some learning styles work better than those with some other learning styles); Students must be encouraged to stretch their learning styles so that they will be more empowered in a variety of learning situations; Students strategies are often linked to their learning styles; (6) Teachers should allow their students to become aware of their learning strengths and weaknesses.
Theories on How the Moon was Formed
Theories on How the Moon was Formed Earth’s sole natural satellite was first scientifically observed through Galileo Galilei’s telescope since 1610. The celestial body Galileo was observing makes a complete orbit around Earth in 27 earth days at a distance of 384 thousand km1. The Moon rotates and spins at the same rate which causes it to keep the same side or face towards Earth during the course of its orbit1. The satellite moderates the Earth’s wobble on its axis through a gravitational pull which is responsible for stabilizing the weather, and also for creating a tidal rhythm that has been helping humans for thousands of years. The Moon is also responsible for helping nocturnal animals see at night through its light reflecting from the Sun onto the Earth. Earth’s moon is a rocky solid body containing a cratered surface from impacts, with an exosphere (a very thin and weak atmosphere) and lack of liquid on its surface that cannot support life1. Although this celestial body cannot support l ife, it has helped life on Earth since the beginning. How was the moon created? There are several lunar origin theories which will be explained further in this paper. There were three pre-Apollo major theories that have been speculated for centuries2. These are: capture theory, fission theory, and the double planet theory3. The fission hypothesis was proposed by Charles Darwin’s son, George Darwin in 1878. He thought that the Moon and the Earth were a part of each other2 and that the Earth had been spinning so fast that material broke off from the Earth which formed into the Moon. The reason why he thought this was because of Kepler’s third law, and also because of his observation that the Moon’s orbital period was growing around the Earth suggesting that it must have been closer to Earth at one point. Kepler’s harmonic law relates the orbital period of a planet to its average distance from the sun showing that closer planets travel at greater speeds and also have shorter orbital periods4. This was a popular theory for the longest time even though it had its problems. Another scientist, Osmond Fisher, encouraged the ide a and thought that the Pacific Ocean was actually a scar left from the separation of the Earth and the Moon 2. This theory was eventually disproved and later on, researchers showed that in order for the Moon to separate from the Earth, the Earth must have been spinning so fast that it was rotating around the sun at least once every two and a half hours3 which scientists believe couldn’t have happened. Also, a scientist named Forest Ray Moulton showed through mathematics of the stability of fluid mechanics, the Moon could not have been formed through fission2. The second major theory that was hypothesized was the co accretion theory, double planet hypothesis, or the condensation theory. This theory suggests that the Moon and Earth formed together at the same time by co-accretion through the original Nebula that formed the solar system (suggested by Pierre-Simon Laplace) 2. This theory is observed through binary star systems and has the greatest astronomical observational support. It also has the help of the Roche limit proposed by Edouard Roche that shows the physical limit to how close the Moon can be as a celestial body disproving the fission theory as well. This limit showed that the Moon could only have existed as a ring of debris similar to Saturn and Jupiter2. Unfortunately, problems were observed with this theory since scientists could not explain why Venus did not have a moon, and why the Earth did not share the same properties as the Moon such as the type of core each had (Earth is dense, the Moon is not), a differing gravity forc e, and the amount of Iron each body had3. The third pre-Apollo major theory that was proposed was formulated by Thomas JJ See. He suggested that the Moon was a captured satellite and that it was actually formed further out in the solar system as far as Neptune2, and somehow, the Moon became close enough to the Earth that the gravitational pull of the Earth captured it. This theory could explain why the Moon and Earth do not share the same properties and is also evident in the universe itself with Mars and other planets. However, this too had its problems because it is very unlikely that a celestial body with the Moon’s shape and elliptical orbit could have found the Earth the way it did. If it was slightly different (which it should have been), it would have crashed into Earth or would have been thrown away from it3. After the Apollo 11 lunar landing with the first men on the Moon, there was a new hypothesis generated through the help of a little piece of moon rock. The moon rock showed that volatile substances with low boiling points such as water were rare as well as metals such as potassium and sodium3. This in itself discredited the fission and double planet theories because if these were true, the Moon would have the same composition as the Earth. The latest theory is also known as the canonical moon theory: the Giant Impact Hypothesis3. It in a way combines all three theories to form one that makes the most sense overall. This hypothesis proposes that the Earth was struck by another celestial body the size of Mars called Theia5 (capture hypothesis). The impact of this collusion expelled large amounts of material (the fission hypothesis) 2, and since Theia had a less dense mantle, Earth’s core was untouched by the impact5. The material which was a ring of very hot debris6 eventually c oalesced or condensed into Earth’s sole satellite (co-accretion hypothesis) 2. This also implies that the Moon would have formed very hot or possibly molten which also disapproves that the Moon was formed solely through the capture hypothesis since if the moon was captured it would not heat up as much as it did. Moreover, the substances on the Moon are more common to silicon and aluminum which are substances with high boiling points3. Although the Giant Impact Hypothesis is what most scientists believe to be the origin of the Moon, there has been new research by geochemist Junjun Zhang from the University of Chicago that looked at titanium isotopes, t50 to t47 in 24 separate samples of moon soil and rock5. The geochemist tested titanium since Theia should have left its signature on the Moon after the giant collision and it is very unlikely that Earth could have exchanged titanium since it has a very high boiling point5. However, research showed that similar to oxygen isotopes from previous research, titanium shares a good proportion of the Earth’s mantle7.This is troubling since Theia was thought to be a ways away from the Earth. Moreover, Robin Canup from the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado shares input and states that oxygen isotope composition of Mars differs from Earth by a factor of 50 so it is improbable for the Moon to have the same proportions of oxygen and titanium7. Another study was conducted in 2012 by Matija Cuk from SETI (Search for Extraterrestial Intelligence) and Sarah Stewart from Harvard University7 and suggests that if the Earth was spinning faster than it is now (to have two or three hours for a day), the planet could have thrown enough material to form the Moon. After forming the Moon, the gravitational pull could have eventually slowed down the Earth’s spin rate eventually producing the 24 hour day we have today7. In order to understand how the universe works, more research needs to be conducted including a mission to Venus7 so that we can better understand how and why the Earth and Moon have the composition they do. We already know the composition of Mars so it is important to know how the other planet beside us, Venus, operates as well. Although we have theories of how the Moon was formed, even the canonical Giant Impact Hypothesis seems to be wrong due to recent research about the Earth and Moon’s properties. I think it is very likely that Matija Cuk and Sarah Stewart’s hypothesis is correct, that is, the young Earth may have spun fast enough to form a moon. The Earth could have been closer to the Sun than it is today which is highly probable due to the dark energy slowly expanding our universe. Moreover, the debris may have shaped into the Moon’s form, a spherical satellite, which can be observed through an example of binary star systems. Eventually, the Moon could hav e been big enough to stabilize the Earth’s orbit, to conduct how long our days are today, and further support life on Earth by providing ocean tides to influence the Earth’s climate.
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