Thursday, October 31, 2019
Theoretical and Empirical Interest in World Cities Essay
Theoretical and Empirical Interest in World Cities - Essay Example However, the fact remains that the concept of a ‘world city’ is not so simple as this. Often referred to as ‘global city’ or sometimes as ‘alpha city’, a world city happens to be a very significant and important node point in the entire system of global economy. It has been a subject of researchers and empirical studies since long and is one of the most researched areas in the field of urban studies. Geography and urban studies are what the concept of world cities originates from, while globalization is the basis of this concept, considering the fact that the idea of globalization takes into account the hierarchy of the geographic locales in respect of importance to the operation of the global system. It is not that a concept is formed in a day, especially when it concerns as vast an idea as ‘global/world city’. The development of the concept of world cities may not be as old as the global cities themselves. Again, it has also to be kept in mind that the idea of a world city is not just like another of the thousand novel concepts that should better be described as the byproducts of globalization in the modern age. The development of the concept of a world city or a global city has quite a long and rich history. The volume of research works by scholars in all countries in the world and the growing interest in the concept of world city testify to its immense importance in the world of empirical studies. The purpose of this paper is to explore and discuss the factors related to the development of the concept of a world city and also to discuss the contemporary research that provides new insights into the hierarchy of world cities. Before we start exploring the development of the concept of a world city, we have to understand that development of the general ideas about a world city and the development of empirical interests in the concept of world/global cities are not the same.Â
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Desegregation of Public Schools in Boston Essay
Desegregation of Public Schools in Boston - Essay Example On the other hand, desegregation in Boston has brought about mixed responses. The opponents of desegregation argue that busing has resulted in an increased white-flight, considerable decline in white enrollment, increased racial imbalance, low levels of educational quality and paved way for more of racial tensions and violence in the Boston public schools (Buell & Brisbin 151-160). Many white-flight studies have pinpointed that school desegregation has resulted in white enrollment drop off and that court-ordered busing was partly instrumental in the â€Å"steep decline in white enrollments during the first two phases of Judge Garrity’s program†(Buell & Brisbin 152). On the other hand, one can never undermine the positive impacts of desegregation on the lives of many black and other minority Bostonians. This paper seeks to explore how desegregation of public Schools in the 1970s has affected the Bostonian society and in doing so the paper addresses key issues pointed ou t by the opponents of desegregation. ... A comparison of the statistics regarding the racial imbalance in Boston Public Schools according to District Court Guidelines in 1975 and 1980 reveals this. In 1975 schools with too many whites were 20 (35 in 1980); schools with too few whites were 47 (44 in 1980); schools with too many blacks were 43 (21 in 1980); schools with too few blacks were 24 (37 in 1980), schools with too many others were 41 (34 in 1980) and schools with too few others were 52 in comparison with 57 schools in 1980 (Buell & Brisbin 155). As evident from these statistics desegregation has considerably reduced racial isolation in the Boston schools. The opponents of desegregation also hold that the system has declined educational quality and has increased high school drop-out rates. For them, desegregation enhances racial achievement gaps as they believe that the pace of white instruction needs to be slowed so as to accommodate such black slow learners (Buell & Brisbin 161). It is also worthwhile to analyze the teacher perceptions of educational quality and to know whether the percentage of high school graduates pursuing higher education has undergone any positive changes. While the number of high school graduates has considerably increased most senior faculties are not so happy with the student performance since judicial intervention: â€Å"almost half of the senior faculty saw decline while only 13 percent reported improvement†(Buell & Brisbin 163). On the other hand, the magnet schools specially designed for desegregation came out with so many success stories of Boston busing and very often the media and press evaluated desegregation progress based on
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Nursing Care Centers For Older People
Nursing Care Centers For Older People The policy of health and social care is eloquent based on the care and demands of the older people. Older people as well as service providers are affected due to the continuing changes in health provision and pressures for cost containment. Many a time, older people have found themselves means-tested for services that have been provided free of cost. Arrangements from nursing care homes limit the money available all over the world, use of a formula that interprets low, medium and high need. A little contribution to the cost of care is paid. According to an international research, the principles of these kinds of agencies cover assessment, for example, the single assessment process (SAP) and the national service framework. However, the approach of any multi-national agency should expose, in both its structure and process, good and latest nursing practice. Now it is a well-known fact that nursing assessment for older people is important. An expert nursing care and care homes for older people plays an important role in the care and comfort of older people. Health and social care needs have been inter-related by the people who need continuing care. Nursing care in care homes has been long argued that distinctions between the two are unworkable. Thus, an interview was conducted which help older could people to communicate and balance their health needs with their chosen lifestyle. Clinical judgment is used by the Care Home staffs to take care of older people and enable them to , improve, maintain, recover and to cope up with their problems and to achieve a better quality of life. Older people make up a large and increasing percentage of the current population. As people grow older, with the rate of increasing their ages, they are increasingly at risk of so many health problems many injuries also. Falling down is the first indication of an undetected illness. Major preventions should be taken for these kinds of problems as they create considerable mortality, morbidity and suffering for older people and their families, and incur social costs due to hospital and nursing home admissions. Targeted strategies should be made which aim at behavioral change and risk modification for those living in the community appear to be most promising. Research methods Online research data from different web sites, different articles, and theoretical studies from different books. The methodology which had been used was collecting data from both primary and secondary sources. Primary sources were the personal interaction with the experts and secondary was the information collected from websites. Qualitative interviews were used to explore views on maintaining dignity of 18 residents of nursing homes. A qualitative descriptive approach was used. The analysis was both deductive (arising from the dignity model) and inductive (arising from participants views). LITERATURE REVIEW AND FINDINGS Today most of the older people living in nursing homes are losing their life there itself. Model based on empirical, is of dignity which has been developed and which forms the basis of a brief psychotherapy to help in promoting dignity and reduce distress at the end of life of older people. The main objective of this study is to explore the generalisability of the dignity model to help older people in nursing homes. As a result of this study, the main categories and features of the dignity model were broadly and intuitively supported on various issues like illness-related problems, social aspects of the illness experience and dignity protecting repertoire. However, some of the sub themes which were related to death were not supported and two new themes came out. Some of the residents found their symptoms and loss of their function were due to old age rather than illness. Although residents did not emerge to experience distress due to thoughts of impending death, rather they were dist ressed by the multiple losses they had experienced. These finding helps in adding to our understanding of the concerns of older people in care homes on maintaining dignity and suggest that dignity therapy may boost up their sense of dignity. This is one of the major reasons of choosing this topic related to older people as in todays scenario, older people are loosing their existence. As per the findings we got to know that the majority of residents who are living in nursing homes die within 2 years from multiple kinds of medical pathologies. Generally they are heavily reliant on staff for their care, which can grind down their sense of dignity. Maintaining dignity are considered as the highest priority in health and social care strategy documents in most European countries and particular concerns have been raised about loss of dignity in care. Although there is a big deal about rhetoric around dignity, there is no agreed and prescribed definition of this. A brief review of the studies based on international researches exploring the co ncept of dignity from a nursing perspective have showed a wide range of definitions and understanding related to the construct; however, a most common and important theme was to respect a patient as a person. Two of the studies have explored the different views of people on dignity of older people in care homes. One of them found that not being a burden for others was important to residents, and their sense of dignity was threatened by illness and care needs, at the same time the other one described three main themes: The body which can not be recognized. Feebleness and dependence on others. Self inner strength and a sense of coherence. One of the approaches related to dignity-oriented care provision, which focuses directly and specifically on end of life, is Chochinovs dignity-conserving model. This model was developed from interviews which were conducted with patients with advanced cancer and other old age problems (average age was 75 years), focusing on the factors which supports and undermines their dignity. The particularly most important aspect of Chochinovs dignity model is that it has provided the framework for psychotherapy which helps in promoting a sense of dignity and reduces psychological and spiritual distress for older people who are reaching the end of their life.This study has shown promising results for people with advanced cancer and other diseases, along with their families. It is quite clear from different international researches that older people living in care homes are completely helpless vulnerable to having a fractured sense of dignity, which suggests that dignity therapy, may be of benefi t to them. Since the therapy is brief which usually takes only two sessions and can be delivered at the bedside by a trained health care professional, it may be feasible to offer this in a care home setting. However, the dignity model, and therefore dignity therapy, is based on the views of people who are residing in home care centers, most of whom were cared for in the community. It has been shown that less than 10% of residents of nursing homes die from diagnosed cancers and other old age distresses also. Whether or not the model is generalsable to people with no these kinds of problems or to those living in other settings such as care homes, is not known. The aim of this study is to explore and understand the generalisability of Chochinovs dignity model to older people cared for in nursing homes. In recent years there has been a considerable increase in the need for effective health care and them oral boosting for older patients. Our society is ageing day by day, and a large number of people are going into advanced old age.â‚ ¬Ã‚  †°dentification of treatable diseases before it stats its affect in older people, promises reduction in premature mortality and morbidity in old age. Most of the elderly and frail people are receiving long term care in the community and there are a number of home care centers for older people. There is a perception that some early intervention and rehabilitation services, currently which are being provided in hospitals and home care centers, might be provided in community settings. More effective health care centers are available for providing care managing chronic diseases, such as chronic lung disease, cerebrovascular and coronary heart disease, diabetes, depression, and degenerative conditions such as osteoporosis, dementia and Parkinsons disease. To be implemented for all who might benefit these interventions need to be organized into structured programs. To be the most effective home care center for older people, and to respond to the needs of individuals, care planning should take integrated account of all of the health care needs of individuals particularly when these include both physical and mental health problems as well as the protection of their dignity. Effective health promotion and proactive health care provided by the health care centers for older people are extending the active life-span of older people, reducing the number of people who suffer disability, vulnerability and dependence. The National Service Framework for Older People has been published to ensure the delivery of higher quality services to older people all over the world. The NSF requires the identification of service champions for older people within Each home care organization which are running for older people. Older people should have access to a new range of intermediate care services at home or in designated care settings to promote their independence by providing advanced services from the nursing care services and local authorities to prevent unnecessary hospital admission and effective rehabilitation services to enable early discharge from hospital and to prevent premature or unnecessary admission to long-term residential care. There should be a safe and effective care for older people in enhanced care settings in the community and nursing care centers which require co-ordinated and competent care by a skilled workforce of healthcare professionals, working efficiently together. There should be a proper assessment and rehabilitation in community settings nursing care centers for older people. At the same time there should be a rapid response for acutely ill older people and also a medical support should be provided by Hospital at Home schemes. Following services should be provided to older people: Respite services: Services like podiatry, occupational therapy, hairdressing, personal care, social support, shopping assistance, small group programs, carer support and domestic assistance for self funded retirees and younger people living with a disability and overnight community respite cottage. Service like Family Support Service for families who have children with disabilities arising from a combination of physical, intellectual and sensory impairment with or without complication health issues (0-16 years). Other Services like Domestic Assistance, Personal Care, Social Support and also Other Food Services, Assessment, Case Management, Home Maintenance, Goods/Equipment Provision and Transport and a centre-based day care, social support and other Services like transport should be provided. Nursing services: Should provide nursing care and other services like personal care, allied health care, respite care, social support, domestic assistance, assessment, case management, and personal care, domestic assistance, in home respite, social support, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, volunteers chaplaincy. Nursing care; they also provide centre-based day care, in-home respite care, allied health care, other food services, domestic assistance, social support, information and advocacy, counselling/support, language assistance. etc. Meals on wheels: This service used to deliver meals to the older people. Home care services: Should provide personal care night time mobile attendant care service for people with physical disabilities who require personal care assistance throughout the night. Domestic assistance for younger disability; Should also provide centre-based day care, respite care, podiatrist, hairdresser, transport, home maintenance, minor modification, Home Assist Secure, social support, extended programs, mental health program, younger disability programs, carer support, volunteer coordination. Other services: Should provide other services like, Centre based and in-home respite, podiatry, occupational therapy, hairdressing, personal care, social support, shopping assistance, small group programs, carer support and domestic assistance for self funded retirees and younger people living with a disability, overnight community respite cottage and Veterans Home Care. Community health centers: Should provide domestic assistance, social support, allied health care, nursing care, personal care, assessment, health promotion, indigenous health. Allied health care services: Services should be Centre based and in-home respite, hairdressing, social support, shopping assistance, small group programs and domestic assistance for self funded retirees and younger people living with a disability, personal care etc. Following measures should be taken by Nursing care homes for older people: In order to help the older people from poverty, isolation and neglect, following actions should be taken: Make older people enjoy a better life by providing life-enhancing services and vital support. Keep developing products that are specifically designed for older people and which are helpful in their day to day life. Provide advice and information through their help lines, publications and online at all times. Fund pioneering research into all aspects of getting older. Join forces that will ensure more of their funds go where theyre needed. In order to improve the current situation of the place, the agency needs a huge amount of money. So it should work on the following areas to raise funds for the development: Donations The agency should always look for donations and gifts which are always proved as the greatest source of income. Legacies The average value of new legacies has been increased over the years. British Journal of Social Work 2009 39(4); doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcp024 Events Events and sponsorship are the most valuable sources of income. Money is raised through an exciting variety of events including dances, local walks and runs, overseas treks and cycle challenges. Chris tingle All members of the agency should come together and help in raising over a million pounds to support their work with disadvantaged older people. Carol singing The members of agency should use their voice to raise money for the welfare of the older people. They can either sing door-to-door, out in their community or plan a special carol service. Membership and sponsorship schemes: Many voluntary organisations operate membership schemes. These often offer something to us in return access to historic buildings, nature reserves, galleries, or magazines and the chance to attend events. More and more organisations now offer the opportunity for supporters to sponsor a beneficiary or a project. These schemes bring us closer to the work we are supporting so we can get a real picture of what sort of difference our money is making. Schemes that seem identical on the surface can be very different in detail they are all valuable as far as the charity is concerned but may offer different experiences to us as a donor and we need to know what to expect. In oder to motivate the memebers of the nursing care homes, the managers should use the following ways: By rewarding the team members Always implimenting new ideas Flexible benefits By giving responsibilities and recognitions as well In order to get more and more amenities for the older people, the nursing homes and communities for older people along with the other members of the agencies should work on the following principles: Their vision should see a world in which older people flourish. Their mission should to improve the lives of older people. They should make a real difference to the lives of older people. They can do it by combining the unique strengths, skills and experience of the great charity organizations and sponsors. They should create one united organization that will be stronger and more influential than ever before. They should develop excellent and sustainable services that enhance older peoples lives. They should deliver transformational and sustainable change through their research, policy and influencing. They should always provide definitive products and services tailored specifically for older people but available to all. They should maximize their reach through their retail estate and quality training services. They should create a single, powerful compelling brand by 2010. They should try to become a world renowned organization, reaching out to enhance the lives of older people globally. They should create an effective partnership with their national and regional networks. Agencies for older people should implement the following strategies: There should be a strategy which the agencies should implement, strategy and action plan following consultation on a broad range of seniors issues including health, transport, workforce participation and housing. The main aim this strategy should be to ensure seniors feel safe, supported and have access to appropriate services. To achieve this, the agencies should be keen to explore ideas for working in partnership across government as well as with business and the community. The Government is developing a whole-of-government loom for the way they support seniors into the future. The strategy will definitely identify priority areas for action with an emphasis on making positive changes for seniors who are vulnerable, disadvantaged or socially isolated. Journal of Aging Social Policy, Volume 21, Issue 1 January 2009 The socially isolated older people should be provided the following amenities: Basically, the meaning of social isolation is a low level of interaction with others combined with the experience of loneliness. It is a serious issue for seniors because of the unfavorable impact it can have on health and wellbeing of the older people. Although the majority of older people are not socially isolated, the number of people at risk of social isolation is expected to increase with the ageing of the population. The older people living in nursing care homes are also socially isolated. The older people who are residing in these kinds of agencies are either retired, physically disabled and ill health or loss of a partner and loss of transport. It should always be given importance that older people have the opportunity to be socially connected and, if they wish, to participate in community life. There is a project called The Cross-Government Project which is working to reduce Social Isolation of Older People and was established in 2003 to identify and develop innovative responses to reduce the social isolation of seniors. The project has identified many key findings that can inform program design, service delivery and policy development. A number of reports from various stages of the project have been published. The project also developed best practice guidelines to assist service providers, government agencies and community groups in designing and implementing projects to reduce social isolation of seniors. The British journal of social work Following improvements should be made in nursing care homes for older people: In order to improve the condition of Nursing care homes and communities for older people, the following services should be provided: Rents of the agencies should be decreased. The place should always be kept clean and hygienic. To keep the place clean and hygienic there should be a well managed housekeeping department. As we know that the success any organization is totally dependent upon the employees of the organization. If the employees are getting their job satisfaction then only they give their 100% to the organization. So, If the emplyees of the agency are not satisfied with their salary, then they should be paid competitively. So the salaries should be competitive (In comparison to other organizations). Hence, agency should always do Salary survey, to settle this grievance of the Employees. Employees nature of the job should be challenging at each and every stage but not so difficult that it appears impossible. It should not be boring, hence, set challenging goals for the employees of the agency. Upward/Downward flow of communication should always be ensured. Management of the agency should be highly effective. All the employees of the agency should feel the sense of belongingness with the kind of work they do. Managers of the agency should always play the role of counselors and mentors in the Organization. At all times, the agency should identify the need of the Employees as well of the older people and should decide the motivation strategy. The way of reaching these agencies should always be kept convenient. If the social work agencies are facing difficulties in reaching the park, then the government should also provide transportation to them. The government can not afford to loose these social work agencies at the cost of bad transportation as these agencies play a vital role in uplifting the welfare of the older people. The first and the most key principle of good practice is to be aware of the presence of older people in an emergency and take active steps to locate and identify them. It is an essential step that relief interventions are developing to make consultation with the target community. To perform this activity, first it is necessary to locate, meet and assess the needs of older people through direct observation and discussion and can also be done by directly working with them to identify and address both their immediate needs and their vision for recovery. There should be some steps to achieve these goals. First that includes locating older people, checking their records in service facilities to find out if the expected numbers of older people have attended and, if not, investigate why they are not attending. There should be an outreach approach into assessments, which can include staff, volunteers and other older people to locate vulnerable older people in particular. Mutual support networks of older people can also be used to gather information on the whole community of older people and also the civic, religious and other community leaders can be enqui red because getting on track of older people is the foremost important task in order to make developments for them. Group meetings should be organized by using participatory rapid appraisal (PRA) techniques to allow older people to identify, prioritize and begin to address their problems and explore their capacities. It should be ensured that older people are represented on relevant decision-making and advisory bodies such as disaster preparedness committees, emergency co-ordination committees, nursing care homes and special issue groups. Older people all over the world have begun to control their own lives and influence decisions in their own communities. Basic training should be provided to older peoples representatives and other home care centers to help them to identify the most vulnerable members in a community. Several basic needs have been identified for older people. If there homes have been destroyed, they need building materials and labor to help rebuild shelters. To cook food, they need help for collecting fuel and other ways to share cooking arrangements with neighbors or other individuals. Clothing, fooding and shelter are among the basic items required for older people. Nursing care homes should also provide some work to older people; agencies should address the basic needs and should therefore take account of the some needful factors. Many older people are not automatically given shelter by their adult children and they need and find shelter for themselves. Nursing care homes are aiming at grouping older people together with people, whom they do not know (for example, to make up the numbers required to qualify for shelter or for allocation of supplies such as utensils, plastic sheeting and blankets) can lead to problems of exclusion and abuse as the larger group rejects or resents the presence of the older person. There are situations where basic shelter facilities provided by agencies working for older people leave older people sleeping on cold, hard, or damp surfaces may mean that chronic but manageable joint problems become acute and severely debilitating. But there are solutions to overcome theses problems. Nursing care homes are working on that. They are providing better services to older people. Nursing centers are providing proper fooding system to them. They have simple age-related clinics to deal with issues such as joint pain and other ailments associated with ageing are especially relevant where displaced people are sleeping in the open or on hard, cold or damp surfaces. These clinics are helping in reducing pressure on limited resources by treating groups of older people together, and also they are limit revolving door patterns of repeated patient visits to regular clinics. They make ensured that drugs are available to treat any kind of diseases suffering by older people. Several psychosocial programs are developing that involve and support older people in all conditions. In situations of displacement this may mean dealing with issues such as the fear of death and burial in a foreign place, as well misery for losses already sustained. These nursing care homes are also providing proper food that is digestible by older people for example: maize flour rather than whole grain maize etc.), and that takes account of digestive disorders and a common lack of teeth. They provide food which is familiar and culturally acceptable. They also provide Lobby for supplementary feeding systems to include severely malnourished older people. They also ensure that food for work programs do not exclude older people from food provision and older people have the resources (such as fuel, water and utensils) to cook their food rations if they are not taking from the nursing care home. If the older people are living alone or in pairs, it is important that the utensils available to them are manageable and enough for them. Older people should be linked with their families, only if the family as well the older people are ready to keep the relationship. These agencies are understanding and taking care of the particular risk factors and issues affecting the nutritional status older people. Generally, older people try to hide their sorrow and bad experiences, they stay calm and patient, they try to gather together in groups to support each other and try to share their problems. Older people always want to build, not to destroy. Journal of Aging Social Policy, Volume 21, Issue 1 January 2009 CONCLUSION Nursing care homes for older peole and agencies working for older people teke care of the their interestd and also some of them rely on fundraising income to achieve their aims. The fundraisers make sure the these kinds of organizations achieve maximum impact in their fundraising activities, drawing on the strength of organizations brand to encourage supporters to make whatever contribution they can to their work.The agency is working for the welfare of socially isolated and disadvantaged older people and making efforts to overcome all the obstacles coming in their way to provide the best facility to the older people.For the disadvantaged older people, Christmas was never the same without their familybut the places like Caravan Park of Queensland gave them somewhere to stay and arranged counseling for them à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..things are better nowthey are looking forward to Christmas. Most of the elderly people are living alone. From the findings we came to know that there are 1.5 million people over 70 in the Netherlands, of whom a third are living alone. Usually older people in nursing care home have lost their partner. The largest majority of the older population still surviving and staying on their own. Half of the people over 70 still live with a partner. We can say that one in three lives alone. Only less than 10% live in an old age or nursing home. Many older people are only admitted to a home when they are very old other wise they go for nursing care homes and agencies which are working for older people. Only 3% of people in their seventies live in an old age or nursing home. Among people in their eighties the showed percentage is still higher, but the people living in homes are a minority (17%). It is only when people reach their nineties that half of them live in a home. More older people still have their partner It has been forecasted that in the next twenty years, these nursing homes are going to get older people as they are providing the best amenities to them in terms of food, shelter and cloth. The number of older people who are living on their own is expected to decrease. Some 47% of the people over seventy still have their partner and both of them residing in nursing care centers only. It is expected to become 53% in 2020. The average life expectancy will increase, especially among men. One of the causes for the increase in the number of elderly single people living on their own is that a smaller percentage will be admitted to old age and nursing homes. Between 1995 and 2000 the population over 70 increased by nearly 7%. Government policy of Dutch advocates that older people should go for such kinds of nursing home care centers and agencies working for them. The main aim of the policy is that people only get institutionalized when they can no longer live in their own environment and not with the help of organized home care. Statistics of Netherlands expects a increase in the percentage of older people admitted into care facilities. While the population over 70 will increase by 50% in the next 20 years, the number of people admitted to a home is expected to increase by 20%. Care in the home environment will be increasingly replaced institutionalized care. Moreover, there will be a big development in forms in between living totally on ones own and living in a home: for instance living semi-independently in an apartment complex geared to providing care on demand. REFERENCE AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Text referencing: News paper articles: Electronic sources: Websites Publications available from websites British Journal of Social Work 2009 39(4); doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcp024 The British journal of social work Journal of Aging Social Policy, Volume 21, Issue
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Character Medeas Revenge in Euripides Medea :: Euripides Medea Essays
The Character Medea's Revenge in Euripides' Medea Medea is a tragedy of a woman who feels that her husband has betrayed her with another woman and the jealousy that consumes her. She is the protagonist who arouses sympathy and admiration because of how her desperate situation is. I thought I was going to feel sorry for Medea, but that quickly changed as soon as I saw her true colors. I understand that her emotions were all over the place. First, she was angry, then cold and conniving. The lower she sinks the more terrible revenge she wants to reap on Jason. Medea's plan was set into motion. She has nothing to loose. She is even angrier because she betrayed her own father and her people for him. She even bears the burden of having Pelias killed by his daughters for Jason. She decides to take revenge out on Jason's bride and poisons her. She also doesn't want Jason to take the children from her. She decides to kill them, but agonizes over this decision before killing them. Some critics view this as a pathetic attempt at motherhood. I know there is a certain bond between mother and child. She just wants to hurt Jason as much as she has been hurt. "She first secures a place of refuge, and seems almost on the point of bespeaking a new connection. Medea abandoned by the entire world, was still sufficient for herself." (blackmask). There is definitely a reversal of roles in the play. "A man's role was to "help his friends and harm his enemies."(users globalnet) Medea offered to help her friend King Aigeus become childless in exchange for helping her get away. She will harm anyone who gets in her way. It is the children who bring about this reversal. "Another possible theme of Medea may be that at times a punishment of revenge should justify the crime - no matter how severe. Only a person in such a situation (and greater beings) may know what to action to take in this position."(essayworld) "Finally, the play opens with Medea's Nurse indirectly giving background information to the story about to unfold. It is quickly understood by the audience that Jason, the husband of Medea, for whom she disowned her family and had killed for, has left her for the King of Corinth (Creon's) daughter - a beautiful princess. Medea is outraged by this and is set on seeking revenge on him. The Character Medea's Revenge in Euripides' Medea :: Euripides Medea Essays The Character Medea's Revenge in Euripides' Medea Medea is a tragedy of a woman who feels that her husband has betrayed her with another woman and the jealousy that consumes her. She is the protagonist who arouses sympathy and admiration because of how her desperate situation is. I thought I was going to feel sorry for Medea, but that quickly changed as soon as I saw her true colors. I understand that her emotions were all over the place. First, she was angry, then cold and conniving. The lower she sinks the more terrible revenge she wants to reap on Jason. Medea's plan was set into motion. She has nothing to loose. She is even angrier because she betrayed her own father and her people for him. She even bears the burden of having Pelias killed by his daughters for Jason. She decides to take revenge out on Jason's bride and poisons her. She also doesn't want Jason to take the children from her. She decides to kill them, but agonizes over this decision before killing them. Some critics view this as a pathetic attempt at motherhood. I know there is a certain bond between mother and child. She just wants to hurt Jason as much as she has been hurt. "She first secures a place of refuge, and seems almost on the point of bespeaking a new connection. Medea abandoned by the entire world, was still sufficient for herself." (blackmask). There is definitely a reversal of roles in the play. "A man's role was to "help his friends and harm his enemies."(users globalnet) Medea offered to help her friend King Aigeus become childless in exchange for helping her get away. She will harm anyone who gets in her way. It is the children who bring about this reversal. "Another possible theme of Medea may be that at times a punishment of revenge should justify the crime - no matter how severe. Only a person in such a situation (and greater beings) may know what to action to take in this position."(essayworld) "Finally, the play opens with Medea's Nurse indirectly giving background information to the story about to unfold. It is quickly understood by the audience that Jason, the husband of Medea, for whom she disowned her family and had killed for, has left her for the King of Corinth (Creon's) daughter - a beautiful princess. Medea is outraged by this and is set on seeking revenge on him.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Digital Fortress Chapter 36
â€Å"Manual abort?†Susan stared at her screen, mystified. She knew she hadn't typed any manual abort command-at least not intentionally. She wondered if maybe she'd hit the wrong sequence of keys by mistake. â€Å"Impossible,†she muttered. According to the headers, the abort command had been sent less than twenty minutes ago. Susan knew the only thing she'd typed in the last twenty minutes washer privacy code when she'd stepped out to talk to the commander. It was absurd to think the privacy code could have been misinterpreted as an abort command. Knowing it was a waste of time, Susan pulled up her ScreenLock log and double-checked that her privacy code had been entered properly. Sure enough, it had. â€Å"Then where,†she demanded angrily, â€Å"where did it get a manual abort?†Susan scowled and closed the ScreenLock window. Unexpectedly, however, in the split second as the window blipped away, something caught her eye. She reopened the window and studied the data. It made no sense. There was a proper â€Å"locking†entry when she'd left Node 3, but the timing of the subsequent â€Å"unlock†entry seemed strange. The two entries were less than one minute apart. Susan was certain she'd been outside with the commander for more than one minute. Susan scrolled down the page. What she saw left her aghast. Registering three minutes later, a second set of lock-unlock entries appeared. According to the log, someone had unlocked her terminal while she was gone. â€Å"Not possible!†she choked. The only candidate was Greg Hale, and Susan was quite certain she'd never given Hale her privacy code. Following good cryptographic procedure, Susan had chosen her code at random and never written it down; Hale's guessing the correct five-character alphanumeric was out of the question-it was thirty-six to the fifth power, over sixty million possibilities. But the ScreenLock entries were as clear as day. Susan stared at them in wonder. Hale had somehow been on her terminal while she was gone. He had sent her tracer a manual abort command. The questions of how quickly gave way to questions of why? Hale had no motive to break into her terminal. He didn't even know Susan was running a tracer. Even if he did know, Susan thought, why would he object to her tracking some guy named North Dakota? The unanswered questions seemed to be multiplying in her head. â€Å"First things first,†she said aloud. She would deal with Hale in a moment. Focusing on the matter at hand, Susan reloaded her tracer and hit the enter key. Her terminal beeped once. TRACER SENT Susan knew the tracer would take hours to return. She cursed Hale, wondering how in the world he'd gotten her privacy code, wondering what interest he had in her tracer. Susan stood up and strode immediately for Hale's terminal. The screen was black, but she could tell it was not locked-the monitor was glowing faintly around the edges. Cryptographers seldom locked their terminals except when they left Node 3 for the night. Instead, they simply dimmed the brightness on their monitors-a universal, honor-code indication that no one should disturb the terminal. Susan reached for Hale's terminal. â€Å"Screw the honor code,†she said. â€Å"What the hell are you up to?†Throwing a quick glance out at the deserted Crypto floor, Susan turned up Hale's brightness controls. The monitor came into focus, but the screen was entirely empty. Susan frowned at the blank screen. Uncertain how to proceed, she called up a search engine and typed: SEARCH FOR: â€Å"TRACER†It was a long shot, but if there were any references to Susan's tracer in Hale's computer, this search would find them. It might shed some light on why Hale had manually aborted her program. Seconds later the screen refreshed. NO MATCHES FOUND Susan sat a moment, unsure what she was even looking for. She tried again. SEARCH FOR: â€Å"SCREENLOCK†The monitor refreshed and provided a handful of innocuous references-no hint that Hale had any copies of Susan's privacy code on his computer. Susan sighed loudly. So what programs has he been using today? She went to Hale's â€Å"recent applications†menu to find the last program he had used. It was his E-mail server. Susan searched his hard drive and eventually found his E-mail folder hidden discreetly inside some other directories. She opened the folder, and additional folders appeared; it seemed Hale had numerous E-mail identities and accounts. One of them, Susan noticed with little surprise, was an anonymous account. She opened the folder, clicked one of the old, inbound messages, and read it. She instantly stopped breathing. The message read: TO: [email protected] FROM: [email protected] GREAT PROGRESS! DIGITAL FORTRESS IS ALMOST DONE. THIS THING WILL SET THE NSA BACK DECADES! As if in a dream, Susan read the message over and over. Then, trembling, she opened another. TO: [email protected] FROM: [email protected] ROTATING CLEARTEXT WORKS! MUTATION STRINGS ARE THE TRICK! It was unthinkable, and yet there it was. E-mail from Ensei Tankado. He had been writing to Greg Hale. They were working together. Susan went numb as the impossible truth stared up at her from the terminal. Greg Hale is NDAKOTA? Susan's eyes locked on the screen. Her mind searched desperately for some other explanation, but there was none. It was proof-sudden and inescapable: Tankado had used mutation strings to create a rotating cleartext function, and Hale had conspired with him to bring down the NSA. â€Å"It's†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Susan stammered. â€Å"It's†¦ not possible.†As if to disagree, Hale's voice echoed from the past: Tankado wrote me a few times†¦ Strathmore took a gamble hiring me†¦ I'm getting out of here someday. Still, Susan could not accept what she was seeing. True, Greg Hale was obnoxious and arrogant-but he wasn't a traitor. He knew what Digital Fortress would do to the NSA; there was no way he was involved in a plot to release it! And yet, Susan realized, there was nothing to stop him-nothing except honor and decency. She thought of the Skipjack algorithm. Greg Hale had ruined the NSA's plans once before. What would prevent him from trying again? â€Å"But Tankado†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Susan puzzled. Why would someone as paranoid as Tankado trust someone as unreliable as Hale? She knew that none of it mattered now. All that mattered was getting to Strathmore. By some ironic stroke of fate, Tankado's partner was right there under their noses. She wondered if Hale knew yet that Ensei Tankado was dead. She quickly began closing Hale's E-mail files in order to leave the terminal exactly as she had found it. Hale could suspect nothing-not yet. The Digital Fortress pass-key, she realized in amazement, was probably hidden somewhere inside that very computer. But as Susan closed the last of the files, a shadow passed outside the Node 3 window. Her gaze shot up, and she saw Greg Hale approaching. Her adrenaline surged. He was almost to the doors. â€Å"Damn!†she cursed, eyeing the distance back to her seat. She knew she'd never make it. Hale was almost there. She wheeled desperately, searching Node 3 for options. The doors behind her clicked. Then they engaged. Susan felt instinct takeover. Digging her shoes into the carpet, she accelerated in long, reaching strides toward the pantry. As the doors hissed open, Susan slid to a stop in front of the refrigerator and yanked open the door. A glass pitcher on top tipped precariously and then rocked to a stop. â€Å"Hungry?†Hale asked, entering Node 3 and walking toward her. His voice was calm and flirtatious. â€Å"Want to share some tofu?†Susan exhaled and turned to face him. â€Å"No thanks,†she offered. â€Å"I think I'll just-†But the words got caught in her throat. She went white. Hale eyed her oddly. â€Å"What's wrong?†Susan bit her lip and locked eyes with him. â€Å"Nothing, â€Å"she managed. But it was a lie. Across the room, Hale's terminal glowed brightly. She'd forgotten to dim it.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Work for something
â€Å"Hannah Paramour, on keeping Strengths from Running Amok â€Å"The New York Time Business Day Bryant starts the article by introducing Hannah Paramour , which is the present of Paramour , the digital Agency . The article then goes in to a series of question asked by Bryant to Paramour, the first question asked was where you In leadership roles when you were younger . Paramour answered the question by saying that if you asked her mother or teacher in high school she would know as being a rebel , but always in charge and that everyone in her family is always willing to take on unreasonable mount of responsibility.Bryant then followed that question up with asking what Paramour study in college at that time she told him she was a classical- piano major because she had studied the Plano her whole life and that she found out in college that while practicing one thing for three hours a day eight hours a day was something new and was a whole other thing. Paramour felt that it didn't f it her personality and that she had a certain level of skill but it wasn't what she really wanted to do and she was going to have to figure how to make money so she never graduated and went right to work.Bryant then asked what work she did and was told that she had terrible Jobs for the longest time and they all were Just at an entry- level. Paramour said that when she started working for a life Insurance estate- planning she started to get promoted very fast but still wasn't happy and was getting the work done but aggressive and there was a lot of passive-aggressive going on, and that it felt weird because she kept getting promoted. Paramour says that once dot- comes came along she got an opportunity with a startup cityscapes. Mom and that it was exciting and new and got to try new things. Paramour also says that she learned a lot about transparency and getting people aligned behind a goal and letting them know what's going on In the organization. At that time she decided to start her own business and that she didn't have a great business plan but decided being on her own was safer and that she learned she didn't want to be with any company that want going to deliver what they said they would.Bryant then asked what Paramour has learned about culture as her company has grown she answered saying by asking have you heard the theory that weakness is a strength taken too far. Then said the best examples would be that they allowed dog In the office and at one point they had nine dogs In the office and at one point she Just had clarity no more dogs. She says you do the little things to build culture in a company but you have to be k with saying something may have went too far.Bryant then goes on asking about the hiring, interview process and is Paramour could interview somebody in five minutes what she would asked she answer by saying she's not the best interviewer because she is very optimistic and she tend to project herself on other to try and sell them. But she always goes through the core values and explain how they were written and responsibility.Paramour then goes on to say if she could interview someone for only five minutes she would ask â€Å"how old where you when you got your first Job â€Å"the reason she says she would ask this is because she would rather have someone that ad to work all throughout college then someone who got scholarship and right to MBA program then she would ask why they left their old Job Just to see if they told the truth. The last question asked by Bryant was what advice would you give to allege student the answer was get a Job, get started because most people don't know what their passion is Just starting out.Paramour ended with that she had ability to see trends and that she was fast at solving problems and that if it wasn't right they would fix it but it would be fast. After reading this article I can relate to some of what Paramour is saying , with the whole going to college and realizing what you had plan would change I new for me it would be a little harder with going to school working full time and having two small children and everything that they are involved in.I would of never in a million years think I would change what I was studying until I started to work in the medical field and realized that's it not what I wanted to do the rest of my life so I switched to something I knew I enjoyed doing when I worked for a big retail company and that was getting to know the business and human resource of the company. I also like how the culture was built with the company do think it's a little crazy to have dogs in an office let alone nine of them I could see where this could go wrong and could cause a bad work environment.I also had to do interviews when worked for target UT there was a guild line that we had to go by and I don't think it allowed us to get clear picture of the employee seeking work and I think being direct and straight forward would give you and the employee to h ave a chance to be honesty with one another and me personal I would rather have an honesty employee over someone that is Just going to tell me what I want to hear.I like the fact that Bryant asked if you only have five minutes what question would you ask in an interview and that Paramour said she would ask how hold the person was when the got there first Job, cause to me it shows a level of determination and responsibility and a lot about a person and that they have goals set for their self and everything wasn't handed to them.I do agree with the advice Paramour gives at the end of the article and that was to get a Job and get started, because I can say when I was 18-19 1 thought I know what I wanted to do in life but have problem changes my mind about 100 times before I really knew what it was that I wanted to do and what goals to have set for myself.Even to this day I have goals that I have not meet that I have set for myself but that isn't mean I'm not still working towards them or that I don't think I can do it also the harder you have to work for something the better work you will do and the more you appreciate things more in life and the better you will be at seeing your full potently and reaching your goal out of life. After reading this article/ interview I was able to take away that its k to change your mind and to make decision based on what's going to make you happy and to make goals and to Just go for it because you never know what the outcome could be.Also that as long as you can make a decision even if it was wrong as long as you made it fast and could fix it that it wasn't a big because it shows that things change in life and as long as you can either go with it or adapt to the change and then realize what's best for you in the long run then go with it cause the outcome could be so rewarding in the end or even be a better one. I feel as this article relates to this class because it talks about her leadership, the culture she built into the compa ny as well as her hiring technique as a manager as well what are some of e important question to ask in an interview .
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Punk essays
Punk essays The date was xxxx, radio stations were saturated with the sounds of bands like Foreigner, the Eagles, and disco acts. The 70s megabands were in full force, packing huge arenas with elaborate stage effects. Underground music had taken a back seat, as music took a commercial turn. A generation of dienfranchised, felt that music needed an overhaul. Music was in need of a change. Like a proverbial wind, punk rock took the world by storm. From the mirky coasts of England, came a new sound. This sounds was to be later coined by the media as punk rock. If music can be seen as peniciliin for the soul, then punk rock was a complete overdose to the soul. Elements of punk could be traced all the way to the Whos Baba Riley, and MC5. When listend the song My Generation carries the same transcendental punk message with lyrics such as People try to put me down, talking about my Gerneration, Why dont you all just fade away. But the true turning point in the punk rock scene came from the creative mind of Malcolm MacLaren. Malcolm Maclaren was a businessman that ran a clothing store in Britishs East end. Earlier,he was flirting with the idea of marketing a glam rock band by the name of The New York Dolls. Later, his attention turned to what he was quoted as saying, My best creation yet, the infamous Sex Pistols. The true task was to turn an underground scene to the mainstream, but yet still retain the underground aura. (Gill 3). As a businessman, it is certain that Malcolm Maclaren was likely no prude to the game of manipulation. Interesting enough, the marketability and commercialization of punk rock eventually was its own demise, which will be discussed later in this paper. ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
QUANTUM MATTER TELEPORTER Essays - Physics, Quantum Mechanics
QUANTUM MATTER TELEPORTER Essays - Physics, Quantum Mechanics QUANTUM MATTER TELEPORTER Today's society utilizes the car as the universal mode of transportation. The vehicle has developed radically in the past century and is now a household item. The modern family uses the car for all its basic needs, from long distance transportation to a drive to the local park. Other various fossil fuel powered vehicles are also utilized for transportation of goods and carry out various services. The car however raises the problem of over-congestion and instead of speeding travel, slows it down. With the rising population, this problem only grows, especially in highly urbanized cities. Traffic results in rampant accidents and is a major hindrance to the work that needs to be done, as it is suddenly impeded by an abrupt stop. Additionally, the car and other present day vehicles utilize fossil fuels. The use of these and burning of these leads to rampant pollution of the air. The green house gasses like methane and carbon dioxide that are released only serve to further deteriorate the ozone layer and increase global warming. In fact, transportation is one of the leading carbon producers , contributing up to 25% of total emissions according to the EPA . This problem, while not limited to transportation, is greatly increased by it. Another flaw of today's vehicles is that they require a path or medium of travel. All terrestrial vehicles need roads to be constructed for them, often taking up large swathes of land just for them to travel. All maritime vehicles need water , it defines them and how they move. Jets require the presence of radio towers to signal where they land, not to mention requiring terminals and runways to be built. These requirements to even use these vehicles take up useful space that could have been utilized for other infrastructures such as homes, buildings of service, etc. While progress has been made to combat the other flaws of conventional vehicles, they still all have the major flaw of requiring time. All the vehicles of today need us to wait hours, or even days to get to our destination. With the compiled problem of heavy traffic this situation does not seem as if it will ever improve with the continued use of cars. Teleportation has long since been a matter of science fiction. The ability to travel to places without bearing any of the difficulties of the conventional vehicle. Teleportation as a universal mode of transportation would firstly, remove the traffic that is so often the main defect of cars. Secondly, the use of teleportation over the use of fossil fuel powered cars reduces the amount of carbon emissions produced by transportation drastically. Thirdly, teleportation, theoretically, would not require a medium of travel. Quantum teleportation at an optimum would not require any other communication medium, and at a more practical rate would require fiber cables, a technology more utilizable, less limited, and not as bulky as roads, airports and bodies of water. It would also be far faster than any other mechanical means of transportation. It could teleport you thousands or millions of kilometers away in nanoseconds. This technology may seem like science fiction, but the technology to do this with base particles like photons and leptons exists today, and technology to apply this to quarks, the base parts of atoms, is theoretically very possible. In order to understand its workings, we must first know a bit of quantum mechanics. In everyday classical mechanics, everything is determined. A particle is here or there, the ball is rolling or still. But in quantum mechanics, objects can be in what is called a superposition wherein it can be in multiple states until observed. To demon strate this, Erwin Schrodinger once famously proposed a thought experiment with a cat that goes as such; suppose you have a cat in a box with poison that will release 50% of the time. You only know the cat is alive or dead after observation. Now we can apply this to subatomic particles. All fundamental particles have a property called spin, which is to say they have angular momentum and an orientation in space. Now since we do not know the spin of the particles before measurement the
Sunday, October 20, 2019
These Part Time Jobs Can Earn You $75k a Year
These Part Time Jobs Can Earn You $75k a Year You want a high-paying gig, but without being tied down by a set schedule or a single job. Trouble is, you always thought part-time jobs paid little. Well, you thought wrong. The gig economy is out there, waiting for you. And the best news is: you don’t have to wait to have a college degree to get started raking in the dough. Here are several high-paying part-time jobs that could help you generate a fabulous annual salary when combined. 1. Social Media AssistantPut your Facebook skills to work helping companies manage their online profiles and marketing. You can get paid up to $30 an hour to work part time rocking a company’s social media presence.2. Online ResearchMake up to $37 per hour answering questions for business professionals and helping them solve customer service issues or other complicated matters. If you’re good with research and have a head for business, this is a great opportunity for you.3. Content EditingHave impeccable grammar? Get paid up to $4 0 an hour editing web content or printed materials for companies. If you’re good with turning deadlines around and have great spelling, you’re golden.4. Software EngineerIf you have killer experience in software, you don’t have to work full-time to be a software engineer. Get paid up to $73 an hour to work part time, as you prefer.5. Jazz TeacherSo you studied jazz, but you’re not sure you want to try and hack it as a professional musician. Teach instead! You can get paid anywhere from $50-80 per hour teaching jazz music to children and adults.6. TranslatorIf you’re fast and fluent in another language, you can work in print or in person translating for hospitals, courtrooms, law firms, manufacturing firms, you name it. And you can make from $20-50 per hour.7. Private TutorKids are more and more obsessed with test scores- or maybe their parents are? Either way, help a kid (or an adult!) learn whatever subject you’re most expert in. Depending on where you live, you can earn anywhere from $40-$80 per hour and pull in a high annual wage!8. Yoga InstructorSo you’ll have to shell out for the initial teacher training, but then you can make about $35k per year teaching yoga- and staying fit in the process.9. Adjunct TeachingIf you do have a degree and are inclined to teach, you might want to try adjuncting at universities- even community colleges or online schools. The pay varies wildly depending on what you teach and how good you are, but you won’t make less than $31k per year and you could make as much as six figures.10. Uber/LyftDrive for a ride share company. The amount you make will vary depending on the demand where you live and how many hours you’re willing to drive. But you can really hustle and rake it in. Plus, you only drive when you want to.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Add to all bullets that is in yellow Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Add to all bullets that is in yellow - Essay Example Data used in this qualitative ethnographic study design comprise of structure interviews, peer reviewed journals, and analysis of materials and documents. The study creates an understanding to the barriers older citizens face while adopting new technology. The address importance to policy developers and NGO’s (Non-government Organizations) who are concerned with integrating senior citizens into new technology. Lack of interest in technology will adversely affect senior citizens, as they will miss convenient methods of managing their financial prospects. In-depth understanding of advancements within the technology sector liberates individuals regardless of their age differences from a financial point of view. Financial institutions such as banking institutions grant their customers access to their various accounts in the comfort of their work areas or homes. Internet banking continues to transform the banking sector, as clients are able to customize and manage their bank accounts according to their unique preferences. In addition, senior citizens benefit from access to health-related information. Technological advancements such as the internet and social media platforms create opportunities for senior citizens to access such information. This saves them from accumulating medical expenses incurred during consultation forums. Purpose statement The purpose of this qualitative ethnographic study is to evaluate which senior citizens are positive about the use of technology and observe the technology needs. The Senior Technical Analysis interview designed to interview 30 seniors from various ethnic and economic backgrounds from the Metro Detroit area of Michigan. The study supports knowledge to help government agencies to understand the importance of senior citizens gaining computer skills to enable them to conduct personal business. The study address needs in the community to understand the technology needs
Friday, October 18, 2019
Economic Development Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Economic Development - Research Paper Example However not every policy makers and academicians have the same opinion regarding the contribution of the organization in the achievement of economic development. Thus this paper aims in studying the relation between the economic development and economic stability of a nation and the contribution of the IMF in achieving so. Meaning of economic development Economic development of a country means the process of increasing the per capita income as well as per capita output of a nation accompanied by the increase in the overall productivity and improvements in the techniques of production that will ultimately result in the increase in the well being of the overall society. There is considerable difference between economic growth and economic development of a nation though sometimes they are used synonymously. Growth of the economy of a country must precede as well as prompt the economic development of a particular nation. Therefore it can be said that economic growth accompanied by the st ructural transformation of a nation results in the economic development of the overall nation. Thus for the overall economic development of a nation, growth of the country’s economy is the necessary condition and the structural transformation forms the condition of sufficiency. ... These factors in simple words differentiate growth of an economy from the overall development of the same. Therefore for a proper definition of economic development it can be said that the structural, institutional and the qualitative changes that are needed in an society for expanding the capability and the potential of the same in the proper utilization of the scare economic resources of the country is reflected in the economic development of the country. The structural transformation if an economy imply the overall growth of the Gross Domestic Product of an economy contributed by the productive increase of the primary , the secondary and the tertiary sector of the economy and the relative contribution of each sector in the country’s total GDP. Moreover the degree of openness of an economy and the country’s dependence on foreign trade also encompasses the economic structure of the country. Therefore for development of an economy there is the requirement of a positive change in each of these variables with a long term impact on the economy that is fundamental. These changes in the structure of the economy is in need of changing, more specifically improving the poverty level of the country for the achievement of economic development. In case of economic development the increase in the economic well being of an individual as well as the society as a whole gets reflected in the changes in the living conditions of the society people with improved nutrition, improved health, improved housing facilities along with betterment in the education structure of the society that will impact on an overall upliftment of the society with flavors of metropolis.
What was Race Uplift for African Americans Essay
What was Race Uplift for African Americans - Essay Example The African American population represents the multiracial characteristics of the American society. Earlier, the African Americans were forced to undergo a number of problems like racial segregation, discrimination, marginalization, slavery and forced labor. Earlier, the African Americans were forced to undergo a number of problems like racial segregation, discrimination, marginalization, slavery and forced labor. Within this scenario, the efforts undertaken by the African American leaders helped the African Americans to consider that gaining legal rights can solve the problems faced by them. To be specific, African Americans considered that equality in the mainstream society can help them to attain race uplift. Thesis statement: Within the context of African American activism, race uplift is interconnected with the unending effort to gain legal, political, economic and social rights, and the contributions of the African American leaders are most important because the same helped the m to move towards development, in general. African Americans and race uplift First of all, the history of African American activism is linked with the problems faced by the African Americans in the mainstream society. Earlier, the African Americans were not aware of the fact that legal rights can be gained by the means of activism. Gradually, the African Americans came to realize the fact that idleness cannot solve their problems. So, some of the African Americans decided to protest against slavery. This revolutionary spirit originating from helplessness was most important for the African American race uplift in future. Michael Ezra stated that, â€Å"In terms of African American self-help initiatives, in the decades that followed Reconstruction, a generation of â€Å"race uplift†black American leaders emerged, whether integrationist, Pan-African nationalist, back-to-Africa proponents, or Nation of Islam separatist†(2). Within this context, Emancipation Proclamation was an important initiative from the side of the government. Henceforth, the African American population came to realize that gaining legal rights can lead the community towards political liberation, a key factor behind race uplift. The Civil Rights Movement and Black Power Movement helped the African Americans to gain a number of rights. To be specific, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 helped the African Americans to be away from discrimination in the society. So, one can easily identify the fact that African Americans considered race uplift as a means to attain their ultimate aim, i.e., equality in the society. To be specific, race uplift of African Americans is not limited to the context of their community, but extends to the context of activism aiming to gain legal, political, economic and social rights in the society. Major contributors of African American race uplift: The political leaders, social reformers, human rights activists, and civil rights leaders were the major contribut ors of African American race uplift. For instance, the leaders, reformers, and activists like Frederick Douglass, Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Booker Taliaferro Washington, Mary Jane McLeod Bethune, etc are generally considered as the major contributors of African American race uplift. One can see that the African Americans leadership is an amalgamation of different classes in the community. For instance, the African American political leaders considered that political liberation can help the African Americans to be in the forefront of development. On the other side, the African American social reformers considered that gaining social rights can accelerate the progress of African American community. The African American human rights activists and civil rights leaders worked for the community to educate the members on the importance of rights and duties in the society. So, one can see that the contributors of the African American race uplift worked hard to accelerate the upwar d mobility of the African Am
External influence on health care organization Essay
External influence on health care organization - Essay Example P.R. Manager: External influences most applicable to the organization include political, trade and industry and socio-cultural, ecological and complementary external pressures upon healthcare policy proposals and organizational agendas. A comparison with eternal elements affecting medical organizations reveals the balance in significance of each factor towards the organization’s performance (Mannion, 2000, p. 111). However, the internal features have straight, instant, and authoritative impacts. These effects are far more open to adjustment at a domestic level of the organization than eternal factors. An organizational discussion should appreciate individual experience alongside objective information. As a result, the debate will promote positive change within the organization (Ford, Menachemi & Phillips, 2006, p. 108). Joining the organization creates the utmost confidence that has systematic expertise in association administration and understanding of the current healthcare frameworks. As a healthcare administrator, I will be able to prove valuable as I progress and exploit opportunities in my profession (Ford, Menachemi & Phillips, 2006, p. 106). Daake, D. and Anthony, W. P. (2000). Understanding Stakeholder Power and Influence Gaps in a Health Care Organization: An Empirical Study. Health Care Management Review: July, Volume 25 - Issue 3 - pp
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Blogger (or the general idea of blogs).Learning with technology ( look Essay
Blogger (or the general idea of blogs).Learning with technology ( look at attachment) - Essay Example In schools and in the field of education, electronic and digital technologies have also become valuable companion tools for learning. The internet is filled with websites like Wikipedia, Google Scholar, Google Books, and Blogs which serve as compiled sources of information which students can easily access without having to comb through library books, journals, and encyclopaedias. Blogging and the general idea of blogs have become one of the more relevant eLearning tools. This paper shall evaluate blogging, its applications and uses. A critical analysis of this learning tool shall also be carried out. The first part of this paper shall provide an overview of blogging. The second part shall provide a critique of blogging. The third part shall discuss the learning theories which are applicable to blogging. The fourth part shall use a specific blogging application and discuss its links with learning theories. Finally, this paper shall end with summarizing and concluding remarks. Body Ove rview of blogging The second generation of internet and web use has brought on the Web 2.0 phenomenon, a progression from the initial Web 1.0 design. Where the Web 1.0 design only provided for a unilateral flow of information, the Web 2.0 design has presented with the distinct improvement of sharing information to the online community (Anderson, 2008). The convenient possibilities of the internet has allowed the process of sharing, uploading, and writing information; and editing wikis and blogs has presented educators with myriad tools for their trade. Blogs, shortened from web logs, was first suggested by Jorn Barger when he came up with a webpage which included information, personal musings, journal entries, as well as links, and posts which have been arranged by date (Anderson, 2008). Since then, blogs have largely evolved, taking in more elaborate designs, and topics; and it now even includes an area for readers to post their comments. In effect, the commenting and posting proce ss seems to have allowed blogging to take on a more interactive nature, allowing readers to offer their opinion on the blogs. Blogs also allow bloggers to consider reader’s opinions, to possibly respond to these if he so desires (Anderson, 2008). Blogging is also a media which feeds a writer’s immediacy, allowing him or her to post as often as he would like without having to wait for a date of publication as is so often seen in news or magazine articles. Blogs include words which are ‘tagged’ and in so doing the subject of the post is often categorized and archived into a standard theme where it can later be recalled. By clicking the tags or entering these words into search engines, other related links would appear, thereby allowing the reader to read other similar articles by the same or different authors (Anderson, 2008). Linking is an essential part of blogging because it increases the depth of the discussions, allowing readers to understand the blog be tter (Anderson, 2008). Linking has the same nature as referencing as it gives readers the opportunity to verify the contents of the blog and to compare it to outside sources. Through these links, the quality of each blog is often significantly improved. Blogs are a new means of interacting online as it is a forum by which internet users can pool their knowledge and opinions about a certain topic (Johnson and Kaye, 2005). They are also specific avenues for combined news and data, as
Discussion Questions - About Outsourcing Article
Discussion Questions - About Outsourcing - Article Example The case clearly shows that the organization exploited the demands of the industry by serving as a niche player in the provision of specific core competences’ services. The success of the company can therefore be linked to the ability to provide services that are specifically to the core competences in contrast to their ability of not using fake accents and pseudo names. This case is so because the organization seemed to have avoided risks by applying a method of service provision that other big companies could not venture into. It would not be wise for other BPO organizations to adopt the strategy of the company, as well as making them common. The reason behind this notion is that the strategy was developed by one organization in the industry, with the sole aim of capturing the core competences of the niche market. The fact that the strategy required a number of skilled personnel would rule out the urge for other companies to try developing the idea (Samarpan, 25). Such an idea would prove to add extra operational costs that some of the BPOs would not like to
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Blogger (or the general idea of blogs).Learning with technology ( look Essay
Blogger (or the general idea of blogs).Learning with technology ( look at attachment) - Essay Example In schools and in the field of education, electronic and digital technologies have also become valuable companion tools for learning. The internet is filled with websites like Wikipedia, Google Scholar, Google Books, and Blogs which serve as compiled sources of information which students can easily access without having to comb through library books, journals, and encyclopaedias. Blogging and the general idea of blogs have become one of the more relevant eLearning tools. This paper shall evaluate blogging, its applications and uses. A critical analysis of this learning tool shall also be carried out. The first part of this paper shall provide an overview of blogging. The second part shall provide a critique of blogging. The third part shall discuss the learning theories which are applicable to blogging. The fourth part shall use a specific blogging application and discuss its links with learning theories. Finally, this paper shall end with summarizing and concluding remarks. Body Ove rview of blogging The second generation of internet and web use has brought on the Web 2.0 phenomenon, a progression from the initial Web 1.0 design. Where the Web 1.0 design only provided for a unilateral flow of information, the Web 2.0 design has presented with the distinct improvement of sharing information to the online community (Anderson, 2008). The convenient possibilities of the internet has allowed the process of sharing, uploading, and writing information; and editing wikis and blogs has presented educators with myriad tools for their trade. Blogs, shortened from web logs, was first suggested by Jorn Barger when he came up with a webpage which included information, personal musings, journal entries, as well as links, and posts which have been arranged by date (Anderson, 2008). Since then, blogs have largely evolved, taking in more elaborate designs, and topics; and it now even includes an area for readers to post their comments. In effect, the commenting and posting proce ss seems to have allowed blogging to take on a more interactive nature, allowing readers to offer their opinion on the blogs. Blogs also allow bloggers to consider reader’s opinions, to possibly respond to these if he so desires (Anderson, 2008). Blogging is also a media which feeds a writer’s immediacy, allowing him or her to post as often as he would like without having to wait for a date of publication as is so often seen in news or magazine articles. Blogs include words which are ‘tagged’ and in so doing the subject of the post is often categorized and archived into a standard theme where it can later be recalled. By clicking the tags or entering these words into search engines, other related links would appear, thereby allowing the reader to read other similar articles by the same or different authors (Anderson, 2008). Linking is an essential part of blogging because it increases the depth of the discussions, allowing readers to understand the blog be tter (Anderson, 2008). Linking has the same nature as referencing as it gives readers the opportunity to verify the contents of the blog and to compare it to outside sources. Through these links, the quality of each blog is often significantly improved. Blogs are a new means of interacting online as it is a forum by which internet users can pool their knowledge and opinions about a certain topic (Johnson and Kaye, 2005). They are also specific avenues for combined news and data, as
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Color Matters Essay Example for Free
Color Matters Essay In the marketing arena, color plays a significant role in a company’s advertisement and packaging. According to research, the right color is worth a thousand words as well as it can increase sales and a company’s profit (Morton, 2010). Most importantly, a company’s color is closely related to the type of judgment and decisions consumers make regarding a specific product. Research also reveals that color increases brand recognition, memory, engages and increases participation, and attracts consumers attention (Morton, 2010). Overall, color is powerful in marketing. Therefore, this paper will discuss the importance of color with Coca-Cola Company’s advertising as it relates to the different meanings, cultures, and segment markets. The Importance Of Color With Coca-Cola Company’s Advertising Coca-Cola is one of the world’s most popular and recognized brand. Let’s discuss the company’s purpose for being in business. The mission of the Coca-Cola Company is â€Å"to refresh the world, inspire moments of optimism and happiness, create value, and make a difference†(The Coca-Cola Company, 2013). With that being said, the colors of the Coca-Cola Company in their advertising, which is red and white, are extremely important for a number of reasons. First, the company wants to send the right message to consumers. Second, the colors help identify the different brands (Kolter Keller, 2012). Third, the different colors also help the company to differentiate themselves from their competitors. Most of all, Coca-Cola’s distinctive colors conveys information and/or provides consumers with some other operational benefits (Morton, 2012). Overall, the colors main goal is to get consumers’ attention while making an impact on their buying decision. The Different Meanings According to the color wheel of branding and packaging, the Coca-Cola Company’s colors for their advertisement ensures different meanings. As stated earlier, the colors of the company’s advertisement are red and white. These colors have been used for more than a hundred years. Red promotes Coca-Cola friendly qualities such as energy, powerful, courage, excitement, and strength (Kolter Keller, 2012). Whereas white indicates that the company is all about creating products that are innovative and modern. As result, these colors have been a very successful color strategy and have helped the company become the world’s top companies in their industry (Pigford, 2013). In addition to, the great contrast of the colors also ensure readability, which is one of the important factors of product strategy in marketing (Pigford, 2013). The Culture The Coca-Cola Company has a winning culture, which defines the attitudes and behaviors of their employees (The Coca-Cola Company, 2013). In this case, the choices of the colors also inform consumers that the employees also have the same attributes regarding their work performance. Coca-Cola’s colors relates to their culture because the company and its employees demonstrates: (1) collaboration; (2) how they have courage to shape a better future; (3) integrity; (4) accountability; (5) passion; (6) diversity; and (7) quality. The Market Segments A marketing segment is referred to as aggregating prospective buyers into groups that have common needs and their response to a marketing action will be similar. Market segmentation stresses two things: (1) grouping individuals or organizations according to similarity of needs and the benefits desired; and (2) needs and benefits must be associated to specific tangible marketing actions (Identifying Market Segments Target, 2011). Coca-Cola’s market segment consists of consumers who are seeking different and great products that are. The company’s colors also target individuals who also want to make differences in the communities, which require them to demonstrate commitment, energy, strength, and excitement. In conclusion,it is imperative that companies consider their choice of color when advertising or completing packaging. Colors and marketing are connected to one another in so many ways. Colors can influence an individual’s thinking, actions, cause reactions (Morton, 2012). In fact, colors cannot be replaced because they are known as the most powerful forms of communication. More than so ever, colors are the visual component that consumers remember the most about a brand (Morton, 2012). Many companies who produce great brands rely on color as their key factor in immediate recognition. So, companies should utilize the color wheel of branding and packaging before launching their product. Reference Mortan, J. (2012). Color Matters. Retrieved from
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston
The Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston The theme of finding one s own personal voice is the central aim of Kingston in her memoir The Woman Warrior. She makes various references to the physical and emotional struggle of this aim throughout the text by exploring the silence of the women in her family and Chinese culture. By adding her experience as a Chinese-American woman she discovers her voice. Kingston uses autobiography to create identity and therefore breaks out of the silence that has bound her culturally to discover a resonant voice of her own (Wong 58). Kingston supplies a voice to many voiceless women enabling them to discover their identities as individuals. In The Woman Warrior, Kingston utilises her different voices to depict the stories of her ancestors. Through these stories told to her by her mother and her aunt, she is able to express a part of her which her own experiences cannot explain as a Chinese-American female. Her memoir is an intensely autobiographical work, yet her first person presence ranges from constant to, at times, almost non-existent. Overall , throughout the five chapters of The Woman Warrior, there is a movement from the theme of silence in the first line of the first chapter You must not tell anyone to a voice in the final line and the last chapter It translated well (Hong Kingston 3, 209). For Kingston, silence equates to a lack of voice, which she associates with the loss of identity as a woman, which is her main aim of the text. However, she is also aware of the risks involved in asserting independence from her own Chinese community. This idea is explored in the first chapter of the memoir, No Name Woman , where Kingston s aunt acted against her community s standards of suitable behaviour and the villagers punished her for acting as if she could have a private life, secret and apart from them (Hong Kingston 36-37). However, Kingston fear that in staying silent and not finding her own voice, she risks becoming a substitute for her nameless aunt, who remained silent her entire life. Kingston s anxiety is increased by her mother s warning: Don t tell anyone you had an aunt (Hong Kingston 18). But in writing the No Name Woman story, Kingston reacts against the family imposed silence and tells everyone of her aunt. Her aunt s silence, by refusing to name the father of her child, protects the man and simultaneously oppresses her. Kingston gives a voice to the silence woman by writing the aunt s story and theorising how her aunt became pregnant. In doing this, she removes her aunt s guilt and solidifies her identity as a Chinese-American woman. She feels that to remain silent about her aunt would be the same as rejecting her own sense of self. The theme of silence in the text is also linked to the cross-cultural problems that Kingston comes across throughout her own life. Kingston notes that The Chinese I know hide their names; sojourners take new names when their lives change and guard their real names with silence (Hong Kingston 6). The mention of silence not only refers to the hiding of names but also to the confusion of Chinese culture to first-generation Chinese-Americans. Although the women of traditional Chinese culture do not have voices, the stories and myths that female family members pass onto their daughters may contain subversive messages. For example, in the chapter entitled White Tigers , the legend of the Chinese woman warrior Fa Mu Lan is a constant reminder to young Kingston that women can transcend socially enforced limitations. Kingston discusses how as a child, she imagined herself to be like Fa Mu Lan, who saves not only her family but her community: the villagers would make a legend about my perfect filiality (Hong Kingston 45). It is in this chapter that we see how, even as a child, Kingston dreamt of transcending a life of insignificance. Brave Orchid s story of the woman warrior proves how stories and legends of tradition Chinese culture can create alternative, subversive voices for women who otherwise would spend their life in silence due to the dominance of a patriarchal society. Kingston extends her empowerment of women, by providing them with individualised voices, to her own mother. Brave Orchid, her mother, is effectively voiceless in America as although she has lived in America for many years, she does not speak English. As with all the lives of the women in The Woman Warrior, Kingston vocalises and records her mother experiences. The memoir displays Brave Orchid s sacrifices and distinguishes her from the nameless Chinese women living in America. In the chapter At the Western Palace , Kingston s aunt Moon Orchid, reveals how costly remaining silence can be. Moon Orchid relays the tale of a woman, deserted by her husband, who has completely submitted to the patriarchal view that woman should always remain silent and never question male authority. The voicelessness of s Chinese woman living in a traditionally patriarchal society is shown when the woman reluctantly confronts her Americanised husband and is unable to voice her years of rage and grief: But all she did was open and shut her mouth without any words coming out (Hong Kingston 152). Ironically, her loss of speech is the deciding factor in her husband s decision that she has no place in his American life, stating, I have important American guests who come inside my house to eat You can t talk to them. You can barely talk to me (Hong Kinston 153). However, by Kingston writing Moon Orchid s story in her memoir, she is also providing Moon Orchid with an individual voice. In the final chapter of The Woman Warrior, A Song for a Barbarian Reed Pipe , Kingston deals with the generational and cultural conflicts as regards the voice of Chinese-American women. Through her American education, Kingston imagines that Americans hear the language of Chinese as chingchong ugly (Hong Kingston 199). In order for a young Kingston to feel even partially accepted by her American peers, she retracts her voice: We American-Chinese girls had to whisper to make ourselves American-feminine (Hong Kinston 172). However, even as a child, Kingston is aware of the consequences of being without a voice. She describes the hatred she felt for another Chinese girl who refused to speak and how she physically bullied the girl to make her talk. Her hatred for the unspeaking girl is highlighted be her similarity to the girl. The young Kingston fears becoming like this silent girl, who functions as Kingston s alter ego. In this last chapter, Kingston simultaneously questions the customs of the Chinese and the indirect way in which the Chinese speak through observing their code of silence towards Americans regarding their cultural origins and history. This lack of a voice further marginalises Kingston and other first-generation Chinese-Americans as during Kingston s discovery of her voice; she resists putting herself in a state of submission but does, however, purposely present herself poorly to her peers. In Kingstons final look at her past, she tells the story of the poet Ts ai Yen to represent the possibilities of two cultures coming together harmoniously. Kingston identifies with Ts ai Yen s strength in expression and sees them both as women warriors symbolically fighting to link the cultural gap between America and China. In conclusion, Kingstons different voices culminate to constitute the voice of her own subjectivity, to emerge from a past dominated by stories told to her into a present articulated by her own storytelling (Wong 59). The writing of The Woman Warrior, an outlet for her to explore her past, becomes Kingston s remedy for silence her way of discovering her own personal voice and a place as a Chinese-American woman in society.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Essay --
Holocaust Essay One of the world’s greatest events in the twentieth century was the Holocaust. This event was tragic and dreadful to all, deceased and alive, Jews. Between January 30, 1933 and May 8, 1945, over six million Jews were tortured then killed without having a say. Having to live day by day with this terrifying experience hammered in their minds, roughly three million Jews were blessed with survival. â€Å"Only be careful and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen, or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.†-Deuteronomy 4:9 From the Holocaust we learn that feelings are important aspects of our daily lives. We must protect ourselves from all evils. Every man has naturally occurring evil built inside of them. It is our duty as being man, to secure that evil. The Holocaust is an example of what can become if that evil is unleashed. Man has to be aware of his, and the evil of others. If, however, evil is kept left alone, it may become stronger and more powerful. A person is not judged by their surroundings, but by the evil of its enemies. Man must learn to tolerate and respect those who differ. To do this we must avoid discrimination. Jews were discriminated because of their religious beliefs, appearance, and knowledge. Intolerance leads to unwanted hatred and cruelty. Man must steer clear of failing to care about the pain of others. When one dodges this action, he uproots cruelty. Cruelty shows proof of one being fulfilled with hatred. Hate was the cause of world destruction for Jews and other faultless victims. Hitler loathed Jews and because of this, he sought them out to be scapegoats. Although Adolf Hitl... ...truction, and becoming a follower. If these acts are ignored, the world can possibly be turned around, again. Some go against the thought of believing what took place between those years of the past. Also, what can become in the near by future. For others, six million guiltless lives had to be buried just for them to realize that evil does exist and that it has potential. As a whole we must always believe that even the worst can happen. Man should never give up his freedoms. I personally pray that all people, the world, become aware of our own negativity before it gets out of control. The hatred and violent crimes has to be ceased. As learned from the Holocaust, it only takes the hatred of one to commit to disaster. I also believe that for some, such as Hitler, their say is the only say. In my opinion, man is not born evil or good, he simply adjusts to his society.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Violent Behavior In Society Essay -- essays research papers
Violent Behavior in Society It gained through violent behavior is only temporary and it lasts until the time of revenge comes around. Violence was glorified hundreds of years ago. Back then it was a form of a pure entertainment. We know how among ancient Romans, gladiators (usually slaves or captives trained for the purpose),fought with swords or other weapons at public "shows". The more harm the gladiators inflicted the bigger hero he was, and the more respect he gained. All the crimes they committed were condoned, accepted and glorified. Today it seems like instead of gladiators we have boxers. Is boxing just a sport, or another way of violent behavior, that is not only accepted by society but also in many ways glorified? Do we glorify boxing (most of the time bloody shows) because it is entertaining, or maybe because it is a multi-milion dollar business? The scenery of boxing is broken bones, black and blue faces, blood...The more severe the fight the more exited and happy the audience seems to be. Violence simply stimulates people. Big glory comes when one passes out! is the hero! What is the message here? It is, we will like you more since you are physically stronger, and we will respect you because we are afraid of you. That is again, a wrong message. Violence is glorified the most throught media, violent movies, TV shows and newspaper sensationalism. THERE SEEMES TO BE A NEED FOR VIOLNCE IN SOCIETY! Violent movies are born one after another: &...
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