Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Part 1: GUIDANCE PROGRAMS AND SERVICES A. Implications, needs, capacities, and extent of direction Direction School years may be thehappiest period in a person's life. It is a point in one's life when companions are made,new encounters are experienced, and advances turn upas one develops and manufactures character and character. The school is anurturing condition where an individual is developed and shaped in anticipation of adulthood. In any case, the life of an understudy isn't such it's supposed to be. Particularly that of a young person, with seething hormones coordinated with an ocean of apparently grave issues, who else would you be able to go to when nobody seemsto tune in? Which means of Guidance - a pretty much broad term to imply both orderly or unsystematic and casual methods toward helping a person. ( Erlison Lorenz M. Ognilla , Mrs Czarina Ann Alfonso) - is a nonstop procedure of helping the people to get themselves and their reality. (Czarina Ann B. Alfonso) - is a composed arrangement of particular administrations built up as an essential piece of the school condition intended to advance the improvement of studen ts. (Czarina Ann B. Alfonso - tries to enable a person to get comfortable with realities about himself - his inclinations, capacities, past turn of events and plans. (Czarina Ann B. Alfonso) - includes individual assistance given by somebody. (Czarina Ann B. Alfonso) - is a procedure of helping the person to get changed in accordance with his current circumstance in order to give the most extreme improvement to him and to assist him with making arrangements for his future as far as his advantage, aptitudes, abilities and requirements. (Marjorie Arandela-Caipang , Ph. D.) - signified The part of instructive program which is concerned particularly with helping the student to get changed in accordance with his current circumstance and to design his future in accordance with his inclinations, capacities and social needs. ( Harmin and Erikson) The Need for Guidance The understudy life is getting mind boggling step by step. Direction is expected to help the understudies for ideal accomplishment and sufficient modification in the shifted life circumstances. (Czarina Ann B. Alfonso) 1. To help in the all out improvement of the understudy 2. To help in the best possible selections of courses 3. To help in the correct selection of vocations 4. To help the understudies in professional turn of events 5. To create availability for decisions and changes to confront new difficulties 6. To limit the befuddling among instruction and work and help in the effective utilization of labor. 7. To rouse the young for independent work 8. To assist understudies with building up legitimate personality 9. To recognize and rouse the understudies from more fragile segments of society. 10. To help the understudies in their time of disturbance and disarray 11. To help in checking wastage and stagnation 12. To recognize and help understudies needing exceptional assistance. 13. To guarantee the correct use of time spent outside the study halls. 14) To help in handling issues emerging out of understudies populace blast 15) To check movement to forestall mind channel 16) To compensate for the insufficiencies of home. 17) To limit the rate of indiscipline. Elements of Guidance As indicated by Jones, direction doesn't take care of the issues for and individual, rather, it enables the person to take care of his issues. This is made conceivable by making accessible to the individual every single imaginable mean, openings, roads of significant worth to him. Subsequently, there is an expanded mindfulness in him which results to self-information, self-evaluation and self-comprehension. Extent of Guidance ( Erlison Lorenz M. Ognilla , Czarina Ann Alfonso) 1. Administrations rendered to an individual and his needs 2. Administrations to staff individuals 3. Administrations relating to assessment of administrations B. Concerns, patterns, and basic components of direction Worries of Guidance We as a people we additionally need to know the standards, administrations and the projects offered by direction. Furthermore, there ought to be a solid practices to be clarify. We need to think about the main worries on the significance of direction in the various parts of man's life today. They are: Multifaceted nature of living - With our advanced contraptions and with the sharp rivalry in our work power, information on possibilities, interests, and capacities of the candidates turns into an essential for the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Public Interest Political Concept
Question: Examine about the Public Interest for Political Concept. Answer: Presentation LAN Airlines and Southwest Airlines have been developing at a stunning velocity. Presently to fund the following substance of development in the business there is a need to back the following round of increment in working capital. The paper will investigate every conceivable choice by which the financing can be raised. The goal is to comprehend about various sort of financing and afterward accepting an approach the working capital financing. Neighborhood cash named bank credit Any corporate treasury would have some presentation in common supports particularly fluid, UST and ST reserves. Presently to back the following essence of development in the business there is a need to fund the following round of increment in working capital. The paper will investigate every single imaginable choice by which the financing can be raised. The goal is to comprehend about various sort of financing and afterward accepting an approach the working capital financing. This devices would permit the client to set predefined parameters to choose the assets from the universe After determination, the client would likewise have the adaptability to make venture explicit triggers like the AUM and so forth. USD named bonds The instrument would check how fluid is the stock in the portfolio and make fundamental dashboard for the portfolio/watchlist which the client has made Neighborhood cash named bank credit Right now being worked on, subtleties to be shared later Value This report would permit to client to see whether the portfolio is really differentiated or not. The client can utilize his watchlist, portfolio or select assets from the dropdown When the client has chosen the assets, the device would show the basic portfolio as far as segment, organization and so on. Examination of every one of the advantage class Advantages Downside U.S. dollar designated bonds Advantage of lower loan cost and support against any hazard subsequent to losing the business Money hazard can be high in unfriendly danger of argentinian peso development Nearby Currency named bonds Money chance development of Argentinian development In the event that the business is lost, no point of this obligation Bank Loan Lower money chance Can be costly Value Antagonistic development can be kept away from Costly suggestion Nearby money designated bank advance The apparatus would check how thought is the portfolio USD named bonds At present being worked on, subtleties to be shared later Neighborhood cash designated bank advance How much alpha the reserve has produced wrt benchmark, extra benchmark across various timeframes appeared as dashboard. Presently to back the following substance of development in the business there is a need to fund the following round of increment in working capital. The paper will investigate every conceivable alternative by which the financing can be raised. The goal is to comprehend about various sort of financing and afterward accepting an approach the working capital financing. Value Market top insightful examination New passage/exit Presentation as far as AMC/% of AUM/number of plans Novel and well known holding examination Online portfolio tracker which can be utilized by the merchants financial specialist also It will have all the reports from the present work area form in a reestablished dashboard structure in addition to some energizing new highlights, for example, apparatus for financier figuring which is as yet a major torment point for most little IFAs, wholesalers and so on. It will likewise give client the system to store data about its client and utilize this data cleverly like auto SIP update, spring up before a reserve development, and update on finance execution and so forth. In one spot the client can discover the factsheets as distributed by the AMCs Financing choice The IFA/merchants can utilize this instrument to create tweaked factsheet in their own logo and contact subtleties. They can likewise take care of in the possibilities data which will be imprinted on the report Some fundamental speculator mindfulness related substance in ICRON marking which can be utilized for information updation, preparing of deals power and so on. Any customization in content, marking should be possible at an extra expense. Presently to back the following substance of development in the business there is a need to fund the following round of increment in working capital. The paper will investigate every single imaginable alternative by which the financing can be raised. The goal is to comprehend about various sort of financing and afterward accepting an approach the working capital financing (Schubert, 1963). End They ought to go for U.S dollar division as regardless of whether the agreement is lost they will have the option to support the advance without taking any loan cost hazard. Any corporate treasury would have some introduction in shared supports particularly fluid, UST and ST reserves. Presently to fund the following substance of development in the business there is a need to back the following round of increment in working capital. The paper will investigate every conceivable choice by which the financing can be raised. The goal is to comprehend about various sort of financing and afterward accepting an approach the working capital financing. How much alpha the reserve has produced wrt benchmark, extra benchmark across various timespans appeared as dashboard. Presently to fund the following essence of development in the business there is a need to back the following round of increment in working capital. The paper will investigate every conceivable choice by which the financing can b e raised. References: Hantke-Domas, M. (2003). The open intrigue hypothesis of guideline: non-presence or misinterpretation?.European diary of law and economics,15(2), 165-194. Schubert, G. A. (1960).The open intrigue: An evaluate of the hypothesis of a political idea. Free Press of Glencoe Sanday, P. R. (Ed.). (2014).Anthropology and the open intrigue: Fieldwork and hypothesis. Scholastic Press Baudot, L., Roberts, R. W., Wallace, D. M. (2015). An assessment of the US open bookkeeping callings open intrigue talk and activities in government approach making.Journal of Business Ethics, 1-18
Summary and opinion of women study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Synopsis and assessment of ladies study - Essay Example Be that as it may, that correspondence drops rapidly in social settings. At the point when a lady goes into a car store, the sales rep regards her as though a youngster. Sports, particularly male games, are still beyond reach to ladies. Blended Olympic wrestling, MMA, and different games are as yet male just clubs. Some may contend that ladies are not genuinely equipped for these games. Nonetheless, Chyna, Serena and Venus Williams, and other ladies are more genuinely skilled than men. The issue is men would prefer not to ladies to traverse into specific regions. NASCAR is an ideal model. Numerous proprietors would prefer not to support a lady. Therefore ladies will in general avoid these zones. Ladies, particularly minority ladies, are oppressed. These ladies will accept any position to support their families. Ladies with enormous families are oppressed, hitched or not. Insults are aimed at these ladies of ‘Don’t you recognize what causes that?’ or ‘You can’t deal with what you have.’ It is expected that a lady with numerous youngsters have various dads for these kids. The man should be considered responsible also. A mother is regularly answerable for any youngsters. Unwed dads don't confront the shame of an unwed mother. Mainstream society will in general depict the mother or sex image. Conventional ladies are ignored. Hollywood promotions and motion pictures are not made about the Eleanor Roosevelts of the world. Rather June Cleaver, Roseanne, Jennifer Aniston, etc are advanced. Single ladies with power don't pick up appraisals. Men, then again, don't age. They can at present be stars long after their middle age. A lady infrequently makes it past her fifties in mainstream society. Assault and viciousness against ladies is a significant issue in America. Spouses slaughtering wives are in the news. Scott Peterson, Drew Peterson (no connection), and others catch the features. Assault in numerous structures is as yet present. The rough assault is awful, yet date assault leaves a lady crushed. The force that a
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Write a Controversial Essay on Human Rights as a Form of Imperialism
The most effective method to Write a Controversial Essay on Human Rights as a Form of Imperialism A dubious paper on human rights as a type of government is actually a type of pugnacious composition. The subject of this kind of exposition needs to rotate around an issue which is dubious. This is the place the composing task gets its name. All things considered, knowing the essentials to pugnacious or influential style works will push you to truly investigate the disputable paper. Forming Your Thesis Statement In the event that you are attempting to form your postulation proclamation you need to initially ensure that you have your point set up. Before you can move into the proposal explanation you need a point. The explanation behind this is the theory proclamation should work as an independent sentence to depict to your perusers the motivation behind your whole work. Furthermore, your motivation is truly responding to an inquiry or taking care of the issue. On account of the contentious style you will likely contend that your specific side or perspective in something is right contrasted with every other option. Yet, with the goal for that to be genuine you have to introduce the two sides. You have to disclose to the perusers why the contention youre making exists in any case and this starts with introducing the two sides. You need to introduce the genuine issue that you are contending. Furthermore, with that you need to present to the peruser why you are making your contention in one straightforward sentence. On the off chance that you are battling to finish this undertaking it may assist you with sitting down and direct some conceptualizing practices that will better refine your concern and the difficult proclamation and your answer. Over the span of your exploration you may need to modify this specific proclamation as you find that the current research doesn't bolster your perspective or the current research underpins a contrary perspective. Regardless you will probably be adaptable in your theory or your proposition. On the off chance that you find that exploration makes you change what you have introduced that is splendidly fine insofar as you essentially make the important changes as they are required. You need to use as hardly any words as conceivable when you are dealing with your proposition. Recollect this should work as an independent sentence, a theme sentence which gives your perusers all the data they require so as to really comprehend what you are introducing. Word economy can allude to utilizing the least number of words to clarify the hugest measure of thoughts. What's more, this is an idea that you need to utilize when you take a shot at this specific piece of your errand. In using the means you will have the option to create top notch content. When you have your proposition finished, the time has come to proceed onward to the rest of the creative cycle. Start by finishing the body of your work, at that point wrap it up with the end and an altered presentation. With a first draft off your shoulders, take as much time as is needed modifying and altering until the piece is finished. We trust this guide will assist you with building your questionable paper on human rights as a type of colonialism. Don’t neglect to likewise check our 20 explicit themes for this issue just as 10 realities to prove a paper of this sort.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Essay sample on effects of texting
Essay sample on effects of texting Contemporary students are extremely dependent on the Internet and their smartphones. They got used to being in touch with their peers and family and use text messaging both at home and school. Although one cannot deny that elaborate communication tools are extremely useful, an increasing number of researchers, educators, and parents raise concerns about the effects of excessive text messaging on teenagers. More specifically, there have been heated debates as to the adverse impact of texting on students’ literacy skills. This text messaging affecting literacy research paper aims to explore these concerns in detail and, based on the reliable academic literature, determine whether text messaging is indeed detrimental for teenagers’ writing and communication skills. Texting and Literacy Research: Contradicting Results There have been many studies attempting to explore the effects of text messaging on students literacy. Some critics argue that excessive use of smartphones adversely affects the way children think, read, and write. They note that the more students use this type of communication, the less they are able to see the difference between informal and formal English (Myhra, 2010). Among the most common mistakes made by students are missing words, misspelling, and missing punctuation, mainly because texting does not require users to pay attention to all these aspects. The problem is that students use texting for informal communication, where academic grammar is not generally required. They use cyber slang, such as “LOL,†“BFF,†or “WTF†to express their emotions, which is fine for chatting with friends but is unacceptable for higher education or business (Myhra, 2010). Educators are concerned that if students learn to use this simplified language in the middle-school, they may hav e difficulty using correct, formal language when they grow up (Tomaszewski, 2011). To summarize, negative effects of text messaging have been well-documented during the past decade. However, not all researchers agree that texting is detrimental to children’s writing skills and spelling. For example, the recent study by Van Dijk et al. (2016) aimed to determine how textese affect students’ cognitive abilities and executive functions. The main objective pursued by authors was to answer the question “does text messaging affect writing skills?†Scholars used a sample of 55 teenagers who regularly used text messaging. Results revealed that textese improve both children’s abilities in written language and their spoken language. In this way, the study showed that contrary to the widespread opinion, texting does not lead to language deterioration (Van Dijk et al., 2016). These findings were supported by Wood, Kemp, and Waldron (2014) who noted that texting slang does not seem to impact teenagers’ literacy negatively. Baggott (2006) argued that in the contemporary digital age, the very concept of literacy should be viewed differently. As explained by the author, today’s literacy is not only about writing and reading skills but also about the ability to interpret information, knowing how to use multimedia, and being able to select the relevant data from the wide array of sources. Therefore, if to look at literacy from this perspective, one may confidently note that texting allows students to gain all these vital skills. More importantly, Baggott (2006) highlighted that the effects of text messaging on students’ literacy are exaggerated. In fact, they know perfectly well when they can use “IMHO†and when they should use more sophisticated, formal language. Singh, Gupta, and Tuteja (2015) took a middle-ground position and argued that texting may affect students’ literacy both positively and negatively. On the one hand, students who use text messaging communicate more and gain new knowledge and information, which makes them generally literate. On the other hand, the use of short words may make them lazy and less attentive to grammar and spelling (Singh et al., 2015). Verheijen (2013) added that existing studies do not allow drawing definite conclusions as to the effects of texting. According to this author, differences in sample sizes, population, and methodology mean that comparing the findings of the empirical research is impossible. Other Effects of Text Messaging in the Classroom As shown in the previous paragraphs, there is no unanimity regarding the effects of text messaging to students in relation to literacy skills. However, text messaging is a social phenomenon that affects not only writing and reading but also teenagers’ communication skills. Effects of text messaging on communication skills have been widely researched nowadays, and the prevailing view is that texting is detrimental to genuine face-to-face communication. Villines (2012) explained that children get used to instant messaging and anonymity brought by popular messengers, so they may feel uncomfortable interacting with people in real life. In other words, they forget that face-to-face communication requires considerable efforts, patience, and listening skills. As a result, one may see the negative effects of texting in the classroom, where children are expected to actively interact in-person. As noted by Villines (2012), students may get irritated by slow-paced communication and lose a cha nce to build meaningful relationships with peers and teachers. To conclude there are both negative and positive effects of texting on literacy, so further research is needed to address this controversy. On the one hand, it is believed that texting deprives students of the opportunity to learn the formal language and makes them less attentive to grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style. On the other hand, the use of technologies may positively affect teenagers’ digital literacy skills, which are vital for succeeding in the contemporary society. However, one thing is clear â€" texting adversely affects the way children communicate, so it is important to encourage them to spend more time on in-person interaction.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Need Ways to CUT the Cost of College
HomeFinanceFinancial aidDiscover How To Cut The Cost Of College By Finding Generous CollegesThis page may contain affiliate links.Dec 16, 2015 //
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Is Personal Privacy At Risk From Social Media - 1624 Words
Is personal privacy at risk due to social media? Since the creation of the first social media site in the late 1990s, over 2 billion people around the world use social media every day. Over the past decade personal and professional life have gradually become overwhelmed with social media, such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. What all these sites have in common is that they enable people to share, communicate, connect, and build careers while enjoying their social lives. In this world, people have a wide variety of expectations and desires for personal privacy, but the rapid popularity of social media has blurred the boundaries between what is public and private. Issues surrounding personal privacy and social media have a short history in the U.S. Since the creation of the World Wide Web in 1991 and the launch of six degrees in 1997 multiple perspectives have developed surrounding the personal privacy controversy. This can be seen through the history of social media sites and the development of this controversy. It also helps to discuss the current laws in the U.S. and privacy settings social media sites have in place and the different opinions that the public holds surrounding personal privacy based on social media. The internet was created in 1983, but it wasn’t until 1991 that the World Wide Web was created. Over the next few decades, the internet, as well as social media, continued to develop in ways once unimaginable. The term â€Å"social media†describes two conceptsShow MoreRelatedsocial media and identity management1639 Words  | 7 Pages Social Media and identity management-benefits and risk Currently, people are living in a virtual world that is dominated by social media; the influence of emergences of social media platform, such as Facebook, YouTube, has far beyond the imagination of peopleï ¼Ë†Pennsylvania, 2011ï ¼â€°.There are an increasing number of people who are willing to use social media to manage their identity, which offers a large amount of opportunities for those audiences who want to standing out from the crowd.(Matthieu;Read MoreFacebook Has Changed The Face Of Social Media1640 Words  | 7 Pageschanged the face of social media altogether. Facebook was originally designed for the average student to stay connected to other college students within the area. After years of growth, the social media platform has completely transformed into a space parents and even grandparents can navigate with ease. Because there are so many people within the site, there is room for problems to arise within everyday use. Facebook has made it so that users can change and maintain their privacy settings, howeverRead MoreThe Impact Of Privacy On Usage Trends For Social Networking Sites1209 Words  | 5 Pagesrise of social media networks and web applications has amounted to a large amount of multimedia data being produced and communicated across the world. Although user awareness for risks associated with using these websites and applications is at an abysmally low levels as measured by an independent survey. The risks and challenges such as identity theft and disclosure of sensitive information should be properly addressed towards customers to avoid any potential loss of their private and personal informationRead MoreResearch Paper On Five Ways To Ensure Social Media Safety1044 Words  | 5 Pages6 Ways To Ensure Social Media Safety The growth and evolution of social media have influenced our social and business dynamics. We share more content than ever before in a bid to stay connected, we are less mindful of strangers and we sometimes feel invincible online. However, the level of connectivity offered by social media is quickly growing into our undoing. We are now more vulnerable than ever and this is a risk we cannot afford to take in this day and age when everyone with the know-how canRead MoreDisadvantages And Disadvantages Of Social Media1536 Words  | 7 Pages Disadvantages of Social Media Jiacheng Liu EAP/VI/C Sarah Peterson April/15/2015 Abstract Social media is an inherent part of current Internet and used by more than a billion individuals worldwide. They provide opportunities to share ideas and interact with others, from old friends to strangers. In spite of the fact that social media has changed individuals’ lives with unnumbered benefits, many disadvantages, to users, are hidden under the superficial advantages, includingRead MoreAn Empirical Study On Privacy Concerns Of Young Adults On Social Media Platforms Essay1470 Words  | 6 PagesEMPIRICAL STUDY ON PRIVACY CONCERNS OF YOUNG ADULTS ON SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS Himani Sevekar, Neha Aranha ABSTRACT The research mainly examines the privacy concerns of the young adolescents with respect to their accounts on Social Media Platforms. The focus of the research intends to understand the privacy protection behaviors on social networks. The targeted population for this research paper was young adolescents. The result revealed that the young adults are concerned about their privacy settings beRead MoreEssay On Internet Privacy1658 Words  | 7 PagesInternet Privacy: An introduction (Mike Campbell) A famous and often misunderstood quote from Benjamin Franklin says that those who would give up an essential liberty to purchase a small, temporary safety, deserve neither the liberty nor the safety (Wittes, 2015) . This quote is usually used in the opposite of its original intent, according to historical context (Wittes, 2015) but it’s easy to see why it may be misused. The sentiment we likely draw from it is that sacrificing privacy for safetyRead MoreThe Impact Of Social Media On Our Lives1330 Words  | 6 PagesPrivacy is dead. We post our personal lives online without actually knowing the consequences. Viewing other people’s lifestyles online and how they can make it look very adventurous, makes one seem like they haven t accomplished anything in life. This type of feeling makes it very tempting to put our personal lives online because everyone simply does it. The social sites that are used more often, due to a study that was done by Statista, are Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter. Surprisingly, InstagramRead MoreNegative Effects Of Social Media811 Words  | 4 Pages The Negative Impacts of Using Social Media What is the impact of long-term social media use on Americans? Social media has been one of the most influential activities for young Americans and the Americans as a whole. According to the statistic from â€Å"Use of Social Media by US Adults According to Age Group, 2016,†86 percents of adult Americans use the Internet such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter. This statistic shows that most of the peopleRead MoreFacebook Is An Online Social Networking1079 Words  | 5 PagesFacebook is an online social networking website founded by Mark Zuckerberg along with his fellow Harvard College roommates Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, and Chris Hughes. The website allows you to create your own wall on which you can share images, personal information, videos etc. Through the site’s messaging feature persons are able to connect with friends, families and many other people around the globe. The success and popularity of the website has attracted over a billion
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
About the F-22 Raptor Fighter Jet
The F-22 Raptor is America’s premier air-to-air combat fighter jet that can also perform air-to-ground operations. It is built by Lockheed Martin. The U.S. Air Force has 137 F-22 Raptors in use. The Raptor is the top air combat fighter jet in the world and is designed to dominate the air. Development of the F-22 began in the mid-1980’s at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Production of the F-22 began in 2001 with full production starting in 2005. The last F-22 was delivered in 2012. Each Raptor has a life span of 40 years. Unique Features of the F-22 Raptor Lockheed’s development partners include Boeing and Pratt Whitney. Pratt Whitney builds the engine for the fighter. Boeing builds the F-22 airframe. The Raptor has advanced stealth capability to elude enemy aircraft and missiles. The stealth capability means the Raptor’s radar image is as small as a bumblebee. The sensor system gives the F-22 pilot a 360-degree view of the battlefield around the plane. It also has very advanced sensor, radar and electronics allowing it to locate, track and shoot down enemy aircraft. The two engines have 35,000 pounds of thrust each allowing it to cruise above 50,000 feet at Mach 2 speeds. The engines have afterburners for increased speed and directional nozzles for maneuverability. A sophisticated information and diagnostic system allows for paperless maintenance and faster turnaround. Capabilities The F-22 Raptor gives the U.S. air superiority world-wide as there is no other fighter aircraft that can match its capabilities. The F-22 has the ability to fly at over 50,000 feet at Mach 2 speeds and for 1600 nautical miles. Carrying an impressive arsenal of weapons the F-22 can take out enemy aircraft quickly and control the skies. It can then be converted by changing the weapons carried to perform ground attacks. The Raptor has secure communications capability from one F-22 to another F-22. A single pilot controls the aircraft as he has a 360 view of the battlefield around the plane and a wide array of sensors tracking other aircraft in the area. This allows the aircraft to know where enemy aircraft are in the area before they can see the Raptor. When carrying ground mode weapons the Raptor has two 1,000 JDAM’s that can be deployed. It can also carry up to eight smaller diameter bombs. Maintenance on the Raptor is paperless and has a predictive maintenance system to repair parts before they break. Weapons on Board The F-22 Raptor can be configured for either air combat or ground combat. Weapons carried for air combat: one 20mm M61A-2 six barrel rotary cannon and 480 rounds with ammunition feed system capable of 100 rounds per secondsix AIM-120C air-to-air missilestwo AIM-9 Sidewinder heat seeking missiles Ground combat weapon configuration: two 1,000 pound JDAM Joint Direct Attack Munitionstwo AIM-120C air-to-air missilestwo AIM-9T Sidewinder missiles Specifications Engines two Pratt Whitney F119-PW-100 engines with 35,000 pounds maximum thrust (similar engine as the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter)Range 1600 nautical miles using just internal fuelFuel carries 18,000 pounds of fuel and can be refueled while in flight. Wing mounted fuel tanks can be added to carry an additional 8,000 pounds of fuelLength 62.1 feetHeight 16.7 feetWingspan 44 feet 6 inchesCrew size oneWeight over 43,000 pounds empty and 83,500 pounds fully loadedMaximum speed Mach 2Ceiling over 50,000 feetApproximate cost $143 million each Deployed Units Squadrons of F-22’s are deployed at: three squadrons in Virginiathree squadrons in Alaskatwo squadrons in New MexicoF-22’s are also based in Hawaii and the Middle Easttraining, maintenance and tactical work are performed in Florida, Nevada and California
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The War On Drugs And Mass Incarceration Essay - 1439 Words
Introduction The War on Drugs and Mass Incarceration have been two very well-known topics of society. While these have taken place during the Cold War, there is still a continuance in them today. The impact that has been left on society from these issues have stuck around, while mass incarceration is still of talk today. War on Drugs The War on Drugs not only has many acts that have been in place due to it, but there has been a domino effect with other topics. The War on Drugs has become a complicated, yet important aspect of the U.S. as well as other countries. It was to be believed that the War on Drugs has influenced incarceration. This effect was the ability to imprison those who are using drugs, and the amount of crime will begin to decrease (Lloyd, 2015). Margaret Lloyd (2015), also discussed how a community that has less crime could be a better living area for children, in hopes they will not act in deviant behaviors. The War on Drugs began in increments, first with President Nixon and secondly with President Reagan (Hill, Oliver, Marion, 2012). While under the Nixon administration, the Drug Enforcement Administration was developed due to the thought of how drugs can affect an individual as well as a community. Drugs did not only affect the user and the community, but also the families as well as children. Out of all the presidents, it is documented that President Nixon was one who had discussions about drugs more than any other president (Hill, et al., 2012).Show MoreRelatedThe Private Prison System War On Drugs And Mass Incarceration883 Words  | 4 PagesThe Private Prison System War on drugs and Mass Incarceration A private prison or for-profit prison is a place in which individuals are physically confined or incarcerated by a third party that is contracted by a government agency. Private prison companies typically enter into contractual agreements with governments that commit prisoners and then pay a per diem or monthly rate, either for each prisoner in the facility or for each place available, whether occupied or not. Such contracts may be forRead MoreMass Incarceration802 Words  | 4 PagesAlexander identifies the racialized mass incarceration problem that we have in our criminal justice system. Reading the book, you can see that mass incarceration is a social problem. This means that the problem can follow the six stages of the policy process. If I were a claimsmaker, I could assert that mass incarceration is a problem by following the six stages. In the claimsmaking stage, I would claim that the War on Drugs creates the racialized mass incarceration in our society today. To show thatRead MoreMass Incarceration Is Defined As The Imprisonment Of A Large Amount Of People1439 Words  | 6 PagesAt the simplest level, mass incarceration is defined as the imprisonment of a large amount of people. However, that does not tell the whole story. The majority of people incarcerated are minorities, and although mass incarceration began as a system of unjust racial and social control, today it continues for many political reasons including government grants, swaying voter opinion, and for-profit prison revenue. The United States incarcerates more people, per capita, than any other nation in theRead MoreMass Incarceration Essay1278 Words  | 6 Pages MASS INCARCERATION The prison population in the United states has increased 500% in thirty years. Since the 1970s social inequality has impacted the American prison system. America has 2.3 million people in prison which is â€Å"five times more than England and twelve times more than Japan.†We want to know why our prison population is growing and what are the core reasons. Has our society caused mass incarceration? Is it based on conflict theory or social stratification? Our research will includeRead MoreThe Political And Economic Factors Of The War On Drugs872 Words  | 4 PagesAccording to Michelle Alexander, why and how has the â€Å"war on drugs†developed over the last 40 years? What are the main political and economic factors that led to the war on drugs, and what are the main political and economic factors that shaped it as it developed over the last four decades? Draw on material from the Foner textbook chapters 25 through 28 to supplement Alexander’s discussion of th e political and economic context. Many people in the United States believe that there is full equalityRead MoreThe New Jim Crow By Michelle Alexander1313 Words  | 6 Pages The New Jim Crow Michelle Alexander’s the new Jim Crow Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness examine the Jim Crow practices post slavery and the mass incarceration of African-American. The creation of Jim Crows laws where used as a tool to promote segregation among the minority and white American. Michelle Alexander’s the new Jim Crow Mass takes a look at Jim Crow laws and policies were put into place to block the social progression African-American from the post-slavery to the civilRead MoreThe New Jim Crow By Michelle Alexander1316 Words  | 6 Pages The New Jim Crow Michelle Alexander’s the new Jim Crow Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness examine the Jim Crow practices post slavery and the mass incarceration of African-American. The creation of Jim Crows laws were used as a tool to promote segregation among the minority and white American. Michelle Alexander’s the new Jim Crow Mass takes a look at Jim Crow laws and policies were put into place to block the social progression African-American from the post-slavery to theRead MoreThe New Jim Crow : Mass Incarceration1370 Words  | 6 Pagesways that fit into the fabric of the American society to render it nearly invisible to the majority of Americans. Michelle Alexander, in her book, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness shatters this dominantly held belief. The New Jim Crow makes a reader profoundly question whether the high rates of incarceration in the United States is an attempt to maintain blacks as an underclass. Michelle Alexander ma kes the assertion that â€Å"[w]e have not ended racial caste in America;Read MoreMass Incarceration : A Major Problem Within The United States1695 Words  | 7 PagesMass incarceration has recently become a major problem within the United States. Although crime rates have dropped since the 1990s, incarceration rates have soared. This trend is largely associated with increased enforcement of drug-related crimes. Unfortunately, though not surprisingly, this problem involves racial discrepancies when regarding these mass incarcerations. Incarcerations appear to be the most prominent throughout urban areas and the south, which happen to be the areas where AfricanRead MoreThe New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander657 Words  | 3 Pages The book â€Å"The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness†(â€Å"The New Jim Crow†) hits on many significant points concerning the criminal justice system and the s ystemically racial elements that have been perpetuated through various laws. As argued in the book, the â€Å"War on Drugs†has been used to perpetuate racial discrimination against African Americans since the 1980s and the Reagan Administration. My personal reflection on the book comes from a legal perspective. Within the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Physics Of The Gas - 1023 Words
Charles’ Law Introduction: Charles’ Law states that if a given quantity of gas is held at a constant pressure, its volume is directly proportional to the temperature. The purpose of this lab is to demonstrate that when the gases are heated the volume of the gas will expand and increase the total volume. The gases when heated made the syringe rise and therefore expanding the volume potential of the gases. Theory: According to Charles Law the volume of a gas is directly proportional to the Kelvin temperature assuming the pressure is constant. Charles’ Law when relating the volume of a gas at constant pressure to its temperature is summarized in this formula: V/T = k where T is the temperature (in degrees Kelvin), V is the volume and k is†¦show more content†¦After recording all data in the lab notes, take a constant temperature bath from the shelf and place it on the work bench, adjust the temperature of the constant temperature bath to 0 degrees Celsius. After that place the flask in the constant bath, let the temperature reach a constant point and then record the new data. After that change the temperature of the constant temperature bath to 40 degrees Celsius, allow the temperature to stabilize and record the new volume and temperature of the gas. Next change the temperature of the constant temperature bath to 60 degrees Celsius, 80 degrees Celsius, and 100 degrees Celsius and record the temperature in Kelvin and the new volume at all of the temperatures listed above. Then clear the work bench and prepare for the next experiment. In experiment number two, take an Erlenmeyer flask form the shelf and place it on the workbench and close it. Then add 1.5atm of butane gas to the flask and note that the volume of the flask is 150mL (the gas occupies the entire volume of the flask.) Next take a syringe from the materials shelf and place it in the flask and record the new volume of both the flask and the syringe. After recording the data in the lab notes take the flask and place it in a constant temperature bath at 40 degrees Celsius. Record the temperature (in degrees Kelvin) and the volume of the flask added to the volume of the syringe in the lab notes. Next change the temperature of the
Compare the Ways Free Essays
To highlight this attention has to be given to the story and roots of youth work in England. One of the first types of youth work provision was the early network of Sunday Schools founded by Robert Raises and Hannah Moore in 1780. Their idea was to morally educate the children and young people of the working classes because at this time less than a third of children of school age actually attended school; hence the young population, especially females, were uneducated (Smith, Bibb). We will write a custom essay sample on Compare the Ways or any similar topic only for you Order Now However the working class attempted to create bottom-up forms of education themselves with the formation of the Young Man’s Christian Association in 1844 by George Williams. Within the association were the early characteristics of a youth work approach and an emphasis on healthy spiritual well-being especially for city dwelling young males (Smith, AAA; Smith, Bibb). This reflects the morally upright and patriarchal Victorian views of the time along with the recognition of youth as a discipline in its own right (Staunton Rogers, 2004). By the mid nineteenth century the struggles of the working class had been all but lost with the influx of top-down institutions which were mainly church led. Toward the end of the century young sections of the population were identified as needing activities to engage in to improve their leisure time and to maintain social control. It was widely accepted that this leadership would be undertaken by a range of philanthropic institutions and state run establishments. One of the most significant youth organizations of this period was the Scouting movement started by Robert Baden-Powell. To accentuate the importance of state social control and the Liberalism’s political agenda school attendance became compulsory up to the age of ten with the introduction of the 1880 and 1902 Education Acts (Smith, AAA). It was also around this time and Britain’s early globalization and the changing social and economic conditions that prompted the Politician’s and educated members of society to develop country wide youth practice as observers believed that the youth of English nation were experience new and harsh encounters and a lot of this was to do with the newly constructed phase of adolescence, this new breed of child needed discipline , protection and some nurturing(Davies,1967). As Russell and Rugby commented â€Å"some of the challenges were domestic. As the demand for unskilled especially child) labor reduced more and more young people were neither in school nor work†they felt that the young adolescence leisure time was not being fulfilled and the young â€Å"indulge in ‘one main amusement gambling (Russell Rugby, 1908: 10-11). D The youth of the country were seen as being tested, too, within a new international context who should, who could, take on these emerging responsibilities? Pragmatic and often major compromises with the laissez-fairer principles which had so shaped Victorian Britain had already been made – in order for example to errant public health and spread elementary education to the whole population. Nonetheless, in this later nineteenth century period and even into the early decades of the twentieth century the state remained, at best, an unwelcome intruder into the personal and social spheres of people’s lives. For responding to the newly identified leisure-time needs of young people, a state role was therefore never apparently considered. Self-evidently, these were suitable fields for voluntarily supported clubs’ (Berry, 1919: 96) – a task for thinking people who felt something must be done†¦ (Russell and Rugby, 1908: 12); for those who were conscious of what their ‘happier fortune has bestowed on us from our circumstances’ (Button, 1985: 14); who were fortunately placed’ and therefore felt very strongly that in some way (action) was incumbent on us’ (Chill, 1935: 5). By the early decades of the twentieth century the result was a network of local independent boys and girls clubs across the I-J. From the sass, under the influence of William Smith, military-style brigades for boys and girls also took hold and by the sass were being supplemented and indeed often underpinned by Baden Bowel’s Boy Scouts and later the Girl Guides. In due course these sought mutually supportive links by setting up a range of local, regional and national associations and federations. The Boer War highlighted the need for a fitter, healthier generation of young men and this was supported by social research (Staunton Rogers, 2004). In response to these findings the Children Act 1908 was introduced to establish a Juvenile Justice system, specific medical treatment and free school meals specifically for minors. However, despite young people during this period beginning to be recognized in heir own right there was an ulterior political and philanthropic agenda to enforce social control and Christian morals for both girls and boys (Staunton Rogers, 2004). Nevertheless society began to change during World War One as young men were conscripted into the horrors of war and returned transformed. Whereas women were no longer perceived as, â€Å"delicate maidens of Victorian sensibilities†but instead began to be recognized as capable individuals with their own identities (Staunton Rogers, 2004: 4). Subsequently it was recognized that state intervention was needed ND powers and funding were given to local authorities to invest in Juvenile Organizing Committees (Smith, AAA). Up until this point it was still normal to talk about work with or among boys and girls (or young men and women or youth). In the late sass we see the growing use of the term ‘youth work’. The first booklet in the UK appeared with it in its title: Methods in Youth Work (Walked et al 1931). Bibliography Davies, B. And Gibson, A. (1967). The social education of the adolescent, London: University of London Press. IPPP. Laudable, J. (1989) ‘Children in history: concepts of nature and society In: Scarce, G. Deed) Children, Parents and Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. IPPP-20. Russell, C. E. B. And Rugby, L. M. 1908, Working Lads Clubs, London, MacMillan and Co Ltd. Smith, M. K. (AAA) Youth Work an Introduction. Http://www. Infer. Org/youth’s/b-WY. HTML [accessed 08. 11. 12]. Smith, M. K. (Bibb) ‘Hannah More: Sunday schools, education and youth work’ The Encyclopedia of Informal Education. Http://www. Infer. Org/thinkers/more. HTML [accessed 9. 11. 12]. Poverty was abundant and with the start of the industrial revolution it was inevitable that children wer e used as cheap labor (Laudable,1989. Smith, 2002). How to cite Compare the Ways, Papers
Effective Business Communications
Question: Write an essay on Effective Business Communications. Answer: Introduction Defining non-verbal communication is a difficult proposition. In plain terms it can described as a form of communication, which does not involve spoken and written communication. It is a form of communication that uses gestures and body language as a mean of communication. Non verbal communication is one of the alternative means of communication that is adopted to traditional verbal communication style. Non verbal communication incorporates body language, touch, facial expressions and gestures as a part of the communication style (Bargiela-Chiappini Nickerson, 2014). The topic of interview and negotiation has an important place in the workplace. Interview is a form of communication, in which the interviewer informs, communicates and assesses an interviewing. Negotiation is a type of bargaining, which is undertaken to persuade and compromise on certain matters. Interview is a form of structured communication, which establishes a relationship between verbal and non verbal communication (Chaney Martin, 2013). Star Group Ltd has been facing certain issues in the non verbal communication aspect of the interview process. The company boasts of cultural diversity in the workplace. Cultural diversity reflects on one integral fact, which is the presence of diversity of languages. The employees at the workplace and the candidates applying for employment will be candidates that speak different languages. However, the human resource manager and the management are multi linguistic, which lead to major language barriers. As a combative measure to such barriers, non verbal communication is promoted and adopted during interview process. However, shortcomings are viewed and observed in non verbal communication. Semantic barrier and misunderstandings are observed during non verbal communication. People who are experienced and well versed with such interview processes, exhibit certain assumed facial expressions and body language that is the requirement as per the interview standards. This reflects an untr ue and unfair representation of the interview processes. New and fresh methods and approaches need to be adopted to overcome these shortcomings in the interview process of Star Group Ltd regarding non verbal communication. Aims and Objectives To identify the loopholes and shortcomings in non verbal communication To identify the interview process and the gaps noticed in the interview process of Star Group Ltd To evaluate and assess the areas of deviations of the communication pattern of the HR management group. To evaluate and recommend fresh ideas and new approaches in the communication style involved in the interview process. Scope The understanding of concepts like non verbal communication and the merits and demerits attached with it is critical for any organization. The importance of interview and negotiations and the incorporation of suitable and appropriate communication style in interviews are very important to any organizations. The successful implementation of correct communication style will affect the organization positively and will improve the workforce and further strengthen the cultural diversity and productivity of the organization by employing correct employee for the appropriate job. It will remove language and semantic barrier. The scope of the research proposal is to highlight these benefits and also improve the interview process of the organization, which enhances the image of the organization. Body Non verbal communication Non-verbal communication is the style of communication that incorporates essence of body language, facial expression, touch and other abstract means in the communication style. It eliminates written and spoken words in the communication style. The non verbal communication comprises of body language, gestures and vocal tone as the major element of non verbal communication. Non verbal communication critically analyses the eye cues and interpretation of each eye cues. Non verbal communication is the imparting of messages by medium excluding written and spoken words (Chaney Martin, 2013). Non verbal communication includes personal and face to face conversation in a non spoken context. Every action and display of behavior in conscious and subconscious state holds special implications and the interpretation of such actions is critically analyzed and made. These interpretations hold special meaning and importance because non verbal communication is heavily dependent on such gestures and actions and the failure to interpret to them leads to ambiguity and communication barriers. Non verbal communication includes tone of the voice, volume of the voice, the speed of the speech, pitch and gestures or body language. Non verbal communication also includes poise, stance of a person, body posture, the proximity of a person to the speaker during communication, dress and appearance during communication is important and eye movement. Eye movement and body posture are vital elements in non verbal communication. It highlights the state of mind and the energy level of a person. Jittery and constant movement of the arms and legs during communication indicates nervous energy and a state of anxiety in a person. Eye movement reflect the energy level like nervousness, excitement, grief and joy are effectively depicted through eye movements. Disadvantages relating to non verbal communication include distortion of information. In non verbal communication, there is high level of distortion or information leading rumors and confusion. It is not a preferable means of communication since it does not create a strong and lasting impression on listeners and receivers (Cardon, 2015). The effect of the non verbal communication has been seen to have not created a strong impression and effect, which does not create as a strong as an impact, which verbal communication does. Non verbal communication is only applicable to short communications. Long communications are not possible in non verbal communications and the lack of flexibility adds to the demerit in the communication pattern. The lack of comprehension in non verbal communication and the repetitive nature of the communication style is one of the shortcomings of the communication style. It also leads to misunderstandings and semantic barrier and misinterpretation between the speaker and the listeners. In addition to the demerits, the merit of the communication style is also noticed since non verbal communication adds a complete picture and presents a comprehensive aspect to the communication pattern (Kelley Autman, 2014). Interviews Interview is a kind of a face to face conversation between a speaker and the listener. The two parties involved in an interview are the interviewer and the interviewee. It can be noticed that the nature of communication involved in a communication is interrogatory. It is evident from the communication pattern in an interview that certain understanding and assessment is the purpose of an interview (Kelley Autman, 2014). The purpose of interviews is to establish an understanding of the feelings and emotions of the interviewee. It is useful in establishing an understanding of the experiences and notions of the interviewee towards different subjects. Interview is useful in comprehending the working style and organizational behavior in respect of a particular employee. Interviews help an organization is assessing its future prospect in respect to advantages and risks given by the employee. Interview and negotiations are useful tools in persuading interviewees into particular terms and conditions of the organizations (ThilL Bove, 2013). Interview provides a strong groundwork for employee evaluation framework. There are certain criteria and requirements in an interview and thus interviews provide the framework and guidelines for selecting candidates and improving staffing functions. Interviews are structured communication that incorporates both verbal and non verbal style of communication (Bargiela-Chiappini Nickerson, 2014). However, one can notice the deviations involved in interview process. Communication barriers often pose as the hindrances in the interview process, and the effect can be traced from the operations and productivity of the organizations. The shortcomings of non verbal communication can hamper the interview process. Methods of Research For conducting the research, certain approaches like positivism method approach, deductive method approach and descriptive method approach is used in the research methodology. Primary data collection method is used and qualitative data is utilized for the purpose of the research. Sampling method is used, in which two managers are used for interview process. Results The expected outcome of this research is the shortcoming and the deviation that is expected to be seen and observed during interview process. The research is expected to show that shortcomings and the loopholes observed in non verbal communication and its effect on the interview process (ThilL Bove, 2013). From the literature review, it can be seen that certain shortcomings and loopholes do exist in non verbal communication that affects the interview process and serves as a shortcomings for human resource team that is involved in conducting interviews. Discussion and Analysis During the data collection procedure, primary data was used for the research. In the primary data collection method, interview method was used and two managers were interviewed and questioned to establish a cohesive and comprehensive idea of the interview process and the role of non verbal communication played by it in the interview process. The interview was conducted to establish the benefit and the magnitude of loophole that was observed in the non verbal communication style in the interview process. The lack of multi linguistic ability of the managers of the human resource team and the cultural diversity of the organization was also reflected in the interview process. Focus group was the analytical tool for conducting the research. It was used for understanding the inferences observed during the research process and a total understanding of the issues faced in the interview process by managers with regards to non verbal communication are established from this research. Conclusion From the research it can be concluded that non verbal communication does suffer from certain loopholes and shortcomings that does affect the interview process, it can be seen that lack of understanding and misinterpretation and misunderstanding are common grounds of loopholes of non verbal communication that interviewers suffers from during interview. Such lapses and deviations do cast their evils on the organizations and the organizations can select wrong candidates based on such shortcomings. Better techniques and incorporating better understanding of non verbal communication is critical to the success of the interview process. Recommendations The human resource management should be trained for improving their skills in interpreting non verbal communication. In the training process, the mangers need to be taught how to understand body posture, eye movement and body language. More information and details need to be provided to develop a comprehensive understanding of gestures and signs. The managers need to be taught to carefully analyze the facial expressions and develop new standards to employee evaluation framework so that improve the assessment criteria of the employees. The managers must be able to understand to incorporate the correct mix of verbal and non verbal communication. Reference List Bargiela-Chiappini, F., Nickerson, C. R. (2014).Writing business: Genres, media and discourses. Routledge. Barringer, B. (2012).Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures, (2012). Cardon, P. (2015).Business communication: Developing leaders for a networked world. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Chaney, L., Martin, J. (2013).Intercultural business communication. Pearson Higher Ed. Conrad, D., Newberry, R. (2012). Identification and instruction of important business communication skills for graduate business education.Journal of Education for Business,87(2), 112-120. Fleisher, C. S., Bensoussan, B. E. (2015).Business and competitive analysis: effective application of new and classic methods. FT Press. Guffey, M. E., Loewy, D. (2015).Essentials of business communication. Nelson Education. Kelley, S., Autman, H. (2014). EFFECTIVE COMPUTER-MEDIATED BUSINESS COMMUNICATION: FOSTERING IMMEDIACY.The Journal of Research in Business Education,56(2), 48. Locker, K., Kaczmarek, S. (2013).Business communication: Building critical skills. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Meadows, D., Sweeney, L. B., Mehers, G. M. (2016).The Climate Change Playbook: 22 Systems Thinking Games for More Effective Communication about Climate Change. Chelsea Green Publishing. Short, J. C., Randolph-Seng, B., McKenny, A. F. (2013). Graphic Presentation An Empirical Examination of the Graphic Novel Approach to Communicate Business Concepts.Business Communication Quarterly,76(3), 273-303. Thill, J. V., Bove, C. L. (2013).Excellence in business communication. R. B. Chatterjee, K. Subramanian (Eds.). Pearson. Effective Business Communications Question: Discuss about the Effective Business Communications. Answer: Diagnosis and Reflection: The success of communication; be it verbal or non verbal, largely depends on the skills of the communicators. Hence, it is important to identify the communication styles we use in our interpersonal communication. A number of diagnostic tools are available for identifying the pattern of communication we follow or the issues we are facing in exercising an effective communication model. As mentioned by Silverman, Kurtz and Draper (2016), the issues those can restrict the process of successful communication can include a number of psychological or behavioral factors. The diagnostic tools can be helpful in identifying these factors. For identifying the communication style I use, I have used five popularly known diagnostic tools. Those were, the Johari Window test, Communications Style Questionnaire, Assertiveness Questionnaires, listing skill test and the interpersonal communication skill test. As mentioned by Arnold and Boggs (2015), the personality and behavioral factors are important shaping the communication pattern of an individual. Hence, I have used the Johari Window test and the Assertiveness Questionnaires. On the other hand, listening skill can be identified as one of the major tool for successful communication (Bhatia Bremner, 2014). Hence, I used the listing skill test to identify my capability in this regard. With the help of these diagnostic tools, I have identified that I have an assertive communication style. As mentioned by Arnold and Boggs (2015), the assertive communication pattern involves a clear and direct expression of my needs, desires and my opinions with a conscious consideration of others. However, the major communication issues, those thses diagnostic tools have found is an aggressive attitude. One of the tools have identified, in spite of having an assertive communication style, I possess an aggressive attitude. As discussed by McQuail and Windahl (2015), an aggressive communication style involves the expression of ones needs and opinions by giving little or no importance to the thought of other people. It has also identified that, I have a tendency to of ignoring what other people is trying to communicate. It drives me to misinterpret the message of that person and create a misunderstanding and confusion in my workplace. This particular test has identified that I have the highest score in the assertive communication process, but my score in the aggressive communication is not ignorable as well. Hence, it can be identified that I have a tendency to control my listeners and ignoring their opinion. Coupled with this issue, the listening skill test has identified that I need to concentrate on improving my listening skill. As mentioned earlier, my aggressive attitude, i.e. the lack of interest on the opinion of others inevitably directs me to ignore the importance of listening in effective communication model. This particular test has identified my listening skill as OK which needs a definite improvement. This test has identified me as a communicator who prefers to air his own voice in a situation where he or she has a complete control. The Johari window test has explored that the people identify me as a proud and confident personality. This model has also found me as a person who is independent, logical and witty, which is helpful in establishing an effective communication. However, the proud characteristic can be supported by issue of ignoring active listening in verbal communication. However, the Johari window test has also provided me the idea that I need to reshape my attitude in communication. The inter personal communication test has identified that I often fail to understand peoples words and seeing things from their perspective and try to impose my opinion over them. However, the Assertiveness has identified that sometimes I lack the ability to speak for myself. I often face such a communication issue when I do not have the control of the situation and talk to my superiors in the workplace. On the other hand, in a controlled situation, such as, while communicating with my subordinates I tend to use an aggressive attitude. Hence, in spite of having an assertive communication style, I need to work on my aggressive attitude which supports the lack of listening skill and my lack of confidence and inability to express my concern before my superiors. I have faced issues in workplace communication for my frailty in these two issues. In the recent past, I faced some conflicts in my communication with one of my subordinates. I assigned a task upon him and he had to deliver by the deadline. However, he had some familial issues those days and applied for a leave on the date of task submission. In spite of listening to his concerns or asking for the status of the task; I reassigned the task to someone else which was already done by that employee. It displeased him and he found it demeaning. Out of dissatisfaction, he opted for resignation which took my serious effort to nullify. On the other hand, my lack of confidence in airing my concerns and expressing my opinions to the superiors has also made me face some serious operational crisis. A few days earlier, my manager told me I complete an assignment within three days. My team did not have that much strength to complete that assignment within a short deadline. However, I failed to raise my concern in this regard and express my teams inability or the need of extra members to my manager. I considered it as my personal frailty and felt less confident to air my opinion. However, in spite of taking the extra burden for completing the task within deadline, my team failed to do it, which has inevitably been considered as my failure of team management and I faced severe frustration from the team members. Thus, my communication issues are creating workplace confusion and mismanagement which is creating threat to my professional success. Hence, as per the diagnostic tools, I need to improve my communication skills by concentrating on empathetic listening which will control my aggressive attitude. Moreover, my lack of confidence for airing my views where I lack the authority needs to be rectified. Literature review: As mentioned by Brown, Wuensch and Bylund (2017), the idea of effective communication largely depends on a number of behavioral as well as psychological aspects. Concentrating on the issues like confidence of the communicators and the skill of listening are the keys to the success of communication. As mentioned by Arnold and Boggs (2015), effective listening is essential in the workplace and interpersonal communication. Listening can be utilized as a tool of ensuring employee satisfaction and thus improving work quality, boost productivity and eliminate operational confusion (Cahill, 2014). Poor listening skill can lead to employee dissatisfaction, lack of understanding of the situation and faulty decision making process. Now, as opined by Moore et al. (2013), while opting for inter personal communication, involving empathetic listening helps in collecting an effective feedback. As mentioned by Bhatia and Bremner (2014), empathetic listening takes place when one listens to others view with intent to understand how the speaker feels for the given situation. As discussed by Wee (2015), empathetic listening is typically helpful in resolving a conflict situation. In the organizational set up, practicing the empathetic listening procedure, i.e. creating a communicational culture, where the employees will be free to air their voice without being judged, criticized, advised or interrupted is essential for upholding a positive organizational culture. For conducting an effective communication session, one needs to develop trust and understanding. As discussed by Mohamed et al. (2014), empathetic listening helps in improving mutual understanding and trust. On the other hand, maintaining and upholding confidence is one of the basic factors of communication success. As discussed by Dixon (2015), lack of confidence from the speakers end can lead to the restricted access to information, thus a number of communication confusions can take place. Low confidence can be the result of many factors like, fear of being criticized, the lack of knowledge, and lack of self-esteem, previous failure, poor management skill and many more. As identified by Arnold and Boggs (2015), ones sense or judgment about oneself is entirely responsible for developing his/ her confidence level. Now, this judgment about ourselves largely shapes our communication pattern. Confidence is typically important in the organizational and interpersonal communication process. The lack of confidence is easily reflected in the communication style we opt for. Now, as mentioned by Jackson (2016), the lack of confidence from the speakers end can create mistrust and lose of control in the communication environment. Here, the following communication models can also be discussed. The communication model proposed by Shannon and Weaver states that messages are transferred from source via transmitter and received by the receiver. Now, they have identified the implication of noise in the effective communication pattern. As mentioned by Petersons and Khalimzoda (2016), the communication model of Shannon and Weaver has identified the noise as the electronic or metal barriers. Such noises are able to create alteration in the transmitted message and confusion may take place. Figure 1: Shannon and Weaver Communication model (Source: McQuail Windahl, 2015) According to Shannon and Weaver, by obtaining the feedback from the receiver, an effective communication process can be ensured (Petersons Khalimzoda, 2016). Here, in this discussed context, the mental noises like the lack of listening or aggressive behavior may distort the message of the sender and the receiver can interpret it in a different way. On the other hand, the lack of confidence from any of the communicators end may serve as noise and restrict the flow of information and feedback. Thus, this scientific communication model puts importance on collecting feedback and eliminates issues like lack of confidence. Now, it can be identified that collecting feedback or the opinion of the receivers with active listing is important for a successful communication process (McQuail Windahl, 2015). Hence, the theoretical model is suggesting for using the behavioral perspective of active and empathetic listening. I need to develop this skill within me for conducting a successful communic ation process. The communication model of Schramm has identified the process of communication as a circular model, which does not end in the receivers end (Petersons Khalimzoda, 2016). As mentioned by Schramm, it is misleading to ideate that communication starts at one point and ends at the other; it is essentially endless. As opined by Bandhiya and Joshi (2016), according to the model of Schramm, feedback or reply of the receiver is typical in communication. Hence, this model suggests the exercise of feedback or opinion collection for successful completion of the communication process. Figure 2: Schramms Communication model (Source: Kll Gdkbay, 2014) Hence, it is important to concentrate on active and empathetic listening for collecting effective feedback from the other end. On the other hand, the model of Schramm has also stated that unless or until the second party becomes able to decode the information sent and what the sender actually meant to communicate, the communication is actually of no use. Here, the model has posed importance on the process of encoding the message. As mentioned by Bandhiya and Joshi (2016), the model of Schramm states that the information do not have any impotence if the communicator fails to convey the real meaning to the receiver. Here, the conveyer needs to concentrate on delivering the message without creating any confusion. The lack of confidence can be grate factor of encoding fault. As opined by Kll and Gdkbay (2014), in the organizational set up, the building trust is crucial for successful communication. By showing confidence the communicator can create a sense of truth in the information and the intended message can be transferred and decoded by the receiver. Hence, it is important to communicate confidently to avoid the misinterpretation and restriction of information flow. Thus, with incorporating confidence the communication process can be made effective and (Dawson et al., 2015). As opined by Sabanci et al. (2016), confidence is a major factor in the non-verbal communication. The lack of confidence or its present can easily be detected by the movements of limbs or the speech delivery pattern. However, in the organizational set up confidence help in decision making, leadership, persuasion or operational procedures. As mentioned by Keerativutisest and Hanson (2017), the lack of confidence may demoralize the team member; disrupt the process of decision making and operational success by restricted information flow and many more organizational failures. Hence, I need to work on improving my confidence level so that I can obtain success in the professional and personal communication goals. Action Plan: As opined by Wilkins, Bernstein and Bekki (2015), identification of the communication issues are not enough in exercising an effective communication process. Eliminating those issues need regular concentration and practice. Hence, I need to opt for certain strategies those will have a specific time frame. For the timeline of six months, I will follow the strategies like undertaking communication courses, regular consultation of communication suggestive books, maintaining a personal journal and many more. All these techniques will be helpful in developing active and empathetic listening skill and confidence within me, which will enable me conducting inter personal communication, more effectively than before. The following action plan can be approached: Maintenance of a personal communication journal about my everyday interaction experiences and noting down my reactions. Reading about the communication style of Abraham Lincoln as a mentor for my communication skill development. Identification of my achievements and memorize the feeling of success for building confidence. Enrolling to a professional counseling course for confidence building. Consulting to the online blogs and journals for educating myself for behaving and communicating confidently and acquire active listening skills. Regular practice of confidence building process and empathetic listening strategies. Opting for a Yoga class for lowering down my manipulative and aggressive behavioral aspects and improve the faculty of patience. Reinforcing myself for achieving positive changes in my communication pattern. Identification of the negative communication traits and trying to eliminate them. Opting for an outsider help in identifying the communication issues. Practicing group activities to ensure better communication with my team members. Figure 3: Action Plan for improving my communication skills (Source: Created by the author) The success of this action plan needs to be evaluated with various benchmarks. In the process of keeping the personal journal, I will be able to identify my regular communication issues. I will try to highlight them and make conscious step to eradicate them in the next interaction. On the other hand, the diagnostic tools can also be utilized in this regard. Conducting regular communication and listening skill tests will be able to provide the idea of my progression and status of success of this selected action plan. Moreover, I will opt for collecting feedbacks from my seniors regarding my communication skills. It will help me in introducing needed change in the specified action plan. The regular Yoga sessions and mediations will be helpful in building a trust upon myself, which will help me to accept myself and thus provide me the patience to listen to others. References: Arnold, E. C., Boggs, K. U. (2015). Interpersonal relationships: Professional communication skills for nurses. Elsevier Health Sciences. Arnold, E. C., Boggs, K. U. (2015). Interpersonal relationships: Professional communication skills for nurses. Elsevier Health Sciences. Bandhiya, D. B., Joshi, A. (2016). Encompassing the Scope of Western Models of Communication. PARIPEX-Indian Journal of Research, 4(9). Bhatia, V., Bremner, S. (2014). The Routledge handbook of language and professional communication. Routledge. Brown, R. F., Wuensch, A., Bylund, C. L. (2017). Models of communication skills training and their practical implications. Oxford Textbook of Communication in Oncology and Palliative Care, 16. Cahill, J. L. (2014). University professors perceptions about the impact of integrating Google applications on students communication and collaboration skills. Journal of Research Initiatives, 1(2), 7. Dawson, A. E., Bernstein, B. L., Wilkins, K., Bekki, J. M. (2015). Honing interpersonal communication skills for difficult situations. In 2015 122nd ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. American Society for Engineering Education. Dixon, J. (2015). Organizational Communication. Transgender Communication Studies: Histories, Trends, and Trajectories, 19. Jackson, A. (2016). Difference between interpersonal communication skills. Keerativutisest, V., Hanson, B. J. (2017). Developing High Performance Teams (HPT) through Employee Motivation, Interpersonal Communication Skills, and Entrepreneurial Mindset Using Organization Development Interventions (ODI): A Study of Selected Engineering Service Companies in Thailand. ABAC ODI JOURNAL VISION. ACTION. OUTCOME., 4(1). Kll, K., Gdkbay, U. (2014). A layered communication model for agents in virtual crowds. In Proceedings of 27th International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents. McQuail, D., Windahl, S. (2015). Communication models for the study of mass communications. Routledge. Mohamed, A. A., Radzuan, N. R. M., Kassim, H., Ali, M. M. A. (2014). Conceptualizing English workplace communication needs of professional engineers: The challenges for English language tertiary educators. Selangor Business Review (SBR), 1(1). Moore, P. M., Rivera Mercado, S., Grez Artigues, M., Lawrie, T. A. (2013). Communication skills training for healthcare professionals working with people who have cancer. The Cochrane Library. Petersons, A., Khalimzoda, I. (2016, May). Communication models and common basis for multicultural communication in latvia. In society. Integration. Education. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference (Vol. 4, pp. 423-433). Remland, M. S. (2016). Nonverbal communication in everyday life. SAGE Publications. Sabanci, A., Sahin, A., Sonmez, M. A., Yilmaz, O. (2016). School Managers Interpersonal Communication Skills in Turkey. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 6(8), 13-30. Silverman, J., Kurtz, S., Draper, J. (2016). Skills for communicating with patients. CRC Press. Wee, A. (2015). Exploring communication in international workplaces in Ho Chi Minh City: a grounded theory study. Wilkins, K. G., Bernstein, B. L., Bekki, J. M. (2015). Measuring Communication Skills: The STEM Interpersonal Communication Skills Assessment Battery. Journal of Engineering Education, 104(4), 433-453.
Monday, May 4, 2020
Robert frost the road not taken Essay Example For Students
Robert frost the road not taken Essay The Road Not Taken is perhaps one of Robert Frosts most famous poems. This poem deals with the choices you have to make in life. Whether its what to wear in the morning or what to do with your life, everyone makes choices. When you look at this poem carefully, you realize Robert Frost is choosing much more than what road to walk down. He is making a lifelong decision. One of the reasons I am drawn to this poem is the imagery. A forest is a very quiet place that suits this poem well. Being in a forest alone is soothing and a good place to think. Also, many people can relate to being in a wooded area and they can create a mental picture of it. From the beginning, when he said, Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, I could picture being in a yellow forest and seeing a fork in the path. The visual images he presents in this poem help the reader to see and feel what he is writing about. The way the poem is presented on paper is important because it helps to create visual images. This poem has four stanzas with five lines in each stanza. Within each stanza the first, third and fourth lines rhyme. Also the second and fifth lines rhyme. This makes the poem consistent. Consistency is good in a poem like this one because it makes the reader feel more at ease. When you read each stanza you pause after each one because there is a break in what you are reading. After each stanza a different mental picture is created. This helps the reader to better understand the poem. In a poem each stanza is like a paragraph presenting a new idea in each one. The content of this poem goes much deeper than someone walking in the woods and trying to decide which road to walk down. Robert Frost is not just talking about the roads in the woods. He is talking about the roads of life. Should you go down the road that is safe and many others have walked down? Or should you take a chance and walk down the path that not so many people have taken? We all know Robert Frost takes the road not taken. But the question is how many people would take the unknown road? Why bother to do that when you can walk risk-free down the same road that everyone else is walking down. Its familiar, and everyone else walked down it, so it cant be that bad. Many people would probably take the road that everyone else takes. I would probably take it too. Things that you know others have done gives a sense of security to people. I know that before I do something if I am not secure in my decision, then I wont do it. Walking down the road not taken can have a lot of consequences. You could never come back and you dont know what is down that road. Some people like to take chances and not know what is going to happen. This is what Robert Frost is talking about. He is walking and decides to take the road that many others may not take. He does know what the consequences are going to be, but he does it anyway. It takes a strong person to take the road not taken. Not many people would be strong enough to do something in which they did not know what was going to happen. I feel that it takes a special person to walk down the unknown road and succeed in life. Thats what Robert Frost did. .u67e5a7d14a1847282c5cefcdf0bc1f9a , .u67e5a7d14a1847282c5cefcdf0bc1f9a .postImageUrl , .u67e5a7d14a1847282c5cefcdf0bc1f9a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u67e5a7d14a1847282c5cefcdf0bc1f9a , .u67e5a7d14a1847282c5cefcdf0bc1f9a:hover , .u67e5a7d14a1847282c5cefcdf0bc1f9a:visited , .u67e5a7d14a1847282c5cefcdf0bc1f9a:active { border:0!important; } .u67e5a7d14a1847282c5cefcdf0bc1f9a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u67e5a7d14a1847282c5cefcdf0bc1f9a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u67e5a7d14a1847282c5cefcdf0bc1f9a:active , .u67e5a7d14a1847282c5cefcdf0bc1f9a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u67e5a7d14a1847282c5cefcdf0bc1f9a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u67e5a7d14a1847282c5cefcdf0bc1f9a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u67e5a7d14a1847282c5cefcdf0bc1f9a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u67e5a7d14a1847282c5cefcdf0bc1f9a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u67e5a7d14a1847282c5cefcdf0bc1f9a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u67e5a7d14a1847282c5cefcdf0bc1f9a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u67e5a7d14a1847282c5cefcdf0bc1f9a .u67e5a7d14a1847282c5cefcdf0bc1f9a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u67e5a7d14a1847282c5cefcdf0bc1f9a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Peking Opera Essay After reading this poem, I came to the realization that when walking down the road of life you might come across a fork in the road. Instead of taking the road that others have taken, challenge yourself and take the one less traveled. The road less traveled may be more challenging but hard work does pay off. It may be scary not knowing what is going to happen, but itll work out in the end. After all, Robert Frost took the road not taken .
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
How to Create a Sample Compare and Contrast Essay
How to Create a Sample Compare and Contrast EssayIf you want to do some research on the internet, there is no better way than to do some sample compare and contrast essay PDF files. These types of essays will help you understand how to best express your opinion about a topic. In this article, we will explore how to create these types of essays for free.The most popular method of writing compare and contrast PDF essays is using a Word document or Word processing software. With the help of Word, you can generate your own document that has all the text and formatting that you need to format the paper. You may also wish to generate a cover page to accompany your work with the information that you are writing about. This will be helpful in highlighting the information that you need to include in your paper.When you are ready to begin writing the sample document, you should determine which types of topics that you would like to write about. If you do not know what type of topic you want to write about, then you may want to browse the internet and search for the topic of your choice. After you have selected the topic, you will want to select which areas that you would like to discuss in your paper. Most people tend to write about their career interests and the area of their jobs.Then, choose an area that you feel comfortable writing about, such as your job, your skills, or your hobby. Next, determine the topic that you feel best expresses your idea. Once you have decided on a topic, you will be able to begin creating your document. You may choose to convert your Word document into a PDF or use a program that allows you to add images and graphics to make the paper more appealing.Depending on the theme of your essay, you may want to include images that convey your message. These images can include pictures of your surroundings and of an environment that you would like to depict in your paper. You can also include quotes, sounds, and songs that are related to the topic t hat you are writing about. Your topic may also include an example of a certain situation that may occur at work or at home.If you are unsure of what to do with the samples that you have created, you may want to send your sample to compare and contrast essay PDF file to an English professor or college professor. They will appreciate receiving a file that they can use to prepare for class. In this case, you will be able to write about the topic that you feel most comfortable writing about.When you are ready to write the paper, you should create a cover page. After you have created your cover page, you will be able to add the key points that you would like to emphasize in your paper. You should include a short paragraph that will explain why you feel that you should write about this topic. Then, you should summarize your main points and emphasize them in the body of your paper.In conclusion, the process of creating a sample compare and contrast essay PDF file is fairly simple. You shou ld take some time to practice the technique and before you know it, you will be writing your own papers.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Pride And Prejudice By Jane Austen Essays (755 words) - Fiction
Pride And Prejudice By Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen The title of the novel Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, can be interpreted as a theme running through the novel. Pride, observed Mary, . . . is a very common failing, I believe. By all that I have ever read, I am convinced that it is very common indeed, that human nature is particularly prone to it, and that there are very few of us who do not cherish a feeling of self-complacency on the score of some quality or another, real or imaginary. Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us. Pride and/or vanity is exhibited in different forms by each character. Ms. Austen was trying to send the message that an excess of pride or vanity is indeed a failing. Those characters who can recognize their flaw emerge as the true heroes of the story. In many minor characters of the novel, pride is a common characteristic. Mrs. Bennet, for instance, is extremely proud when it comes to her daughters marriages of mercenary advantage. She is so concerned that her neighbors have a high opinion of her that her own vanity will not even allow her to think of her daughters love and happiness. This is best shown with the case of Elizabeth Bennet s proposed marriage to the esteemed Mr. Collins, a man she did not love. Mrs. Bennet was so upset when her daughter refused Mr. Collins offer that she would not speak to her for passing up such an opportunity. We can see an example of pride for imaginary qualities in Mary Bennet who was herself the speaker of this passage. To the embarrassment of her family, Mary would take every chance she could to put on a show whenever in a public situation. Although she was not talented in any of the activities she decided to undertake, her high opinion of herself and her desire to esteem herself in the eyes of others enabled her to display her supposed talents. Mr. Collins possesses a definite sense of vanity. He is in no way concerned about his own opinion of his character, for as we see his character leaves much to be desired. All he cares about is what others think of him. He always needs the approval of his present company. When he gives Elizabeth the grand tour of his nothing-spectacular home, he is looking for her approval of his position and possessions. It is not important to Mr. Collins for people to like him as a person, they just had better be impressed his status in life and his connections. Mr. Darcy, as one of the main characters, is for the better part of the novel a focus of the theme of pride. His pride is very obvious. It is a part of his nature and is seen in his mannerisms and in his speech. Darcy has such a high opinion of himself that he does not care what others think of him or his prideful actions. He believes that he is the best in every way possible and finds that his standing in society gives him the right to be critical of those not as perfect as he. Elizabeth Bennet, the other main character of the novel, is just as guilty of being proud as any of the other characters in the novel. She prides herself on being unprejudiced and rational in the judgement of others. Yet, this is an imaginary quality as she learns that her preconceived notions of both Mr. Darcy and Mr. Wickham turn out to be false. She is also very proud when Darcy confronts her about her family and connections. Although Darcy s accusations of the unsophistication of certain of her family members are true, Elizabeth is too proud to listen and accept the truth. Instead, she becomes so angered with Darcy that it effects her entire relationship with him. Both Darcy and Elizabeth come to recognize their pride as a flaw in their respective characters. Darcy realizes that he must check his pride in order to be seen in a good light by others. Elizabeth, the object of his affections, is so turned off by his prideful ways that a touch of vanity enables him to change himself for her. Elizabeth, while observing the transformations of
Saturday, March 7, 2020
The Korea Question Essays - Geography Of Asia, East Asia, Asia
The Korea Question Essays - Geography Of Asia, East Asia, Asia The Korea Question What is national identity? This question may seem to be to simple to even bother answering. The easy answer is that national history is the events in a nations past that, when put together, unify all aspects of life in that nation. From this rough definition it would make sense that all of the nations in the world have a national identity. However, this question is not as black and white as it may seem. Some people believe that a nation whose history is nothing more than occupation by other countries should not be considered an independent nation. This can be seen very well in the case of Korea, which ahs had a history filled with Chinese, Japanese, and western influence. However, though Korea has strong ties to all of these imperialistic powers; it still shows aspects that are uniquely Korean. Korea has a history that includes dominance, subservience, and reemergence. The people of the Korean peninsula have had a very colorful history. Through the period of the Later Bronze Age the Korean peninsula experienced significant political development. Perhaps the most important of these developments was the creation of the walled-town states. The six walled-town states of the Korean peninsula are seen in Chinese records. The most advanced of these states was Chao-hsien. The early leaders of Chao-hsien called themselves tangun wanguom to signify both their descent from the divine creator and their monarchial status . The leaders of Choa-hsien soon realized that in order to maintain power over the peninsula they would need to join with other walled-town states to ward off invaders. By the fourth century BCE the confederated kingdom was created and served as an extended political unit of substantial military power . Shortly after the confederated kingdom was created it was challenged by the powerful Yen faction, a powerful contender from northern China. The Yen people asserted that Chao-hsien was arrogant and cruel. By the fourth century BCE the Yen faction invaded the Korean peninsula resulting in the inevitable decline of Chao-hsien. The Yen invasion stimulated new waves of Chinese traffic in official, administrators, traders and military personnel . Chao-hsien was able to use the Chinese influence to strengthen allowing it to subdue its neighbors. This new strength ushered in the Three Kingdoms Period. The Korean peninsula was divided into three sections, Kingdoms, known as Kroguryo, Paekche, and Silla. As is the case throughout history, one of these kingdoms eventually rose to become the dominant force on the peninsula. In the sixth century BCE Silla felt confident enough to expand its domain. It consumed the small neighboring tribes in southern Korea and then prepared to take on the other kingdoms of Kroguryo and Paekche. In the end Sillas goals of unification did not come to fruition. Much of Manchuria remained out of the reach of Sillas armies. However, it was Sillas unified rule over the bulk of the peninsula that laid the basis for the subsequent course of Korean history . Throughout its history the Korean peninsula has always been crucially affected by political developments on the Asian land mass. This phenomenon can be seen during the chaos that accompanied the end of Tang and the Five Dynasties. It was then that Wang Kon was able to overthrow Silla and establish the Koryo dynasty. The Koryo dynasty found itself having to ward off many enemies. In the beginning they felt pressures from the Mongol barbarians who eventually allied with Koryo becoming their sole protector. In the last century and a half they saw the emergence of the Japanese marauders intent on raiding the peninsula. After the collapse of the Mongol Empire Koryo fate was imminent. They had no way to fight off invaders and were bound for failure. The peninsula may have slipped into foreign control if General Yi Songye hadnt mounted an offensive against the Ming armies. In 1932 Koryo finally fell opening the door for Songye and the Yi Dynasty in Korea . The Yi Dynasty, the longest in Korean history saw many revolutionary ideas introduced to Korea. Songye had become not only a military leader but also the leader of a new literati class. Songye encouraged a wide range of cultural activities such as
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